Can you mix and match vaccines? Are side effects the same? What’s your expected efficacy if you don’t boost? We’ve got answers.

One shot, two镜头,三枪,更多?现在,COVID-19的助推器已获得18岁以上的每个美国人的批准,您可能会遇到很多问题,从混合和匹配可用的疫苗到提高的功效率和安全性问题。实时进行了如此多的研究,很难跟上真实的事情,不是,您应该做什么以及何时。
这就是为什么我们寻求来自费城坦普尔大学药学学院的临床教授Jason Gallagher,Pharm.D。的临床教授。我们还与Pfizer-Biontech唯一完全认可的(迄今为止)的疫苗的制造商接触,以从公司的最新数据中获得的Booster Insight。(注意:美国食品药品监督管理局已向现代药物和约翰逊疫苗疫苗的紧急利用授权和助推器射击;虽然两者都广泛使用,但两者都没有得到充分批准。)
On November 19, 2021, the FDA authorized use of a single booster in everyone 18 and older after they’ve completed their “primary vaccination” schedule. Timing of booster shots is as follows, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
Six or more months after you’ve had both initial doses of either available mRNA vaccine, you can get a Pfizer BioNTech or a Moderna booster shot.
It’s a lot to keep track of, we know, especially as researchers and public health officials gain increasing understanding of how the initial two-dose mRNA shots and one-dose J&J vax work against variants like the Delta mutation. With boosters now added to our collective arsenal against COVID-19, we’re armed with even more questions and, yes, concerns.
研究人员看着辉瑞公司(Pfizer-Biontech Vax)在以色列和英格兰等国家的助推器研究中领先于助推器研究的研究人员同意:“我们的Covid-19疫苗助推器试验表明,在Delta时期,相对的疫苗疗效对疾病的相对疫苗功效为95.6%他们是普遍的压力,”他们通过公司发言人说。“第3阶段数据显示,与两剂量初级序列后观察到的水平相比,当前疫苗的助推器剂量诱导了野生型菌株中和抗体滴度明显更高。第1阶段数据显示了针对野生型,β和三角洲变体的增强反应模式。在我们的临床计划中评估的辉瑞苯甲技术疫苗的增强剂量与初级系列中的剂量相同。”用简单的英语:功效从辉瑞(Pfizer-Biontech)助推器提升约30%,其增强剂量与您的前两张镜头相同。
The initial mRNA two-dose shots from Pfizer BioNTech and Moderna took roughly two weeks for a high level of protection to kick in. Booster protection also happens about two weeks after receiving a mRNA shot, says Gallagher. “We have to give our immune system time to crank those antibodies out,” he explains. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci, M.D., has gone on record saying that immunity kicks in days after a booster, but peak protection is within two to four weeks. Researchers from Pfizer-BioNTech state through a company rep that “symptomatic COVID-19 occurrence is measured from at least seven days after booster or placebo.”Translation: Give it, at minimum, a full week (and two full weeks is better), before you bank on any added immunity from either mRNA vaccine.
“Of the three U.S.-available vaccines, single-dose J&J has the lowest efficacy, Moderna the highest, and Pfizer[是]在中间。J&J和mRNA疫苗之间的差异似乎比两种mRNA疫苗本身之间的差异大。” Gallagher指出。
As for mixing and matching vaxxes, he cites data from a recent National Institutes of Health (NIH) phase 1 and 2 study that looked at 458 individuals, fully immunized, who’d had one of the three vaccines available in the U.S. for their primary vaccine regimen who then were given a booster four to six months later. Researchers specifically looked at antibody response at two weeks and four weeks after the booster was given. They found that boosting with an mRNA vaccine drove up antibody levels four- to 20-fold, while mixing and matching the J&J vaccine with either mRNA vax boosted antibody levels six- to 76-fold.The surprising news here: Folks who started with J&J and then boost with either mRNA vax may end up with the highest levels of protection. But it's too soon to say so with certainty.
如果您经历了不愉快的副作用 - 肌肉酸痛,疲劳,头痛,发烧 - 从mRNA剂量中,您能期望更多吗?Gallagher说,根据数据,可能是的。但是,“人们应该知道,现代助推器的剂量比前两剂要低,但我们不知道副作用是否降低了。”至于辉瑞(Pfizer-Biontech)射击,研究人员通过公司代表报告说,助推器的“不利事件概况”“通常与疫苗的其他临床安全数据一致,没有发现安全问题。”
How Fast Does Vaccine Protection Fade?
If you don’t get a booster, how low can you expect your initial vaccine protection to fall by the 12-month mark? Another tough call to project. We’re living all of this in real time, seeing news break as researchers discover more. The term “booster” could leave the lexicon, Gallagher says, and become just part of the overall vaccine regime for COVID—just like they are for other vaccines, including the yearly flu shot, which we receive for annually updated immune protection.
“可能是我们每年需要服用的三种mRNA疫苗,或者我们每六个月或每年服用一次,而在病毒广泛循环的情况下,我们每年服用一次,但之后它变得越来越少,” Gallagher猜测。“从来没有开发过一种疫苗来帮助控制以前发生的大流行,因此我们确实在学习。我认为,人们必须保持自己的想法,而建议建议随着条件的发展而改变。”令人不安的答案:陪审团仍在这个问题上。
Those who don’t get boosters “increase their risk of infection, but the infection is likely to be milder than it would have been before they were vaccinated,” Gallagher says. However, the risk “is different for a healthy 30-year-old than a 70-year-old diabetic patient or a 50-year-old kidney transplant recipient, and therefore the decision factors about whether to boost are different, also,” he points out.
It’s also important to consider the risk you bring to others if you become infected. “Vaccines are both an individual and community intervention—preventing infection in each of us helps decrease it in our communities,” he adds. “That doesn’t mean someone should take a vaccine that they can’t tolerate. But it may affect their likelihood[放置]不愉快地保护[一些]他们爱的人。”底线:获得助推器是一个个人决定,具有潜在的个人和集体后果。(我们从来没有说过任何一个都很容易。)
过去的FDA授权:美国食品和药物管理局。(2021年。)“ FDA授权对某些人群的pfizer-Biontech Covid-19疫苗的加强剂量。”
最近的FDA授权超过18:美国食品和药物管理局。(2021.) “Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA Expands Eligibility for COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters.”
J&J助推器:疾病预防与控制中心。(2021年。)“ Covid-19-19疫苗助力射击。”
NIH混合和匹配研究结果:国立卫生研究院。(2021.)“ DMID 21-0012-异源平台增强研究组合和匹配。”
Mix-and-Match Antibody Response:fdanews。(2021年。)“ NIH说“混合与匹配”方法对Covid-19的助推器有效。”
混合预赛报告:MedRxiv。(2021.)“异源SARS-COV-2助推疫苗接种 - 初步报告。”