It is estimated that one in four adults (approximately 50 million) in the United States has elevated blood pressure - and more than 30 percent of them are unaware of it. Since people with hypertension may not exhibit any symptoms, their high blood pressure is often undiagnosed until complications occur. It has been proven that blood pressure screening facilitates early diagnosis and treatment. Proper treatment clearly reduces the risk of the complications associated with hypertension.
Blood pressure
Elevated blood pressure or hypertension
The diagnosis of hypertension is made when the force required for blood flow is greater than normal. According to the Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC VII), a blood pressure measurement of less than 120/80 mmHg is considered normal; 120-139/80-89 mmHg should be considered prehypertension; 140-159/90-99 mmHg is stage 1 hypertension; and greater than 160/at or greater than 100 mmHg is stage 2 hypertension. A diagnosis of hypertension is made when a person has had two or more elevated readings after the initial assessment. Readings are taken in a quiet room after relaxation. It is normal for the blood pressure to increase with exertion, or even with pain to a certain extent.
In people over the age of 50, systolic blood pressure (BP) of more than 140 mmHg is a much more important cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factor than diastolic BP. In fact, the risk of CVD, beginning at 115/75 mmHg, doubles with each increment of 20/10 mmHg. Interestingly, the risk of hypertension increases with age and it has been estimated that despite normal blood pressure at the age of 55 there will still be a 90 percent lifetime risk for developing hypertension.
Plotting your blood pressure
The guidelines (JNC 7) in place now will be updated again before the end of the decade. For adult patients (aged 18 years old and over) who have not previously been treated for or been diagnosed as having hypertension, you are considered in one of the following categories:
类别 | Systolic Pressure (mmHg) | Diastolic Pressure (mmHg) |
NORMAL | 小于120. | Less Than 80 |
预发性 | 120至139. | 80=89 |
HYPERTENSION, stage 1 | 140到159. | 90-99 |
HYPERTENSION, stage 2 | 160 or more | 100或更多 |
For almost all people defined as prehypertensive or hypertensive, lifestyle modifications should be recommended. These include reduction of excess salt intake, reduction of weight to the ideal body weight for your height, age and body structure, and an exercise program.
Secondary hypertension is caused by another medical condition such as a blockage of an artery to the kidney, adrenal and neurendocrine tumors, kidney disease, or pregnancy. Several medications including oral contraceptives prednisone, cyclosporine, and the intake of certain foodstuffs (licorice) may also cause hypertension as a drug-related side effect.
有几个因素,使人们处于危险中for hypertension. Increasing age, gender, heredity and race are factors that cannot be controlled. Elderly individuals are especially encouraged to undergo regular screening for the presence of hypertension because the condition is so prevalent in this population and is treatable once identified. African Americans are at greater risk for developing hypertension than Caucasians.Controllable risk factors are lifestyle related: obesity, diet, lack of exercise, certain medications, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.
Virtual Hospital:临床医生的预防服务手册。高血压。
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion - Public Health Service. How To Keep Your Blood Pressure Under Control.