很多东西,你认为你知道高血压或高血压,可能是基于过时的信息。你可能会认为,例如,被诊断为高血压前期isn’t a big deal, especially if you’re in your 20s or 30s. You may feel fine. But we’re now learning that even slightly elevated blood pressure over a prolonged time can have serious consequences.
Felicia Stoler, DCN (doctorate in clinical nutrition) says science is evolving so quickly that it’s sometimes difficult to keep up with what we should and shouldn’t be doing to manage our health. Research on blood pressure is no exception. Here are 10 common myths Stoler wants to debunk.
事实: “Over the years, health experts have dropped the acceptable limits with respect to cholesterol and blood sugar, and the same is now happening withblood pressure。专家们正在重新思考什么是健康的。谁拥有在120/80范围血压太多的人罹患心脏疾病。更重要的是,我们发现,年轻人是在为以后患心脏疾病比我们之前所认为的更大的风险。
“The CARDIA study, conducted by researchers at multiple locations including Johns Hopkins University, Northwestern University, University of Minnesota and the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, followed nearly 2,500 healthy men and women from early adulthood (ages 18 to 30), for 25 years.The results revealed that those whose blood pressure was in the prehypertension range -- between 120/80 and 139/89 -- while they were still under 30 were more likely to have signs of heart disease when they reached middle age. Specifically, they were at higher risk of developing problems with their heart’s left ventricle.
“Results of the SPRINT study were presented at the American Heart Association annual meeting。这项研究始于2009年秋天,由NHLBI赞助,由糖尿病和消化的美国国立卫生研究院的国家研究所和肾脏疾病,神经疾病研究所和中风,以及国家老化研究所共同主办。在这项研究中,约9300参与者经常可以看到四到八年被血压管理专家。研究人员确定,维持120对心血管疾病的显著降低利率的通常推荐收缩压低于目标血压,降低死亡确诊为高血压的成年人50岁及以上人群的风险。作为这项研究的结果是,美国心脏协会现在建议的120/80血压是高血压的新下限“。
Myth #2: You’ll notice symptoms if you have elevated blood pressure
事实:“That’s the challenge with high blood pressure as well as high cholesterol: there may not be any noticeable warning signs, or they may seem so insignificant that you just ignore them. That’s whyhigh blood pressureis often called 'the silent killer.' For example, some people with high blood pressure may get headaches but attribute them to stress. Left unmanaged, high blood pressure can affect your overall health. That’s why even eye doctors and dentists will check your blood pressure during your appointments.”
事实:“膳食指南不特定疾病。他们一般建议。是的你应该eat a variety of fruits and vegetables。他们的消炎作用是优秀的for heart health. Grapes, in particular, have long been recognized for their heart-health benefits. But you’d have to eat两磅葡萄的一天获得足够的生物活性物质的有所作为。考虑一个溢价,临床研究葡萄籽提取物,如MegaNatural-BP,每天一次,以帮助维持健康血压。它有助于放松血管。”
事实:运动是一个重要的方法来帮助减少你的休息,和锻炼,心脏速率和血压。你并不需要跑马拉松它是有效的。你甚至都不需要压力约在同一时间雕刻出30到60分钟,锻炼身体。你总身体活动可以全天加起来。这就是为什么那些身体活动追踪器非常有用。试用Seven Minute Scientific Workout appfor a quick workout. Or take a five-minute walk every hour when you’re at work. In an eight-hour day, you will accumulate 40 minutes of activity. Another thing you can do is exercise with your kids. Instead of sitting on the park bench talking with other parents, get on the swing set and pump your legs.”
事实:“Blood pressure should be monitored your entire life. Know your numbers and if those results are age-appropriate. Even children can have elevated blood pressure, which may be due to genetics,肥胖or life habits. This needs to be followed from an early age.
“Women who take birth control, regardless of the reason, are atincreased risk for stroke。这就是为什么要确保你知道你的血压是非常重要的。但它是真实的,特别是对于女性来说,新的风险出现在40岁和50岁。由于其雌激素水平逐渐减弱,他们可能会看到他们的血压上升“。
Myth #6: Only men may experience a link between high blood pressure and libido
Myth #7: Blood pressure readings taken at the doctor’s office are usually accurate
事实:“Most of time, your blood pressure is taken as soon as you walk into the room. What they don’t take into account are all the stressors. You may have hurried to get to the appointment; your doctor isn’t running on time; you just stepped on the scale; you just sat down. The best time to have your blood pressure taken is at the end of the doctor’s appointment, after you’ve been sitting and talking -- not after you have been moving, standing, sitting and perhaps feeling hurried. You should be rested for five to 10 minutes to get an accurate reading."
事实:“是的,行程当你血压升高一个严重的问题。但大多数人不知道的是,血压高是肾功能衰竭的第二大原因。健康的肾脏产生的一种激素,帮助身体调节血压。你的肾脏含有微小血管,很容易被控制的高血压损坏。由于血压高damages kidneys这启动一个负螺旋。随着时间的推移,肾脏可能会失败。因为这需要几年时间才能发生,它可能会适当血压监测和管理都是可以预防“。
事实:“Maintaining a normal body weight is very important. If you’re overweight, dropping even as little as 10 percent of what you need to lose will result in an improvement in your blood pressure. Where you carry that extra weight also matters. It’s well known that excess abdominal fat increases heart disease risk.”
神话# 10:没有关系sleep and high blood pressure
Stoler encourages everyone, especially young adults, to start building heart-healthy habits now. “Make -- and keep -- your doctor’s appointments,” she advises. “Take a close look at your lifestyle and determine what changes need to be made. You don’t have to do a complete overhaul all at once. See what’s easiest to tackle. It may be switching from diet soda and coffee to water. Or taking a walk during your work breaks instead of chatting with co-workers while seated.”
积极主动地了解你的血压,而不是反应。“如果你在20来岁到你40岁,你应该已经尽你所能,以保持你的身体健康。随着一个均衡的饮食和充足的锻炼,智能补充可以帮助我们避免疾病我们大多数人很容易,” Stoler说。