

这是第三week in our month-long quest to help you get stronger, healthier, and happier. (If you’re new to this program,首先单击此处要赶上速度)。我们知道您一直在为自己选择的挑战做出一些认真的工作 - 有目的地努力,做burpees或练习感激之情。如果您还没有,请停止所做的事情,并给自己轻拍。你摇滚!

但是本周我们希望你brag on yourself…一点点。是时候告诉世界(或者只是朋友或家人),您一直在做什么。一studyby the Association for Talent Development found that the likelihood of completing a goal jumps to 95% when you have some accountability. Going at a goal without accountability leaves you just 10% likely to complete it.

一个简单的方法是加入#DBGT(Dream Big and to to Community),向我们展示您在Instagram或Facebook上在#DreamBiggetThere上获得的内容,我们将重新出发并为您加油!让我们做到这一点。




这是科学:Larger bowls, plates, and serving utensils can trick us into serving ourselves larger portions of snacks, per a review inAdvances in Nutrition。而且,我们不仅为它服务,而且我们也在品尝它:当他们提供双打份量时,成年人往往会吃35%至80%的小吃卡路里。

考虑到这一点,“本周的任务是专注于份量和饥饿状况,”营养师,也是达拉斯耕种营养的创始人R.D.玛丽·斯图尔特(Mary Stewart)说。“正如上周讨论的那样,这不仅很重要,而且在零食上所讨论的内容以及小吃之前和之后的感觉都很重要。”


Instead of going on autopilot, even with healthy foods, serve it out onto a small plate or bowl. If you’re not in the mood to measure, “a great way to guide your portion size is by starting with no more than a handful of the food you are serving," says Stewart. "Match a piece of fruit to the size of your fist, portion out nuts that fit in the palm of your hand or plate a small handful of cheese cubes to pair with your vegetable sticks.”

The plan:即使我们拨打了零件的大小并调整小吃的组成部分,“继续在菜单和小吃中保持多样性,”总部位于加利福尼亚州奥克兰市的注册营养师R.D. Ashley Reaver说。“无聊是个人寻求其他食物选择的重要原因。”



最重要的提示:如果您感到满意的话,请在份量尺寸前面考虑的另一个因素是停止 - 完成小吃。“整天的目标是感到满足而不是狂热而不是过于饱满。目标是以1到5的饥饿量表保持3次。”斯图尔特说。“部分大小和饥饿状态齐头并进。如果您从一定的部分开始,并且仍然饿了,请随时吃更多。”它已经在饥饿规模的3中已经一半了,然后再保存以供以后使用。



Week 3: Stay Strong!

科学:Many forms of cardio primarily work your lower body. Burpees are different: “Burpees target the legs, core, and upper body in a single movement,” says Cara Carmichael, a NASM-certified personal trainer for Cara Leigh Fit LLC and Orangetheory Fitness in Mendham, NJ. A 2019 study in the体育科学与医学杂志将Sprint与Burpees进行了比较,发现后者造成了更多的上身疲劳。另外,参与者将Burpees评为比冲刺更难。

周一搬家:It’s easy to let yourself off the hook with fitness goals. If you find your motivation waning, remind yourself why you wanted to do this challenge in the first place, says Katie Prendergast, a NASM-certified personal trainer and strength coach with KPxFitness in Denver, CO. Want to conquer a major feat of fitness? Improve your endurance and athleticism? Let your purpose drive you! And if you could use some extra motivation, think about where you were when you started this challenge versus where you are now, Carmichael adds. You’ve come a long way!

The plan:This week includes another mini workout. To keep your body guessing, we’ve bumped up the number of sets and introduced a new exercise. Instead of doing a standard plank, you’ll do a pop jack. This move will help you practice getting from the top of your pushup into a standing position to finish out your burpee, Carmichael says. Plus, it sneaks in some extra hip mobility work—essential for doing burpees safely and effectively.

To do a pop jack:从木板姿势开始,双臂伸直。从这里开始,双脚向前跳,降落在手的外边缘旁边的地板上。短暂地将双手抬到胸前。然后,将手放在地板上,然后将脚跳回木板。重复。

  • 流行杰克:三到四组10次

  • 俯卧撑:三到四组八到10次

  • 跳蹲:三到四组八到10次

为您Friday EMOM(每分钟每分钟)将计时器设置10分钟。在每分钟的顶部进行五个burpees,以便在最后积累50次burpees。


Here’s how to do it: Begin in a straight-arm plank with your hands directly under your shoulders. Step your left foot towards the outside of your left hand. Tap your left elbow against the inside of your left foot, calf, or knee (this will depend on your mobility). Then, rotate your torso to extend your left arm overhead, reaching your fingertips toward the ceiling. (Yoga devotees will know this as a高弓步扭曲。) Follow with your gaze. Reverse the movement to return to plank. Repeat on the opposite side.

Dream Big: Live With More Gratitude


Week 3: Let Go of Envy

科学:So, you’ve been working on being thankful, and now you’ve got a gratitude journal brimming with the things you’re grateful for. You’re well on your way to lower blood pressure, greater optimism, less体内炎症,更深层次的睡眠 - 所有的科学经验丰富的特权,过着充满感激之情的生活。

下一步?降低某些情绪的拨号,这些情绪可能会阻碍这些积极的氛围。具体来说,Chinese researchers发现嫉妒和嫉妒可以抑制感恩的能力,反之亦然。本周,我们将零拒绝那些负面的情绪,以便让您的感激之情蓬勃发展。

周一搬家:在德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的营销与心理学助理教授阿米特·库马尔(Amit Kumar)进行的研究中,对人们对他人表示感谢之前和之后进行了评估。库马尔说:“之后,他们感觉比平时更好。”“最重要的是,感恩的表达几乎没有成本,好处是巨大的。”您的挑战:将他人的成就嫉妒变成对他们所取得的成就的赞赏和感激之情,然后大声地表达了这些感觉。

The plan:本周的每一天,都会寻求一个机会,以鼓掌做一些出色的事情的人。也许是一个同事在您的团队会议上提出了一个惊人的主意。或那个女人在您旁边的健身房自行车上锻炼她的锻炼。无论情况如何,那尖叫的言论都引起了嫉妒,并告诉他们您的印象深刻。“这个想法太好了”和“你是怎么变得如此健康的?太棒了!”是可行的对话开始者。您不仅会度过别人的一天,而且通过使嫉妒转变为钦佩,您会立即感到内心。

最重要的提示:超过90%的人对生活中的某些事情感到感激。This week, in your gratitude journal (you’re still keeping up with that, right?) make a list of every person you came in contact with during the day (your bus driver, grocery store clerk, hairdresser, hubby, kid’s teacher) and write down one thing about them you are grateful for.

— Karla Walsh, Lauren Bedosky, Julia Savacool

Gratitude and Envy:Psych Journal。(2021.) “How Gratitude Inhibits Envy: From the Perspective of Positive Psychology.”https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/pchj.413

90% Americans Grateful:加州大学伯克利分校。(2020年。)“美国人多么感激?”https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/how_grateful_are_americans

Gratitude Health Benefits:University of California, Davis. (2020.) “Gratitude Is Good Medicine.”https://health.ucdavis.edu/medicalcenter/features/2015-2016/11/20151125_gratitude.html

国际Burpee标准:人类动力学杂志。(October 2019.) “International Standards for the 3-Minute Burpee Test: High-Intensity Motor Performance.”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6815084/

Burpee Calorie-Burn:力量与条件研究杂志。(January 2015.) “Comparison of the Acute Metabolic Responses to Traditional Resistance, Body-Weight, and Battling Rope Exercises.”https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24942174/

Progressive Overload:National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). “Progressive Overload Explained: Grow Muscle and Strength Today.”https://blog.nasm.org/progressive-overload-xplached

冲刺和burpees:Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport。(2019年10月。)“ Sprint Running and Burpees:两种高强度间隔训练方案的急性生理和神经肌肉作用的比较。”https://www.jsams.org/article/S1440-2440(19)31097-7/fulltext
