The foods that adults may be allergic to are generally tree nuts (such as almonds, pecans, walnuts, etc.), peanuts (which are actually in the legume or bean family), shellfish, and finned fish (i.e., tuna, salmon). Children tend to be more allergic to foods including eggs and milk, and fortunately usually outgrow these food allergies by ages 2-3 years. However, if a child develops allergies to the foods mentioned above for adults (nuts, peanuts, shellfish and finned fish), it is less likely that he or she will outgrow these allergies and will have them as an adult. It is also not unusual for an adult to develop food allergy, and no one really knows why this happens.
如果你认为你可能有一个食物过敏,首先要做的最重要的事情是,直到您访问的过敏症,避免这些食物。即使吃的食物少量可能会导致危及生命的反应,尤其是花生或坚果。这也可能是一个好主意,让你吃了,如果它是一个预制食品的食品包装;这将允许过敏看到标签为好。当您访问过敏,他或她将最有可能做皮肤试验和/或血液测试,看看你是过敏这种食物。如果这些测试的结果表明,你是过敏的食物,必须严格避免这种食物。该过敏也将投奔你测量,如果你吃这种食物的事故可能包括服用抗组胺和购买预装注射器肾上腺素即可服用。你应该随身携带这些“救市”的药物,因为你永远不知道什么时候的反应可能发生。也正是在这一点至关重要,那你阅读食品标签,因为许多食物中可能含有到你是过敏食物的微量。幸运的是,食品标签已作出更容易阅读,为广大市民,让人们知道,如果食物中含有物品,如花生或坚果。 Also, if you are allergic to a food, you need to be careful when going to restaurants and over to friends houses to eat and ask about the ingredients. It is also important to ask the allergist about eating foods that may "cross-react" with the food to which you are allergic. For example, if you are allergic to one of the tree nuts, you may also be allergic to another type, or if you are allergic to lobster, you may also be allergic to another shellfish. In addition, some patients who are allergic to outdoor pollens, may also develop itching of their mouth when they eat certain fruits. This is called the oral allergy syndrome and you should talk with your allergist about this.