Can anxiety cause you to get a stomach ulcer?
如果你做一个搜索关于这个主题的文献,似乎专家们在对这个问题的答案分歧。例如,全国妇女的健康和信息中心指出,溃疡是由一种叫做细菌引起幽门螺旋杆菌and that stress does not cause ulcers but can make them worse. Yet other reports cite studies which implicate chronic anxiety in the direct cause of peptic ulcers. A 2003 issue ofPsychiatric Newsexplains that while most peptic ulcer patients have H. pylori, only a small percentage of people with this bacterium actually get an ulcer. This fact led researchers to look for the cause. In a study published in the 2003 November/December issue of心身医学, researchers did find a significant link between chronic anxiety and the development of peptic ulcers. They also found that the amount of worrying people do was correlated with their risk for peptic ulcers.
Although the experts may disagree on whether or not anxiety can induce the development of an ulcer, most would agree that anxiety may aggravate this condition.
再次,这是回答一个棘手的问题,因为有这么多的矛盾的答案中所引用的文献。答案,看来,在很大程度上取决于专家如何解释关于这个主题的研究成果。如果你看一下全国妇女健康信息中心网站,你会看到,他们列出心脏疾病,高血压,和不正常的心脏跳动的链接到长期的压力。有一些研究,这似乎验证了该建议的链接。一个荷兰的研究报道普通精神病学杂志档案found that generalized anxiety disorder was associated with a 74 percent increased risk of cardiovascular events. Specifically they found that anxiety disorders appear to increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, heart failure, and death in people who have heart disease.
我知道,对我个人来说,当你阅读results of such studies your mind blots out everything else and keys in on the word, "death" as related to anxiety. It can become a case where reading the research about anxiety can actually cause anxiety. This happened to one of our members who wrote in with a question about his concerns over reading such studies associating heart disease and death with anxiety. One of our Anxiety Connection experts, Richard G. Wirtz, Psy.D., wrote a response to this member which is a good reminder to us all when looking at any type of research:
"You have to look at the language carefully in order to be sure that "marginally" significant statistical differences are not being presented as if there is a terrible risk."