上周Part I这一系列的焦虑触发的,我断言,你必须积极寻找可能被触发你的焦虑的东西(一个或多个)。我再次提醒你,有些触发器是非常微妙的。此外,触发器常被连接到另一个,你可能要多看几家触发器,以了解它们如何协同工作,以刺激你的焦虑。当你把所有的“蛛丝马迹”,但是,那么你的焦虑的开始和发展将使更多的意义。一旦你明白你推焦虑水平了,那么你可以采取具体措施来降低它。
艾丽西亚*是一个客户,我看见很早就在my training as a therapist. When she was assigned to me she had been suffering from panic attacks for only about a month. We discussed all the triggers at length, but she could not seem to pinpoint the cause of her panic. We worked on this for a few weeks but seemingly to no avail. Then one day she came into the office and declared that she was sure that her trouble with panic attacks was over. "Really?" I asked with a tone of skepticism in my voice. "Yes" she said confidently and went on to tell me about her 10 year old son who had been diagnosed with a learning disability about 9 months prior. Evidently Alicia was having ongoing difficulties with the school in terms of securing the assistance that her son needed. "I am so angry!" she exclaimed, "but anger is an emotion that I was allowed to feel as a child. I've been doing everything I can to just be nice to the people at my son's school, and I have not acknowledged even to myself how angry and frustrated I am!"
Alicia went on to explain that during the past week she not only realized that she was angry but allowed herself to feel it. "I haven't had a panic attack since," she stated, "and I really don't expect to have any more." Wow! Alicia's story illustrates how powerful a trigger feelings can be.
未确认的感情不触发大家的恐慌,但对我们所有人来说有一些感情更容易表现比其他人。什么情绪都容易让你有什么感觉?它是O.K.感到幸福吗?伤心?害怕吗?愤怒?这难道不是O.K.感受到这些情绪的一个?哪一个? Where did you get the message that it is not permissible to feel _________. What would happen if you did express _________? These may be tough questions to answer by yourself. If you found that you answered that it is not permissible to feel one or more emotions, it might be a good idea for you to speak to a therapist about that.
Our memories are laden with affect, some positive, some negative. When memories laden with negative affect are brought to the surface of our consciousness, we can do the same things as with the unacceptable emotions, avoid the experience of the memory. Therefore, again, panic can result.
Are there experiences that you've had that you or perhaps your entire family "just don't talk about?" Some of these experiences maybe unresolved or unprocessed and are acting like the pot of boiling water with the lid on.
The good news is that if you work through these memories, feelings, and experiences it is like taking the lid off the pot and the strong affect will eventually dissolve and not have the same powerful effect in your life. If you'd like to look for a therapist to help you work through some feelings or memories, you can look for a therapist on the今日心理学网站或美国焦虑症协会(ADAA)的网站。