如果你正在读这篇文章,有一个很好的机会,你就要有莫氏手术或你刚才有你的手术最近。你们中许多人都会有这样的程序进行删除基底细胞或鳞状细胞皮肤癌。如阅读文章后“What it is Like to Have Mohs Surgery“or "Mohs Surgery: What to Expect During the Procedure“你可能会觉得更安心具有此过程完成,尤其是知道莫氏手术有如此高的治愈率事实上,美国社会的莫氏手术指出:”临床研究已经证明,莫氏手术提供五年治愈率接近99%的新发癌症和95%的复发性癌症。”但是,你的手术后会发生什么?什么是愈合过程是怎样的?莫氏手术是相当普遍用于去除面部区域的皮肤癌。出于这个原因,许多患者无疑将有大约伤口会愈合怎么样,什么事情会看,当一切都说过和做过等等。本文将有望解决其中的一些问题和关注点的关注。
The answer to this题is, of course, it depends.Dr. Sam Naficy,西雅图的面部整形外科医生,下班之后莫氏手术对经济复苏时间的谈判:“恢复(在关闭的工作或社会活动的时间来衡量)可以数天时间才能根据大小,复杂性和位置数周的缺陷“。医生肯尼斯G.毛重“病人的指南,以莫氏手术”的报道说:“手术疤痕完全愈合发生在12至18个月特别是在最初的几个月,该网站可能会觉得肿胀或块状,并有可能。有些发红“。The American College of Mohs Surgery指出:“一般情况下,手术后的疤痕随着时间改善,可能需要长达一年以上,完全成熟。”在回顾文献似乎从莫氏手术完全愈合可能需要一年以上,并在很大程度上依赖于你的伤口的大小和深度。
What factors will help the healing process and/or prevent a reoccurrence of skin cancer?
大多数医生会建议您不要吸烟或使用尼古丁从而减少供氧伤口,并会妨碍愈合过程。The University of Wisconsin's Mohs Surgery Clinicalso advises that you protect yourself from the sun as sun damage is what usually leads to the development of skin cancers in the first place. Use a sunscreen with a high SPF (over 15) even on cloudy days, wear a hat, and make sure to stay out of midday sun (10 am-2pm).
The American College of Mohs Surgery报道称,作为你的伤口可能会有一个再保险ddish appearance to the scar which is usually temporary. In addition the skin may contract and tighten and this usually occurs 4-6 weeks after surgery. There may also be a bumpiness or hardening of the scar which is also usually temporary. Your wound may be red and raised for awhile but most scars will flatten and fade. It is estimated that this fading process will take anywhere from six months to a year. What you will experience during the healing process may depend upon the area of the wound. For example,罗纳德·谢尔顿博士, a states that: "Swelling is more likely to occur around the eyes, as well as bruising. Lips tend to swell also. Ears may be more painful postoperatively than other sites." As always it is best to consult with your doctor about what you can expect during the months after surgery as everyone will be unique in how they heal.
与任何类型的手术总是有风险并发症的发展。克利夫兰诊所对莫氏手术信息includes a list of potential risks which they say are mostly rare. These risks can include: Poor wound healing, excessive bleeding from the wound, infection, loss of nerve function, and cosmetic deformities.
我们的一位成员最近写了约被告知,她被认为是allergic to the sutures used in her Mohs surgery。This is just one example of one of those rare complications of surgery. Doctor Natalie L. Semchyshyn wrote an extensive article about "手术并发症“which includes information about allergic reactions to sutures.Dr. William Ting, a Bay Area Dermatologic surgeon, adds that sometimes what may be considered a wound infection is really an allergic reaction to topical antibiotics. Dr. Ting states that: "More and more dermatologic surgeons are moving to just plain vaseline or Aquaphor for post-op wound care as there is significant prevalence of allergy to neomycin, bacitracin and/or polysporin." The suggestion is made that if you experience excessive itching or pain days after your surgery to contact your Mohs surgeon so they can determine the cause and if your wound is healing properly.
我们最流行的文章皮肤癌连接有权通过我们的医生凯文·伯曼写了一篇文章:“Mohs Surgery: What will the Scars Look Like?“这是那篇文章的摘录:
“Silicone pads may help prevent hypertrophic (thick) scars although there is still no way to guarantee a perfect scar. Vitamin E containing creams and other creams designed to aid scarring may help but none have definitively been proven to aid the final outcome. If the scar is thicker than expected, you can talk with your surgeon about "dermabrasion" in which the skin is effectively "sanded down" to smoothen it and make the scar thinner. Scar revisions can also be performed in which the scar is excised or re-oriented to improve the final outcome."
- “What it is Like to Have Mohs Surgery“This is an interview with one of our members, Gemma, who has had Mohs surgery.
- “Had Mohs Surgery Two Days Ago"它已经过了一年,因为该成员已莫氏手术,她只是在二月得到更新。
- “My Mohs Surgery was not a Traumatic experience-a better case scenario“该成员坦率地谈到了她是如何告知有关程序会如何走恐怖故事,但她有一个非常积极的经验。
Make sure to read the comments on these posts as members will quite often share their story in that venue.