Whenever I start working with a new doctor or therapist, I ask them if they believe that panic disorder can be cured. Without fail, most of them will either say yes emphatically, or they’ll say yes, but with caveats. At this point in the conversation I tell them that I believe panic and anxiety can be managed to some degree but hoping for a cure is setting myself up for disappointment and failure. Then I ask if any of their patients have been completely cured of their panic and anxiety loops. Sure, lots of them. Great. I’d love to meet one, I’ll take them out for a steak dinner at Peter Luger’s, please give them my contact info. In 15 years, I haven’t paid for a single steak dinner or met any of these mysterious people who were cured.
If somebody tells you they know or have the cure for anxiety, you’ve just met a liar or a scammer. There is no cure. Yoga ain’t gonna cure you, neither is talking about the time you froze when you had to give a presentation in class. There’s no pill that makes it go away and stay away. Some well-intentioned person will recommend exercise, like that’s going to make things all better. Spoiler alert: It’s not.
My pessimism doesn’t end there. I also don’t believe that any single thing helps all that much. You have to do multiple things to get a result. Managing an anxiety disorder is like having a part-time job. And it’s exhausting. But that doesn’t mean you should give up. Giving up is the only way to ensure nothing changes.
Since my other job (when I’m not writing about mental health) is being a cookbook author/recipe writer, the best way for me to convey exactly how much it takes to get to the point where you experience some type of relief might be in the form of a recipe. Think of treating anxiety like making a stew. On their own, some ingredients like celery and turnips are kind of wack and don’t really do anything for you, but when combined with other ingredients, some time, seasoning, and a little technique, they become important parts of the whole.
PMA.(positive mental attitude).Think of this like the onions and carrots and garlic you sauté first to get the base of flavor going. If you want to work on (and believe me, it’s work) overcoming an anxiety disorder, you’re going to need somePMA.和一个计划。的第一件事I want you to do is write down three things you wanted to do but avoided doing because of panic/anxiety/depression. This doesn’t have to be a big deal like curing cancer, but I want you to set your goals, and when you achieve them, I want you to feel a sense of accomplishment. That’s how you’ll know it’s working. When your anxious mind tells you that everything is terrible (and it will), you have tangible evidence to prove that your negative thoughts are bullshit.
Here, I’ll do one: I have a ceramic knife set, not because I love ceramic knives, but because I feel like they’re less dangerous to me in case I “go crazy.” I thought I was going to blow my therapist’s mind with that insanity. Turns out, it’s really common amongst people with anxiety disorders, but also regular people like that church lady who lives next door to you. That kind of fear affects us all, but anxious people give those thoughts too much power, and your therapist can help with strategies to break the fear loops and limiting behavior. Just don’t expect your therapist to solve all your problems. They’re a person just like you, but they (hopefully) happen to know a little more about your condition.
做。This part is the vegetables of the stew. It’s in my opinion the most important part. A stew without vegetables is no kind of stew. This is the hardest part because it requires effort and determination. I don’t care what you do, as long as you do something. Don’t tell me you can’t. You have to force yourself, even if you don’t want to, to do something to be a part of the world. That creates positive momentum and propels you straight ahead. You don’t have to like it; you just have to do it.
从您的列表中从这件事开始。你可能是一个焦虑的烂摊子。所以呢?你认为你是世界上唯一焦虑的人吗?你认为人们真的注意到并关心吗?最糟糕的是可能发生的?现在想一想并告诉我什么是最糟糕的事情。我想志愿在汤厨房里,它在我的名单上。在思考它之前,我的夜晚是恐慌。在公共汽车上的恐慌中骑行。 In a panic as I went inside and introduced myself. And in a panic when I was tasked with something important. Next thing you know, I’m running molten hot trays of BBQ chicken, corn on the cob, and collared greens. I got into a flow state with the work because it was meaningful to me, and in some of those moments, I was panic- and anxiety-free.
Transforming.这些生活方式措施是口味炖的草药和香料。我发现引导的冥想 - 特别是引导冥想 - 对放松非常有帮助,但更重要的是,他们帮助我接受了他们的东西。你所知道的每个人都可能引发运动的好处。有氧运动和瑜伽对我做了诀窍。他们在此刻,它们是压力的,但益处比仅仅是旋转类或缩放瑜伽流程。如果你有一个瑜伽练习,并且与心脏难以努力,那么积极的生活方式可能会发生变化。如果您在该区,您将不太可能与酒精,毒品,咖啡因和垃圾食品过度使用;您甚至可能会注意到物理转换。
现在,这是我转变为Debbie Downer的地方。如果你不继续这样做,什么都没有工作或者会帮助你。我正在写这个专栏,就像我知道我在说什么(我有点愿意),但是自从中途通过锁定以来,我已经从后面的照片回到了之前。另一个晚上,我的妻子和我为我们通常的Netflix和晚餐常规定居。我是家庭的专用厨师,从腹部手术中恢复过来,随后是第二次手术,弥补了拙劣的第一手手术。我的妻子有许多可爱的品质,虽然在桌子上享用晚餐,但是当我在那天晚上抢夺她的时候,我意识到我的心情偶尔没问题。在covid期间恢复恢复我的日常颠倒,以及我的物理副作用,也有精神上的。那是因为保持精神上的健康并不像抗抑郁药那样容易,因为抗抑郁药和大约一天。
If you ever pay attention to anything I have to say about mental health and anxiety relief, please let it be this: There’s no one thing that’s going to cure you, so you have to do all the things all the time, whether you like it or not. Put in the work, it’s worth it. Now Go!