Dream Big: How to Run Your First Trail Race This Month
Here at HealthCentral,我们知道您想过上疾病以外的生活 - 也许甚至达到了其他人(或没有)您的慢性状况甚至不会尝试的目标。诸如进行第一场越野赛之类的目标 - 即使跑步机是您的速度要高得多。艰巨?当然,但是我们就在这里,与您一起做。我们知道这并不容易,这就是为什么我们邀请一些经验丰富的专家走路(或经营)我们将要采取的措施的原因。绑扎,向前读书,准备去做!用旧爱尔兰祝福来解释:“愿小径上升给你。”
Meet Amanda Hodge

At age 20, Amanda Hodge was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease. Because clearly that wasn’t enough, at age 26, she also received a diagnosis of ulcerative colitis. No stranger to a comeback, today Hodge works as a CrossFit trainer in Burlington, NC, and is the proud owner of a bucketful of athletic accomplishments, including placing in the top 20 for the overall team competition in the CrossFit World Games, competing in Spartan races nationwide, finishing six marathons, and—at the time of this writing—training to run a 40-mile trail race. Hodge is living proof that chronic disease does not have to stand between you and your big goals in life. For the next month, you will learn about the mountains that Hodge has had to climb to be a world class athlete and the best version of herself—and the wisdom she has to share about how anyone is capable of doing big things once they commit themselves.
认识埃莉诺·贝克(Eleanor Baker)

Eleanor Baker is a professional running coach, registered dietician, and owner ofElevated Nutrition and Wellness在加利福尼亚州拉古纳海滩本月,她将加入我们的团队,以帮助您应对艰巨的挑战:进行第一场越野赛。贝克(Baker)与众多客户合作,帮助他们实现自己的目标,并知道跑步的一两件事,曾是1级越野和大学运动员。(更多的琐事:她在美国排名前50位的大学运动员中排名)我们将在为越野赛准备时聘请贝克的营养和跑步知识。
So, we’ve got our goal and we’ve found our team. What next? A plan for the week, of course. Let’s go!
Week 1: Develop the Right Mindset
What You’ll Need
If you’re wondering whether special gear is required for trail running, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the relatively short list Baker recommends.
鞋:“The most important thing is to make sure that your shoes are a good match for the trails you will be running,” she advises. “For example, if there are a lot of tree roots on the trail, it is best to wear minimal shoes (versus bulky shoes) so that you can feel the trail beneath your feet.” (So you’re less likely to stumble.) It’s also a good idea to avoid shoes with extra-thick soles since they can make your ankles unstable and more likely to roll, she says. If you feel like treating yourself, there are shoes that are specifically为越野跑,但是当您刚开始时,它们不是必需的。
Carry-All:取决于您打算走多远的距离,轻巧的背包或running vestmay come in handy. Without too much of an investment, you can find one with pockets to hold your water bottle and other items such as your phone.
旅行湿巾:最后,如果您正在与克罗恩(Crohn)这样的疾病进行战斗,那么您知道在没有浴室附近的地方找到自己的地方是多么令人不安。las,大自然母亲没有装备洗手间,但是您可以通过选择训练和包装较低的小径来为GI事件做准备湿巾在您的口袋里,以防万一。(And don’t even think twice if you have to go in the woods: You’ll be joining legions of other runners, with and without IBD, who find themselves in this spot on the regular. Just stop, squat, and run on!)
If the treadmill or asphalt is your usual exercise default, start by finding a grassy or mulched path in a park to walk or jog along. “Getting used to just being on a walking trail is a good idea and a good place to look around for obstacles,” says Hodge. “Trails are not smooth—there are often tree roots and rocks that can be tricky under your feet” so start slow and build from there.
How Far to Go
贝克建议制定培训后吃什么的计划。加油的最佳时间窗口?她说:“努力在跑步后45分钟内为小吃或用餐。”“那45分钟开始,您的心率恢复了下来。”(So start the clock a few minutes after you finish your trail run.) Also, “while it’s not super imperative to refuel with the lower mileage you may be doing at this point, it’s a good habit to get into to help you recover as you build up your training,” she explains.
If you’re dealing with an IBD like Crohn’s, you’ll want to play around with which foods go down easiest after exercise. You might find solid food is less tolerable, but a shake or sports drink works well. Trial-and-error is the way forward here. Says Baker: “The most important thing is to listen to your body as you begin your new adventure.”
Time To Refuel:克罗恩和结肠炎基金会。(2013年。)“饮食,营养和炎症性肠病。”https://www.crohnscolitisfoundation.org/sites/default/files/legacy/assets/pdfs/diet-nutrition-2013.pdf