Dream Big Week 4:像#Aswarrior一样跨越10K终点线

It’s race week and we’ve got all the right moves to help you crush your goal.

经过Danielle Gamiz 高级编辑

We have arrived.It’s Week 4 of our 10k training plan, which means we are just six days out from running the (6.2-mile!) race we’ve been training for all month long. Even if your race isn’t scheduled for this weekend, you’ve got a lot to celebrate at the end of this week. You’ve stuck to our training plan, followed the advice of your coaches—ultramarathoner/强直性脊柱炎战士Helgi Olafson和物理治疗师/跑步力学专家Luke Voss - 在道路上,最重要的是,即使有任何挫折,您也向自己证明了自己的慢性病。奥拉夫森(Olafson)知道挫折,他还知道那里有几个人甚至怀疑一个强直性脊柱炎(AS)的人是否可以成为竞争运动员。“总是有反对者评论,‘他没有。他不可能那样行动。’”奥拉夫森说。“这确实是要保持积极的态度。”每当您的10K起跑线所在的任何地方(无论是面对面的公路竞赛还是在周末跑步)的开始时,都知道您所有的辛勤工作都将还清。

感到一些赛前的烦恼?请记住这一点:任何种族中最难的部分都不是种族本身,而是为此做好准备所需的训练。“可以这么说:“干草在谷仓里。”与运动员(其中许多是跑步者)一起工作的沃斯说,在密歇根大学冰立方体运动医学诊所在安阿伯(Ann Arbor)的密歇根大学冰立方体运动医学诊所进行了修复。沃斯提醒我们,我们已经付出了艰苦的努力。本周是时候轻松并抵制比赛前进行更多训练的冲动。他说:“此时,您不会通过添加额外的英里来获得任何收益。”“参加几次轻松跑步是可以的,但不要推得太多。”

We’ll show you exactly how it’s done: We’re about to break down how to best prepare for your big day as we lay out your training plan for Week 4—the lightest mileage yet. (If you’ve just happened upon this plan and you’d like to start from the beginning, you can! Simply click over to第1周,,,,第2周, 和第三周


Start Race-Day Prep Right Now

奥拉夫森,佛罗里达州好莱坞的39岁,已经了解到,赛车(以及随后从比赛中恢复过来)在他准备时会好很多。Diehard Ultramarathoner征服了150多场冒险比赛,其中10场比赛超过200英里。当您与AS一起生活时,对这些艰苦的多日比赛的扎实计划至关重要,这种情况可能会导致整个身体的关节,尤其是臀部和脊柱,使其变得僵硬而不动。In the days leading up to a race, Olafson prepares mentally for the race, imagining each stage and thinking about how fast he should go and what type of support he’ll need, like food, water, and crew support to keep him moving forward. His advice to our 10k runners? “Get the most out of race day by coming to the start line with everything as ready as possible,” he says. Follow this expert-approved checklist along with your Week 4 Training Plan and you will be!

  • 保持水分。In the couple of days before your race, be sure to drink plenty of water, Voss says. Going into race day dehydrated can lead to cramping, tiredness, and poor performance. On the actual day of your race, stack the cards in your favor by doing the following, as recommended by杨树和妇女医院in Boston, MA:

    • 跑步前约两个小时,喝16盎司的水。将其与通常在跑步前可以吃的小吃或餐配对(与正常情况没有新鲜事物或不同)。

    • 在比赛开始前约15分钟,再喝六到八盎司的水。

    • 在任何持续时间超过一个小时的跑步过程中定期喝水。如果您大量出汗,则每15分钟可能需要多达16盎司。

    • After the race, aim to drink at least 16 ounces of water with some food right after the finish. If you are super sweaty, you’ll need more, so keep sipping.

  • 为自己加油。When it comes to what you should be eating, Voss says to focus on balanced, nutritious meals—a mix of protein, whole grains, healthy fats, fruits and veggies—throughout the week. “Don’t wait until the night before, doing the infamous carbo load,” he says. According to theMayo Clinic,在比赛前用意大利面条盛宴提高碳水化合物的摄入量实际上只有对耐力事件有益 - 比连续运动的90分钟更长。

  • Bank seven to nine hours of nightly sleep.“我还建议人们在夜晚睡得很大比赛早晨的晚上,因为在比赛前的焦虑之夜很难入睡,”奥拉夫森说。

  • 坚持您的训练和真实的例程。沃斯说,无论您做什么,无论是穿着全新的跑步鞋,还是在您从未有过的课程中尝试零食,都不要在比赛当天尝试任何东西。在整个培训中一直陪伴您为您服务,您会在比赛中做得很好。而且不要忘记照顾您的脊椎。做一些基本这样的伸展可以在比赛前,期间和之后支撑您的脊椎,并帮助缓解任何腰痛。


  • 星期一:休息。

  • Tuesday: Do 3 miles at an easy pace.

  • 星期三:休息。

  • 星期四:轻松2英里;完成四个90秒的快速爆发,每次都有2分钟的休息;容易2英里。

  • 星期五:休息。

  • 星期六:休息。

  • Sunday: Crush your 10k race!

Key Race-Day Advice from the Pros

OK, now is the fun part. We get to run this race! “Trust your training,” Voss says. If you’ve got a specific speed goal, keep that in the front of your mind and let that motivate you. Otherwise, just enjoy the ride. “Try not to get overly stressed about it,” he adds. “The goal is just to finish and everything else is background noise.”






Got the running bug? Contemplating a half marathon, or even a (gulp) full marathon? If your body feels great and your doctor feels it’s safe for you to keep going, why not dream even bigger? A study published in theJournal of the American College of Cardiologyshowed that training for and completing a marathon, even at relatively low exercise intensity, can improve your vascular system function so much that it resembles that of a person four years younger.

Reasons to Keep Going

奥拉夫森也在升级自己的梦想。他想举办自己的比赛,并以更尊重发生的自然环境的方式进行。他的梦想将于今年9月在MT的大天空开始成形,当时奥拉夫森举办了一次仅邀请,只有350英里的舞台冒险。大约15名跑步者将解决这一里程stages over a period of seven days而不是一个漫长而连续的种族。这个想法是,只有白天跑步和休息夜晚在他们周围的旷野上更容易。它还使跑步者有机会一起扎营并每天在小径的同一部分开始,从而培养了运动员之间的社区意识。一部分收益将用于奥拉夫森最喜欢的事业,即美国脊椎炎协会


You could gather a team or set out on your own to run, swim, or hike to raise funds through竞争治愈用于关节炎和自身免疫性疾病。也有受欢迎的阿尔茨海默氏症协会最长的一天远足,MS Society Walk for MS, 或者Leukemia and Lymphoma Team in Training这为参与者准备了马拉松和铁人三项赛等耐力活动。或者,您可以DIY:选择当地的比赛,并利用您的培训里程作为动力,以通过The The The The A THE群慈善机构之一筹集资金Charity Miles App。当涉及到您的决心和身体的能力时,没有说明您可以在这个世界上做什么类型的好处。只要知道,无论这项运动带您到哪里,我们都会为您加油!

保持水分:Brigham Health Hub。(n.d.)“注意跑步者:3个保持水分的技巧。”Attention Runners: 3 Tips to Stay Hydrated (brighamhealthhub.org)

碳负载效果:梅奥诊所。(2021.)“营养和健康饮食。”Carbohydrate-loading diet - Mayo Clinic

What Is a Stage Race:Trail Runner Magazine。(2022.)“知道舞台比赛是否适合您的5种方法。”5 Ways To Know if a Stage Race is Right For You - Trail Runner Magazine

Danielle Gamiz
