
Knowing the red flags that signal heart disease can help you get diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.

经过马特·麦克米伦 卫生作家

Maybe you’ve beenfeeling unusually fatigued or a bit out of breath lately. Or, maybe there’s an occasional pain in your chest that goes away when you lie down. Perhaps you’ve noticed swelling in your legs and feet, or your heart sometimes races or beats erratically. These symptoms (and more) can indicate some form of heart disease. We’ll help you learn what to look out for—and which symptoms to never ignore. Your job: Talk to your doctor, stat, about your concerns so you can be screened for heart disease—which just might save your life.



We went to some of the nation's top experts in heart disease to bring you the most up-to-date information possible.

盖伊·明兹(Guy Mintz),医学博士

盖伊·明兹(Guy Mintz),医学博士


Sandra Atlas Bass Heart Hospital


Michael Goyfman M.D., MPH

Michael Goyfman M.D., MPH



Queens, NY

Andrew Freeman, M.D. headshot.

Andrew Freeman, M.D.

Director of Cardiovascular Prevention and Wellness



Frequently Asked Questions
Can heart disease be cured?

Generally speaking, no. However, it often can be managed with the right lifestyle adjustments. That means exercising at least 150 minutes a week and eating a nutritious diet. Limit or avoid salty, sugary, and fatty foods. If you smoke, quit. There’s a great deal you can do, but it’s not always easy. Fortunately, help’s available. Depending on your diagnosis, you may qualify forcardiac rehab,这将帮助您改变必要的生活方式。药物和程序也可能需要帮助您的心脏。


虽然胸痛是最常见的症状,但没有它就会发生许多心脏病发作。您的目标应该是了解您是否有心脏病发作的风险。如果是的话,那么知道即使是恶心和疲劳等模糊症状也会表明心脏病发作会使您认真对待这些症状。如有疑问,请注意谨慎 - 呼叫911。

I’m only 30. Do I have to worry about heart disease?

While it’s true that most types of heart disease begin to occur around retirement age, the numbers of younger people with heart disease has risen in recent decades. Even if that were not the case, you’d still want to keep your heart health in mind when you’re young. Heart disease often develops slowly over many years, as a result of unhealthy lifestyle choices, like poor diet, lack of exercise, or binge drinking. So develop lifelong habits like eating well and exercising regularly to protect your ticker as you age.

Does stress affect my heart disease risk?

First, if you are stressed about your heart disease risk, talk to your doctor and learn where you stand rather than letting worry gnaw at you. Stress, especially when it’s chronic, or ongoing, can affect your heart both directly and indirectly. Stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol boost your heart rate, blood pressure, and blood sugar. Stress also makes it harder to resist giving in to temptation. You’re more likely to overeat, overindulge in alcohol, and smoke when you are stressed. And stress can make it tougher to get a good night’s sleep, something that your heart needs to stay healthy.

First, What Exactly Is Heart Disease?


It’s also the number-one killer of both men and women, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), responsible for one American death every 37 seconds. Those are alarming stats, no doubt about it.

But if you heed your body’s warning signs and act in time, you have a solid chance of either stopping heart disease in its tracks or beating its worst effects altogether. That might mean upping your exercise quotient, chucking cigarettes, or making other lifestyle adjustments.


Not everyone can avoid heart disease by making healthier choices—sometimes things like age, biology, and genetics play a role in its development. Still, no matter how or why your ticker needs attention, early diagnosis is the goal: The sooner you get treatment, the better your chances are of living well going forward. That’s what makes recognizing the signs and symptoms of heart disease so very important.



It’s actually pretty straightforward:

  • Asymptom是您感觉或经历的东西,但无法客观地衡量。疲劳就是一个很好的例子。由于某些类型的心脏病,您可能会感到疲劳,但是您的医生无法观察或正式量化它。

  • Signs另一方面,可以测量。您的医生可以进行血压阅读,拍摄心脏图像,并测试您的血液以揭示心脏病的迹象。

In some cases, you may have signs of heart disease but no symptoms. High blood pressure (HBP) is a good example of this; it often gets dubbed “the silent killer” because it may be present and causing harm to your heart without any obvious physical clues. In fact, many people aren’t aware they have HBP until a doctor tells them so.

What Are Some Common Signs and Symptoms of Heart Disease?



So how do you know when it’s nothing and when it’s something? Never write off persistent or unusual fatigue as nothing to worry about. We’re talking about feeling worn out after climbing a single flight of stairs, or trouble sleeping despite your exhaustion. Listen to your body, and if something does not feel normal or right, pay attention.

好的,让我们开始。我们将通过betway168 . As you’ll see, some types of heart disease share similar symptoms.


The pumping of your heart creates pressure with each beat. That pressure forces blood through your blood vessels to the rest of your body and back again to your heart. This pressure can become higher than normal for a variety of reasons, and over time an elevated pressure puts you at risk of coronary artery disease CAD, heart attack, stroke, and heart failure.

Half of all American adults have HBP, according to the CDC, which is nearly 110 million men and women. It becomes more common as you grow older, but fortunately treatments exist to keep it in the normal range.

Unfortunately, though, HBP does not produce any symptoms to alert you there’s a problem. You likely won’t learn you have high blood pressure without visiting your doctor, where measuring your BP is a standard part of just about any appointment.

Your doctor will use a device called a sphygmomanometer—you know, the one with the inflatable sleeve that wraps around your upper arm—to measure the pressure when your heart beats, known as your systolic BP, and the pressure between beats, or your diastolic BP.

You will see those two numbers written like this: 120/80. This reading is in the normal range. According to the CDC, you have high blood pressure if the top number is 130 or higher and the bottom number veers above 80 (and stays there). Your BP is considered "elevated," the first red flag that HBP is pending, with a systolic pressure as high as 129 (even if your diastolic pressure remains at 80 or below).

Coronary Artery Disease(CAD)

This is the most common form of heart disease, and it occurs when a fatty substance called plaque has built up on the walls of your heart’s arteries. This plaque restricts the normal flow of oxygen-rich blood. Plaque also can rupture, or break apart, which triggers the formation of blood clots that may completely block your artery and cause a heart attack.


  • 心绞痛。这是胸痛或CAD引起的其他类型不适的医学术语。您可能会感到胸部紧张或挤压感觉。它可以扩散到上半身的其他部位,例如手臂,肩膀,脖子,下巴和背部。心绞痛也可能感觉像消化不良。疼痛或不适往往是短暂的。

  • 呼吸急促和疲劳。受限的血流限制了您的心脏所获得的氧气(一种称为缺血的疾病),即使在进行正常活动后,这也可能使您精疲力尽。

  • 心脏病发作。While techinically not a "symptom," your first sign of CAD may be a heart attack. This occurs when you have what’s called silent ischemia, in which you don’t experience chest pain or other warning signs.


  • Bloodwork:为了确定是否对您的心脏造成损害,您的医生可能会吸血以测量存在激素脑纳替肽(BNP)的水平。通常,BNP少量存在于血液中,但由于心脏问题,该水平上升并可以测量。

  • Electrocardiogram (EKG):这种快速,无痛的测试可以测量您心脏的电活动,并可以确定CAD典型的异常。

  • 超声心动图:这是一种超声波,产生声波,以创建您的心脏图像,有助于衡量其强度和功能的功能。

  • Cardiac catheterization:During this invasive procedure, a thin tube is inserted into a blood vessel in your groin and threaded to your heart, where it can detect blockages.


If the flow of blood to your heart becomes blocked, and damage to, or death of, the heart muscle results, this is a heart attack. It often occurs when plaque buildup from CAD ruptures and triggers a clot to form. Heart attacks can be deadly and should be treated immediately.If you’re feeling obvious or unsettling symptoms, don’t hesitate: Call 911 immediately.

Sometimes, heart attacks have no symptoms, and not everyone who has symptoms will experience the same ones, but here are the most common:

  • 胸痛

  • 气促

  • 恶心

  • 消化不良

  • 胃灼热

  • 腹痛

  • Fatigue

  • Lightheadedness and dizziness

  • 冷汗

  • Jaw, shoulder, or arm pain

胸痛is the most common symptom, but men are more likely to experience that pain than women. Women’s heart attack symptoms are more likely to include nausea and fatigue as well as vomiting.




  • Exercise intolerance.This begins in the early stages of heart failure. Because your heart can’t pump enough oxygen-rich blood to your body, it takes less physical exertion to wear you out than it would have previously, leaving you feeling weak and fatigued.(If you suddenly struggle walking up the stairs to your bedroom, for instance, you’ll want to check in with your doctor.) This can create a vicious circle: Do less exercise, and your heart weakens, which makes regular activities even more challenging.

  • 气促。Heart failure often leads to fluid buildup in your lungs, and this makes it a struggle to breathe, a condition called dyspnea.

  • 持续的咳嗽。呼吸问题可能伴随着持续的咳嗽或喘息。您可能会咳嗽粘液。

  • Swelling in your extremities.Heart failure leads to fluid buildup as your kidneys become less able to filter your blood. That commonly leads to swelling in your legs, ankles, and feet, but it also may occur in your abdomen, liver, and lower back. One noticeable sign: It becomes harder to put your shoes on.

  • Sudden weight gain.随着体内液体的积聚,您的体重也会增加。这可能会迅速而戏剧性地发生。您一天的体重增加可能高达五磅。如果您已经接受了心力衰竭的治疗,请致电您的医生,如果您在24小时内获得超过两磅的磅。

  • 心律不齐。Your heart may beat faster in an attempt to keep up with your body’s demands. Over time, heart failure can lead to a type of erratic heart beat called atrial fibrillation that ups your risk for blood clots.

  • Confusion, difficulty concentrating, and impaired thinking.When your heart can’t pump blood as well as it used to, your brain gets deprived along with the rest of your body. An inadequate amount of blood can compromise your cognitive abilities.


  • 血液检查。These reveal the presence of natriuretic peptides, hormones found in the heart only when you have heart failure.

  • Chest x-rays.These allow your doctor to see if your heart has enlarged, a key sign of heart failure. It will also provide a picture of fluid in your lungs.

  • Electrocardiogram (EKG).这样做是为了衡量对您的心脏的损害,并确定电路是否正常运行。

  • Echocardiogram.The test uses sound waves to produce pictures of your heart so your doctor can see how well it’s working.


There are numerous types of abnormal heartbeats, some of them bothersome if benign, others virtually undetectable but potentially deadly. They can be too fast, too slow, or erratic. The most common type is心房颤动,一种不规则的节奏,可以使血凝块在心脏中形成,然后引起中风。心律不齐并不总是有症状。经常被称为AFIB的许多人甚至可能不知道自己有身体检查,ECG或其他形式的节奏监测(例如可穿戴设备)。

Also, the severity of your symptoms may not track with the seriousness of your arrhythmia. In other words, if you feel only mild symptoms, don’t assume you have a mild case. Here are the common symptoms:

  • 心pal。This is when you feel a pounding in your chest or your heart’s racing. Sometimes this is normal. After exercise, for example, or if you’ve had a sudden fright. But sudden, unexplained palpitations may indicate an arrhythmia. Arrhythmias may also cause your heart to feel like it has skipped a beat, or added an extra one between regular beats. Most of the time this type of arrhythmia is harmless, but you should be concerned if it happens frequently or cause you discomfort.

  • 气促, fatigue, lightheadedness, and chest pain.当您的心脏不像应有的那样跳动时,它无法跟上人体对氧气的需求,从而导致任何或全部这些症状。

  • 晕倒。Arrhythmias can cause a dangerous drop in your blood pressure, and this can cause you to faint. This is a medical emergency.

There are plenty of ways your doctor can detect the signs of an arrhythmia. They include:

  • Electrocardiogram (EKG).与其他形式的心脏病一样,这种无痛的无侵袭性测试向您的医生表明您的心脏中的任何电气异常,包括心律不齐。

  • Holter监控器和活动记录器。这些是您整夜穿着的便携式设备。他们在几天或几周内记录您心脏的电动活动。为什么要你穿一件衣服?当您的医生检查您时,您的心律不齐可能不会活跃,因此这些设备将允许您捕获日常日常活动时发生的情节。Holter监视器总是很活跃并记录。当您开始体验心律不齐的症状时,必须打开活动记录器。




  • 言语不清

  • Confusion

  • 很难理解别人在说什么

  • 瘫痪或麻木,通常只会影响身体的一侧。您的脸,腿和手臂通常受到影响。

  • 视力模糊或一只或两只眼睛的视力变黑和/或双视力

  • 突然而严重的头痛,可能伴有呕吐

  • Dizziness

  • Balance problems that make walking difficult

Here’s a quick cheat sheet to help you recognize a stroke in yourself or someone else.

Think F.A.S.T.:

  • Face drooping

  • 手臂的弱点

  • Speech difficulty

  • 是时候致电911

Your doctor or the doctor in the emergency room will look for the signs above when trying to determine if you are having a stroke. To look for definitive signs and to diagnose a stroke, you will likely undergo:

  • Computed tomography (CT) scan.This provides detailed pictures of your brain so your doctor can determine if a stroke is occurring.

  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).MRI提供您的大脑图像,并允许您的医生确定中风是否损坏。

  • 颈动脉超声。This uses sound waves to create a picture of your carotid arteries, which supply blood to your brain. When narrowed by plaque, they can make you vulnerable to a stroke.

  • Echocardiogram.This test can help determine where the stroke-causing clot originated.


马特·麦克米伦has been a freelance health reporter since 2002. In that time he’s written about everything from acupuncture to the Zika virus. He covers breaking medical news and the latest medical studies, profiles celebrities, and crafts easy to digest overviews of medical conditions. His work has appeared, both online and in print, inThe Washington Post,WebMD杂志,糖尿病Forecast,AARP和其他地方。