How Ankylosing Spondylitis Affects Your Eyes

The inflammation associated with ankylosing spondylitis can cause problems with your eyes. Here’s what you need to know to protect your vision.

byElizabeth Millard 卫生作家

Althoughankylosing spondylitis(AS)主要影响脊柱,这种慢性炎性关节炎的这种形式可能引起several other areas of the body同样,包括脚,消化系统和心脏。还在该列表中吗?眼睛。

Eye Problems with Ankylosing Spondylitis

据报道美国脊椎炎协会(SAA). The chances that you'll experience eye-relatedsymptomsincrease if your ankylosing spondylitis is going untreated. While some of those problems may be minor, others could put your vision at risk and may even lead to blindness.



被认为是较常见的人之一AS的并发症, uveitis is a general term describing inflammation in the eye, says加布里埃尔·弗里德曼(Gabrielle Fridman),医学博士, a uveitis specialist and assistant professor of ophthalmology at NYU Grossman School of Medicine in New York City. Since ankylosing spondylitis increases inflammation throughout the body, those who have it are prone to the condition, she says.


条件的最常见形式是anterior uveitis,也称为iRISIS,这是炎症影响眼前的时候。弗里德曼博士报道说,这是人们倾向于拥有的类型。根据国家眼科研究所, other types of uveitis are:

  • 中间葡萄膜炎:This impacts the part of the eye that helps the lens focus, as well as the fluid that fills the eye.

  • Panuveitis:This type affects the middle layer of the eye.

  • 葡萄膜炎:Also called脉络膜炎,这是我影响视网膜和巩膜或眼睛的白色部分的Nflammation。



对于葡萄膜炎,症状一次倾向于一只眼睛发生,可能以发红,轻微的疼痛或刺激开始。哈里·菲舍尔(Harry Fischer),医学博士,纽约市莱诺克斯山医院的风湿病学家。他说:“如果这种症状持续存在,尤其是如果这种症状恶化,那么值得检查。”有些迹象表明,一个看似较小的问题变得越来越严重。如果您开始遇到诸如:

  • Blurred vision

  • 眼中燃烧的感觉

  • 头痛

  • 一只眼睛或双眼疼痛或疼痛

  • 发红

  • Sensitivity to light

Diagnosing Uveitis With Ankylosing Spondylitis


About half of anterior uveitis cases are associated with HLA-B27, Dr. Fridman says. Its presence makes it more likely that someone with AS will have at least one并发症such as uveitis. Although people who are positive for HLA-B27 won't have a different course of treatment, identifying the marker can help with诊断


Addressing AS-related uveitis involvestreating your ankylosing spondylitison the whole, since that will lower inflammation in general. However, Dr. Fridman adds that there are treatments specific to uveitis that can reduce inflammation in and around the eye. These are forms of corticosteroids. Which one is used will be based on the amount of inflammation present and where it's located in or around the eye. Options include:

  • 局部类固醇。Given as eye drops, these target the eye and are appropriate for very mild symptoms or inflammation in the area.

  • Oral steroids.Taken as a pill, these steroids work systemically. They’re given for milder cases of uveitis or when multiple areas of the body are affected by AS.

  • Periocular steroids:If inflammation is near the back of the eye, these injections may be used. They're also considered an option for more severe uveitis.

  • Intraocular steroids:这些注射用于治疗各种眼睛疾病,包括与年龄相关的黄斑变性,如果眼周皮质类固醇无效,通常会使用。


Preventing Uveitis With Ankylosing Spondylitis

Working closely with your doctor to control your ankylosing spondylitis, including sticking to your medication regimen, is key to preventing uveitis. To reduce the likelihood of getting uveitis you'll want to work towards reducing your overall inflammation and taking good care of your eyes, says Dr. Fischer. That includes strategies such as:


One crucial aspect of AS treatment is exercise, the SAA notes. In fact, theorganization statesthat in no other type of arthritis is the role of exercise more important. It's also a boon for eye heath, according to theAmerican Academy of Ophthalmology。研究表明,它可以帮助防止眼睛损伤,尤其是随着年龄的增长。


哈佛医学院报告有些食物可以通过降低整个人体的炎症来帮助保护您的视力 - 适用于AS的任何人。其中可能包括富含欧米茄3脂肪酸的食物,例如鲑鱼和核桃,如西兰花和布鲁塞尔芽菜,以及一系列水果,包括杏子,芒果,葡萄柚和猕猴桃。

Smoking Cessation

The关节炎基金会报告that people with ankylosing spondylitis who smoke have worse symptoms than those who never smoked or who have quit. Also, smoking causes changes in the eyes that may lead to cataracts and even vision loss,根据疾病控制中心

Take Good Care of Your Eyes


Eye Issues with Ankylosing Spondylitis:美国脊柱炎协会。(2022.)“虹膜炎或前葡萄膜炎”。

Exercise and AS:美国脊柱炎协会。(2022.) "Exercise."



吸烟和AS:Arthritis Foundation. (2022.) "Smoking Worsens Ankylosing Spondylitis Damage."

Smoking and Eyes:疾病控制中心。(2022.)“视力丧失,失明和吸烟。”

进行性关节炎:National Library of Medicine. (2022.) "Ankylosing spondylitis."

Elizabeth Millard

伊丽莎白·米拉德(Elizabeth Millard)是一位自由记者,专门从事健康,健康,健身和营养。她的文章出现在自我,男性健康,CNN,MyFitnesspal和WebMD中,她一直从事耐心教育