Let’s Talk About the Signs and Symptoms of Heart Disease


byMatt McMillen 卫生作家



Our Pro Panel


Guy Mintz, M.D.

Guy Mintz, M.D.

Director of Cardiovascular Health & Lipidology


Manhasset, NY

Michael Goyfman M.D.,MPH

Michael Goyfman M.D.,MPH

Director of Clinical Cardiology

Long Island Jewish Forest Hills


Andrew Freeman, M.D. headshot.

Andrew Freeman, M.D.


National Jewish Health


Frequently Asked Questions
Can heart disease be cured?

Generally speaking, no. However, it often can be managed with the right lifestyle adjustments. That means exercising at least 150 minutes a week and eating a nutritious diet. Limit or avoid salty, sugary, and fatty foods. If you smoke, quit. There’s a great deal you can do, but it’s not always easy. Fortunately, help’s available. Depending on your diagnosis, you may qualify forcardiac rehab, which will help you make necessary lifestyle changes. Medications and procedures likely also will be necessary to help your heart.


While it’s true that chest pain is the most common symptom, many heart attacks occur without it. Your goal should be to understand whether you’re at risk of a heart attack. If you are, then knowing that even vague symptoms like nausea and fatigue can signal a heart attack will make you take those symptoms seriously. When in doubt, err on the side of caution—call 911.

I’m only 30. Do I have to worry about heart disease?


Does stress affect my heart disease risk?

首先,如果您对心脏病的风险感到强调,请与您的医生交谈并了解您的立场,而不是让您担心gnaw gnaw。压力,尤其是在慢性或持续的情况下,会直接或间接地影响您的心脏。肾上腺素和皮质醇等应激激素可以提高您的心率,血压和血糖。压力也使屈服于诱惑变得更加困难。您更有可能在压力时吃得过高,过度沉迷于酒精和吸烟。压力会使睡个好觉变得更加困难,这是您的心脏保持健康所需的事情。

First, What Exactly Is Heart Disease?




Why? Because the American Heart Association estimates that 8 out of 10 cases of heart disease can be prevented. That means your heart’s long-term health is often in your own hands.

Not everyone can avoid heart disease by making healthier choices—sometimes things like age, biology, and genetics play a role in its development. Still, no matter how or why your ticker needs attention, early diagnosis is the goal: The sooner you get treatment, the better your chances are of living well going forward. That’s what makes recognizing the signs and symptoms of heart disease so very important.




  • Asymptom是您感觉或经历的东西,但无法客观地衡量。疲劳就是一个很好的例子。由于某些类型的心脏病,您可能会感到疲劳,但是您的医生无法观察或正式量化它。

  • 标志另一方面,可以测量。您的医生可以进行血压阅读,拍摄心脏图像,并测试您的血液以揭示心脏病的迹象。

In some cases, you may have signs of heart disease but no symptoms. High blood pressure (HBP) is a good example of this; it often gets dubbed “the silent killer” because it may be present and causing harm to your heart without any obvious physical clues. In fact, many people aren’t aware they have HBP until a doctor tells them so.

What Are Some Common Signs and Symptoms of Heart Disease?

One thing to make clear from the start: Numerous heart disease symptoms are actually pretty vague, meaning they could be caused by any number of things other than heart disease. Which can make things tricky, or even lull you into thinking nothing serious is going on.

Take fatigue: In our go-go, 24-7 world, everyone’s feeling a little tired, right? And while some types of heart disease, such as heart failure, can make you feel extremely fatigued, being exhausted or rundown doesn’t automatically mean you have a heart disorder.


Ok, let’s get started. We’ll break down signs and symptoms bybetway168 . As you’ll see, some types of heart disease share similar symptoms.

高血压(HBP, or Hypertension)



Unfortunately, though, HBP does not produce any symptoms to alert you there’s a problem. You likely won’t learn you have high blood pressure without visiting your doctor, where measuring your BP is a standard part of just about any appointment.

您的医生将使用一种称为血压计的设备 - 您知道,带有充气套筒的套管缠绕在您的上臂的设备,以测量您的心脏跳动(称为收缩压BP)的压力,而节拍或舒张压之间的压力bp。



This is the most common form of heart disease, and it occurs when a fatty substance called plaque has built up on the walls of your heart’s arteries. This plaque restricts the normal flow of oxygen-rich blood. Plaque also can rupture, or break apart, which triggers the formation of blood clots that may completely block your artery and cause a heart attack.

The major symptoms of CAD are:

  • Angina.This is the medical term for chest pain or other type of discomfort caused by CAD. You may feel a tightness or squeezing sensation in your chest. It can spread to other parts of your upper body, such as your arms, shoulders, neck, jaw, and back. Angina also may feel like indigestion. The pain or discomfort tends to be brief.

  • Shortness of breath and fatigue.受限的血流限制了您的心脏所获得的氧气(一种称为缺血的疾病),即使在进行正常活动后,这也可能使您精疲力尽。

  • Heart attack.While techinically not a "symptom," your first sign of CAD may be a heart attack. This occurs when you have what’s called silent ischemia, in which you don’t experience chest pain or other warning signs.


  • Bloodwork:为了确定是否对您的心脏造成损害,您的医生可能会吸血以测量存在激素脑纳替肽(BNP)的水平。通常,BNP少量存在于血液中,但由于心脏问题,该水平上升并可以测量。

  • 心电图(EKG):这种快速,无痛的测试可以测量您心脏的电活动,并可以确定CAD典型的异常。

  • Echocardiogram:这是一种超声波,产生声波,以创建您的心脏图像,有助于衡量其强度和功能的功能。

  • 心脏导管插入:在这种侵入性过程中,将细管插入腹股沟中的血管中,并将其螺纹到您的心脏,在那里可以检测到堵塞。




  • Chest pain

  • Shortness of breath

  • Nausea

  • Indigestion

  • 胃灼热

  • 腹痛

  • 疲劳

  • Lightheadedness and dizziness

  • 冷汗

  • 下巴,肩膀或手臂疼痛



Congestive Heart Failure


  • 运动不宽容。This begins in the early stages of heart failure. Because your heart can’t pump enough oxygen-rich blood to your body, it takes less physical exertion to wear you out than it would have previously, leaving you feeling weak and fatigued.(If you suddenly struggle walking up the stairs to your bedroom, for instance, you’ll want to check in with your doctor.) This can create a vicious circle: Do less exercise, and your heart weakens, which makes regular activities even more challenging.

  • Shortness of breath.Heart failure often leads to fluid buildup in your lungs, and this makes it a struggle to breathe, a condition called dyspnea.

  • Persistent cough.Breathing problems may be accompanied by a persistent cough or wheezing. You may cough up mucus tinged with blood.

  • 你的四肢肿胀。随着肾脏的过滤血液,心力衰竭会导致液体积累。这通常会导致腿部,脚踝和脚部肿胀,但也可能发生在您的腹部,肝脏和下背部。一个引人注目的迹象:穿上鞋子变得更加困难。

  • 突然体重增加。As fluids build up in your body, your weight goes up as well. This can happen rapidly and dramatically. You may have weight gains of as much as five pounds in a day. If you’re already being treated for heart failure, call your doctor if you gain more than two pounds in a 24-hour period.

  • Irregular heartbeat.您的心脏可能会更快地跳动,以跟上身体的需求。随着时间的流逝,心力衰竭会导致一种称为心房颤动的一种不稳定的心跳,从而增加了您患血块的风险。

  • 混乱, difficulty concentrating, and impaired thinking.当您的心脏无法像以前一样抽血时,您的大脑将与身体其余部分一起被剥夺。不足的血液会损害您的认知能力。


  • 血液检查。这些揭示了源自心力衰竭时在心脏中发现的亚钠肽的存在。

  • 胸部X射线。These allow your doctor to see if your heart has enlarged, a key sign of heart failure. It will also provide a picture of fluid in your lungs.

  • 心电图(EKG)。This is done to measure damage to your heart and to determine if it’s electrical circuits function properly.

  • Echocardiogram.该测试使用声波来产生您的心脏图片,以便您的医生可以看到它的工作状况。


异常心跳有多种类型,其中有些是善良的,有些是良性的,有些则实际上是无法检测到的,但可能是致命的。它们可能太快,太慢或不稳定。最常见的类型是atrial fibrillation, an irregular rhythm that can allow blood clots to form in the heart that can then cause a stroke. Arrhythmias don't always have symptoms. Many people with afib, as it's often called, may not even know they have it until it shows up on a physical exam, ECG, or other form of rhythm monitoring (such as a wearable device).


  • 心pal。这是当您感觉到胸部或心脏赛车的撞击时。有时这是正常的。锻炼后,例如,如果您突然感到恐惧。但是突然,无法解释的呼吸可能表明心律不齐。心律不齐也可能导致您的心脏感觉像跳动了,或者在常规节拍之间添加了额外的节拍。大多数情况下,这种类型的心律失常是无害的,但是您应该担心它是否经常发生或引起您的不适感。

  • 呼吸急促,疲劳,头晕和胸痛。When your heart doesn’t beat like it should, it can’t keep up with the body’s demand for oxygen, leading to any or all of these symptoms.

  • Fainting.心律不齐can cause a dangerous drop in your blood pressure, and this can cause you to faint. This is a medical emergency.

There are plenty of ways your doctor can detect the signs of an arrhythmia. They include:

  • 心电图(EKG)。与其他形式的心脏病一样,这种无痛的无侵袭性测试向您的医生表明您的心脏中的任何电气异常,包括心律不齐。

  • Holter监控器和活动记录器。These are portable devices you wear throughout the day and night. They record your heart’s electrical activity over a few days or a few weeks. Why might you be asked to wear one? Your arrhythmia may not be active when your doctor examines you, so these devices will allow you to capture episodes that occur as you go about your daily routine. Holter monitors are always active and recording. Event recorders must be turned on when you begin to experience symptoms of your arrhythmia.




  • 言语不清

  • 混乱

  • Difficulty understanding what others are saying

  • 瘫痪或麻木,通常只会影响身体的一侧。您的脸,腿和手臂通常受到影响。

  • Blurred vision or blackening of your eyesight in one or both eyes, and/or double vision

  • 突然而严重的头痛,可能伴有呕吐

  • 头晕

  • 平衡使步行困难的问题


Think F.A.S.T.:

  • 脸下垂

  • Arm weakness

  • 语音困难

  • 是时候致电911

Your doctor or the doctor in the emergency room will look for the signs above when trying to determine if you are having a stroke. To look for definitive signs and to diagnose a stroke, you will likely undergo:

  • 计算机断层扫描(CT)扫描。这提供了您大脑的详细图片,因此您的医生可以确定中风是否发生。

  • 磁共振成像(MRI)。MRI提供您的大脑图像,并允许您的医生确定中风是否损坏。

  • Carotid ultrasound.This uses sound waves to create a picture of your carotid arteries, which supply blood to your brain. When narrowed by plaque, they can make you vulnerable to a stroke.

  • Echocardiogram.该测试可以帮助确定引起中风的凝块的起源。

Matt McMillen

Matt McMillen has been a freelance health reporter since 2002. In that time he’s written about everything from acupuncture to the Zika virus. He covers breaking medical news and the latest medical studies, profiles celebrities, and crafts easy to digest overviews of medical conditions. His work has appeared, both online and in print, in华盛顿邮报,WebMD Magazine,糖尿病预测,AARP和其他地方。