






First, a recap of Genetics 101: You have 23 pairs of chromosomes in your body; you inherit half from your mom and half from your dad. These chromosomes house hundreds to thousands of genes that code the instructions for making various proteins in your body.

Everyone has the NOD2 gene in their DNA, and in most people it works just fine, producing a protein called, surprise, NOD2, says Dr. Núñez. This protein lives in the cells that line your intestinal tract, adds Andrew Hurtado-Lorenzo, Ph.D., vice president of translational research programs at the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation in New York City. The intestinal tract just happens to be the largest immune organ in your body, so if NOD2 detects the presence of invasive microbes, it kickstarts the production of molecules that fight the infection. When all works as it should, those germs are vanquished before you even know they're there.


When you inherit a突变在NOD2基因中,这是第一个与Crohn's风险增加相关的基因,您的肠道中的东西可能会出现问题。Hurtado-Lorenzo博士解释说:“这些突变改变了NOD2蛋白的大小和形状,从而损害了细胞内部的生物学功能。”





Because mutational changes to the NOD2 protein can result in compromised immune function, abnormal levels of bacteria can accumulate in the GI tract. As a result, the body's immune system goes into overdrive to get rid of them, ultimately triggering the inflammatory response that damages your gut tissue and leads to those all-too-familiar Crohn's symptoms: pain, cramping, diarrhea, vomiting, ulcers, and more.


“We do not know the bacteria that cause Crohn’s disease or IBD in humans," says Dr. Núñez. "But our recent studies on mice suggest that rare bacteria can accumulate and invade the gut tissue, leading to colitis that resembles human Crohn’s disease when the NOD2 gene is deleted.”



  • 你的出生。Your gut microbiota develops early in life based on the microbiota that hangs out with you in your mother’s uterus, the study says. Whether you’re delivered vaginally or by C-section also makes an impact. That said, your microbiota isn’t set in stone after birth—other factors can change it later.

  • Your diet.您作为婴儿的饮食也有助于您的肠道微生物群的发展 - 研究表明,母乳喂养的婴儿具有更稳定的微生物群和良好的免疫反应。研究说,尽管决定您的肠道菌群的组成的大部分是在您还是婴儿时发生的,但一生的饮食也会产生影响。例如,素食与健康,多样化的肠道菌群相关,善于分解不溶性的碳水化合物,而西方的非素食饮食可能会产生更多有害的化合物。

  • 抗生素使用。While there are obvious benefits to taking antibiotics if you have a bacterial infection, it comes with a downside: They can destroy some of the beneficial parts of your gut microbiota, too. This can lead to the growth of unwanted bacteria, the study says. Similarly, probiotics can positively impact your gut microbiota. That said, research is mixed on whether probiotics are beneficial to people who have intestinal diseases.



If you have Crohn’s disease or if it runs in your family—and about 1 in 5 people with Crohn’s have a blood relative with some form of IBD, according the National Human Genome Research Institute—you're probably wondering if you should get tested for an NOD2 mutation.




What if youalready have a Crohn’s diagnosis? In that case, getting tested just isn’t that useful. That’s because, again, predicting whether someone will develop Crohn’s isn’t as simple as finding out whether they have the mutant NOD2 gene, Dr. Hurtado Lorenzo warns. The mutation still isn’t a guarantee of Crohn’s development. Even if you do test positive, it’s not beneficial, since (at this point, anyway) there is nothing you can do to prevent Crohn’s disease.




The test, calledPredictSure IBD, measures the expression of 17 other genes that may be present in the blood of people with IBD—Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis—at diagnosis. “High levels and low levels of these 17 genes can prognosticate high risk or low risk of developing aggressive IBD disease course, respectively,” Dr. Hurtado-Lorenzo says.



Finally, in Dr. Núñez's lab, he and his team are focusing on gut bacteria and diet in animal models. “For example,[我们的研究正在研究]NOD2突变与引发克罗恩的特定细菌之间的联系。”他说。


拉拉·德桑托(Lara DeSanto)
