Whether you or your child have just been diagnosed, or if you’re worried they could have ADHD, you’re likely nervous, confused, and even a little scared. That’s 100% normal—and these feelings aren’t forever. Discover the realities and challenges of ADHD—and also the best treatments, helpful lifestyle changes, and all the crucial information you need to help manage ADHD and thrive.
We went to some of the top experts in ADHD to bring you the most up-to-date information possible.

Lindsay Elton, M.D.小儿神经


Patricia Gerbarg, M.D.Assistant Clinical Professor, Psychiatry
If you’re intimately familiar with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, you likely know the struggle of living with this common mental condition. While someone with ADHD wants to be a get-it-done kind of person (who doesn’t?), oftentimes, neither their brain nor body can muster the energy to put anything in motion. Maybe you interrupt others, and even though it can be off-putting to people, maybe you can’t stop. You may lose focus, or perhaps more accurately, shift focus from one thing to another, getting off track.
ADHD is one of the most prevalent childhood disorders and can continue through adolescence and into adulthood. More than 6 million children have been diagnosed with ADHD, according to a 2016 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and roughly 11 million people, or 5 percent of the adult population, have ADHD.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, symptoms of ADHD may include:
注意力不集中:Having several tabs open (literally and figuratively), wandering off task, losing persistence, and feeling unable to stay focused, which can snowball into being generally disorganized.
Hyperactivity:Being in constant motion (moving around, tapping a hand or foot, squirming, fidgeting), including when it’s not appropriate and to the point of wearing down everyone else. This is one symptom often seen in children.
Impulsivity:Acting without thinking, even if those actions have a high potential for harm. With kids, this may be something like spending an entire car ride trying to take off a seatbelt, or walloping another child over a coveted toy. In adults it could be saying something insensitive to peers without thinking (this happens repeatedly, in spite of your sincere regrets), or blowing money you don’t have on a shopping spree (while at the same time accruing late fees for the bills you forgot to pay).
Other examples of impulsivity:
- 遇到问题延迟满足
- excessively interrupting others
- 不考虑长期的后果重大决策(毒品,性伴侣)。
Of course,所有people can be inattentive or fidgety sometimes, but it’s noticeably different with ADHD in that these behaviors are more severe and happen more often. They can also make life harder socially at school or at work. People with ADHD may have one of the above signs or symptoms, or a combination; most kids have the type of ADHD that’s a combo of symptoms. In preschoolers, the most common sign is hyperactivity.
ADHD By the Numbers
- 6.1 million children have been diagnosed with ADHD
- 5 10儿童多动症有行为问题
- 3在10个儿童多动症也有焦虑
- Boys are more likely to be diagnosed (12.9%) than girls (5.6%)
No one really knows. Studies suggest reduced activity in the parts of the brain responsible for motor activity and attention capacity (the运动前皮层和the前额叶皮层). The theory is ADHD may stem from poor connectivity among some of the brain’s communication routes, causing it to trip up just getting through the day, which makes sense. It’s not like anyone wants to wake up feeling like their brain’s in a fog, while simultaneously panicking about not doing all the things they meant to accomplish yesterday.
Here's what we know for certain: There are certain risk factors for ADHD, it affects boys more than girls, though girls with ADHD are more likely to have problems with inattention. We also know that where there’s ADHD, there’s often another condition, like a learning disability, anxiety disorder, conduct disorder, depression, and substance abuse.
Wondering what risk factors can contribute to ADHD? According to the National Institute of Mental Health, they include:
- 遗传学(具有与所述状况的家庭成员)
- Cigarette smoking, alcohol use, or drug use during pregnancy
- 暴露于怀孕期间环境毒素
- Exposure to environmental toxins, such as high levels of lead, at a young age
- Low birth weight
- 脑损伤
Do I—or My Child—Have the Symptoms of ADHD?
We’ve identified the most common signs and symptoms and you may want to consider whether any of these sound familiar when you think of yourself or your child:
- 似乎没有直接的时候谈过(儿童)听或有麻烦聆听
- Overlooking or missing details and making careless mistakes
- Avoiding things that take sustained mental effort, like doing homework or writing a paper or report
- Having difficulty with organization, managing time, and meeting deadlines
- Losing stuff: school supplies, your wallet, your keys, your phone, etc.
- 烦躁并且是不能静坐在教室或办公室
- Talking excessively
- Excessive movement (in children) or extreme restlessness (in adults)
- 中断或侵入别人的谈话,游戏或活动
- Having trouble waiting or taking a turn
- 有困难静静地从事业余爱好
Keep in mind, anyone can exhibit these behaviors有时. The key difference is that with ADHD, the signs and symptoms are often more severe, occur more often, and affect the ability to function socially or at work and school.
If your child exhibits several symptoms for at least 6 months and in more than one area of their life (for instance, both at home and at school), you might consider getting them evaluated. For an adult to meet diagnostic criteria, they must have contended with several symptoms since before age 12 and been significantly impaired by them (for instance, struggling in their marriage or losing a job).
How Is ADHD Diagnosed?
初级保健医生或儿科医生可能识别signs of ADHD in you or your child, and may offer a preliminary diagnosis, but if they don’t have extensive ADHD-specific experience, they should be sending you to a licensed clinician who does—like a psychiatrist or psychologist.
ADHD is also commonly confused with other conditions, like anxiety, which can have symptoms similar to ADHD, like inattention and poor concentration, or autism spectrum disorder, which may share symptoms like trouble interacting with peers and appearing to not pay attention. If only there were a simple lab test or scan that could detect ADHD, more sufferers would properly be diagnosed, but there isn’t. Instead, here’s the process you can expect:
Diagnosis in Children
Proper diagnosis is the secret to making sure your kiddo gets the quality treatment they need. An evaluation may also help you determine if it’s something else, like autism, and start on the road to treating your child’s challenges.
- A detailed interview with you regarding your child’s symptoms
- 于孩子的老师填写的调查问卷or childcare providers
- A review of school and medical records
- 与交谈,观察你的孩子
- Possibly screening for learning disabilities
Most children with ADHD receive a diagnosis while they’re still in elementary school. (ADHD symptoms can appear as early as between 3 and 6 years old.) For an adolescent or adult to receive a diagnosis of ADHD, the symptoms need to have been present before age 12.
如果你的孩子是通过你的学校系统评估tem, the focus will be whether he or she meets grade level standards. Ask for an evaluation through your school district, but it’s a good idea to get an independent evaluation, too. Why? It’s valuable to have in your back pocket if you need to advocate for your child to have special learning accommodations, and will give you a more comprehensive picture of what’s going on.
- A diagnostic interview about your symptoms--both current and in childhood
- A screening for coexisting conditions, such as depression or learning disabilities
- 在病人的生命等重要的人(如他们的合作伙伴)谁将会如实地讲对病人的症状的采访
- Possibly additional testing
For children six and under, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendsbehavior therapy,教导技巧和策略,以帮助孩子在学业上取得成功,在家里,和关系。行为治疗应包括behavioral interventions在课堂上,如果有的话。
如果你的孩子是12岁以下,你的卫生保健提供者应该讨论parent behavior therapy(也被称为行为管理或只是家长培训家长培训)与你,因为你很可能会在一个花最多时间与你的孩子,并有可能产生最大的影响。事实上,大多数的孩子都不够成熟,不能改变他们的行为没有你的帮助。寻找谁列车的父母,并教积极的方式与结构,通信和交互帮助治疗师。你可以期望参加的训练几次会议。
你的孩子也将有一个学校的治疗计划,其中可能包括一个个性化教育计划,或504计划—that describes accommodations, including interventions and supports.
- 在接受测试的额外时间
- Getting breaks or time to move around
- 使用技术协助的任务,不离不弃组织额外的帮助,并积极强化和反馈
What about meds? Pharmacologic treatments, reserved for ages six and over, can be very effective, though when it comes to children, they should be used in combination with psychotherapy and psychosocial interventions.
Treating Adults With ADHD
行为疗法可以转化为成人的成功,太:近年来cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) programshave been developed specifically for adults with ADHD. They can help you overcome difficulties with executive functioning, to better manage time, organize, and plan in the short-term and long-term.
处方多动症兴奋剂看似倒退,但他们的工作。事实上,他们是最流行的药物来治疗的条件。它是如何工作的?兴奋剂促进大脑化学物质dopamine和norepinephrine, which help you focus. They’re a popular choice to help manage moderate to severe cases of ADHD, improving symptoms in about 70 percent of adults with ADHD and 70 to 80 percent of children shortly after starting treatment, according to the Cleveland Clinic.
兴奋剂are not considered to be habit-forming in kids and adolescents, and there is no evidence that using them leads to drug abuse. Still, with any stimulant, there’s the possibility of overuse and addiction, so be sure to voice any concerns or pose any questions to your doctor.
兴奋剂fall into three buckets: short-acting (taken a few times a day), intermediate-acting (taken less often), and long-acting (taken one a day). Examples of stimulants include:
- Concerta, Ritalin, Daytrana, Jornay, Quillivant, Quillichew (methylphenidate)
- Adderall的(安非他明/右苯丙胺)
- Evekeo (amphetamine sulfate)
- Vyvanse (lisdexamfetamine)
With stimulants having a strong track record for efficacy, why would someone consider a non-stimulant? A doctor will prescribe a non-stimulant if stimulants aren’t helping, if you’re suffering from unpleasant side effects, or if you could benefit from one in combination with a stimulant to increase effectiveness.
Non-stimulants don’t work as quickly as stimulants do, but they also help mitigate symptoms of ADHD by improving focus, attention, and impulsivity. Strattera (atomoxetine), for example, long known as the first non-stimulant medication for ADHD, works in about half of patients.
Non-stimulants available for ADHD treatment include:
- Strattera (atomoxetine)
- Intuniv(胍法辛)
- Catapres (clonidine)
- 头痛
- 血压更高
- Upset stomach
- 食欲下降
- Moodiness and irritability
- “Rebound” (a flare-up of ADHD symptoms when the medication wears off)
Since stimulants can also raise blood pressure and heart rate and increase anxiety, if you have other health problems or an anxiety disorder, talk to your doctor before starting meds. In the doses used to treat kids and teens, stimulants typically aren’t habit forming.
- 恶心
- Stomachaches
- 食欲下降
- Weight loss
- 疲劳
- 睡意
- Mood swings
ADHD can feel frustrating, but it should never cause shame. Kids with ADHD often bear unfair assumptions that they’re acting out, not paying attention, or behaving badly—as if their condition were a choice! It’s that kind of judgment can be a confidence crusher and it’s especially disheartening when symptoms, like those related to hyperactivity, abate with time and maturation.
只需要什么孩子患有多动症:家庭,医生,和老师之间的伙伴关系,谁可以一起提供结构和积极支持。由于具有多动症能感觉到疏远,即使是最年轻的患者,也可以帮助你的孩子making friends; team sports and activities have a built-in social network. You don’t need to worry about your kid having an expansive circle; studies show having just one close friend can be all your child needs.
For adults with ADHD who were never diagnosed, or were diagnosed late in life, there might be a history of poor grades, trouble at work, and rocky relationships with friends and romantic partners. Maybe you’ve switched majors or schools a lot, or gotten through high school or college just barely. You’ve probably fielded frustrations from romantic partners about your attentiveness. Even if your partner’s forgiving of your quirks though, a bigger hurdle for those with ADHD might be boredom when that dopamine rush of a new relationship fades with time, which can result in relationship hopping or cheating. Therapy or couples counseling can help, and for more insights check out the YouTube series “How to ADHD,” which has a segment onrelationships.
It’s not easy having ADHD, but there is hope as ADHD responds to being managed. With the right interventions, ADHD won’t keep anyone from a healthy and satisfying work and personal life. With the right care and support you能够learn the skills to not just focus, but full-on flourish.
Top ADHD-related Instagrammers
遵循这是因为:She’s unapologetically ADHD, and shows that you can be creative, fun, strategic, charismatic, and overall awesome with this condition. Plus, she makes really cool TikToks that break down ADHD in a way that you’ll totally get.
遵循这是因为:她与AHD孩子的妈妈的建议是纯粹的,坦诚的,因此非常听上去很像。她的平台提供了一个“安全的地方发泄和分享信息” - 我们认为你会喜欢它。
Pina Varnel,@adhd_alien
遵循这是因为:Her candid comics are a great little “share” to help the people who love and follow you understand what life is like for you.
Top ADHD-related Podcasts
TiLT Parenting: Raising Differently Wired Kids.主持的活动家,演讲者和作者黛比犹太人的尊称er (and sometimes her differently wired 15-year-old son, Asher), this podcast is for any parent of a differently wired kiddo. Reber believes that being differently wired isn’t a deficit, and she helps you see that, too.
我有多动症播客。Kristen Carder has ADHD and she still finds ways to be a successful mom, boss, and spouse—and since she’s a certified ADHD coach, she can help you do the same. Her stories and personal experiences fuel her podcasts, which leave you with actionable takeaways that you feel like you can do immediately.
5 Minutes ADHD Podcast.索利·拉扎勒斯知道她的观众,并创建矮子播客甚至我们当中最不安分的可以消化。这一切都需要拉撒路给在家里和在学校帮助多动症重点你小子智能提示的时间。
Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA).他们的使命是什么?为了服务,连接和生活多动症赋权的成年人过上更好的生活。通过科学的支持(阅读:事实),和人类经验(阅读:支持团体),这支球队让你感觉你在他们的桌子的地方说,感觉和了解你需要什么。
ADDitude Forums.通过ADDitude杂志为您带来的这些多动症特定的论坛就像reddit的无尽洞,但过度集中所面临的ADHD社区的问题,无论是大人还是孩子。无论您正在寻找的答案,具体问题或只是同情,你可以在这里找到。
ADHD Statistics:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2016). “Data and Statistics About ADHD.”cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/data.html
Definition of ADHD:美国精神病学协会。(2017年)。“什么是多动症?”psychiatry.org/patients-families/adhd/what-is-adhd
Diagnosing in Children:CHADD。(不详)。学前儿童多动症。chadd.org/for-parents/preschoolers-and-adhd/
Guidelines for Diagnosing in Children:HealthyChildren.org. (2017). “Diagnosing ADHD in Children: Guidelines & Information for Parents.”healthychildren.org/English/health-issues/conditions/adhd/Pages/Diagnosing-ADHD-in-Children-Guidelines-Information-for-Parents.aspx
Diagnosing in Children:HealthyChildren.org. (2017). “Diagnosing ADHD in Children: Guidelines & Information for Parents.”healthychildren.org/English/health-issues/conditions/adhd/Pages/Diagnosing-ADHD-in-Children-Guidelines-Information-for-Parents.aspx
Non-stimulants and Antidepressants:克利夫兰诊所。(2016)。“注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD):非兴奋剂疗法(Strattera的)及其他药品多动症。”my.clevelandclinic.org/health/drugs/12959-attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-adhd-nonstimulant-therapy-strattera--other-adhd-drugs
Life with ADHD:CHADD。(2017年)。“What It’s Like to Have ADHD.”chadd.org/adhd-weekly/what-its-like-to-have-adhd-presentations-change-throughout-life/