
Anywhere from 20% to 70% of people with Parkinson’s disease will develop精神病over the course of the disease. It can be caused by natural disease progression or as a result of the dopamine therapy used to treat PD. “The longer you have Parkinson's, the more likely you are to develop psychosis,” says Rodolfo Savica, M.D., Ph.D., a neurologist at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. A hallucination is when you see, hear, feel, or taste something that isn’t there, while a delusion is a false belief. Between episodes, though, people with PD psychosis can be lucid much of the time.
In those intervals of lucidity, people with Parkinson’s psychosis may feel embarrassed by their hallucinations and/or delusions. Realization of their loosening grip on reality can worsen or spark depression, says Dr. Savica. Likewise, the hallucinations and delusions themselves may cause depression; after all, believing that someone is trying to poison you, for example, is scary and stressful. Beyond that, the latest research shows that PD degeneration begins in the brainstem, which contains serotonin and adrenergic neurons, both of which play a big part in regulating mood. Understanding these connections can help you have more empathy with a loved one with PD psychosis.
How Anxiety Impacts Psychosis, and Vice Versa
埃默里大学(Emory University)的一项研究发现,焦虑的严重程度是对他们所拥有的幻觉和妄想的数量和严重程度的重要预测指标。焦虑是否引发精神病,反之亦然,这是研究人员尚未回答的鸡或蛋,但这确实意味着分别治疗焦虑症可能有助于精神病。该协会也可能是一个有用的警告:如果您所爱的PD是一个焦虑的人,他们可能会面临精神病的风险。与您的医生讨论主动治疗焦虑。
For most people, anxiety manifests in an inability to relax, excessive worrying, and restlessness. PD patients have these symptoms, as well, but they may exhibit additional troubling warning signs. One 2020 study found that almost a quarter of people with Parkinson’s will experience PD-specific symptoms including anxiety around driving, eating, and socializing. Why? Typical PD symptoms like drooling, slurred speech, and hand tremors are embarrassing and can make people with Parkinson's dread seeing friends or going out in public. Assure your loved one that no one judges them and encourage them to remain a part of a community—whether it’s a church, a senior center, or a book club—for as long as possible.
Diagnosing Mental Health Issues With PDP
As interconnected as depression, anxiety, and psychosis are in people with Parkinson’s, it’s important not to lump them all together, says Joseph Quinn, M.D., director of the Parkinson’s Center at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, a Parkinson’s Foundation Center of Excellence. Your doctor will want to assess for and diagnose each condition on its own. “We ask about mood, sleep, appetite, and crying spells as markers of depression,” says Dr. Quinn, “and we ask about hallucinations and delusions as markers of psychosis.” Understanding the nature of the diagnoses will help your loved one get the best care possible.
“It’s helpful to treat one thing at a time,” says Dr. Savica, “so that we can be clearer about whether or not the treatment works.” He says he tries to determine what the most bothersome symptom is for the patient and starts out treating that symptoms first. It might be that hallucinations and delusions are the most upsetting toyou作为照顾者;毕竟,看到您所爱的人与不在那里的人互动,这令人震惊。但是,如果这些情节很少发生,那么不断的抑郁症很有可能使您所爱的人的日常生活变得黯淡,首先应该解决。
Exercise of all kinds can be vitally important for all PD patients, says Dr. Savica. Those who exercise a minimum of 2.5 hours a week significantly slow the decline in their quality of life compared to those who don’t. Exercise has also been shown to play a big role in mood. People with PD who exercise more are less likely to experience anxiety or apathy than those who exercise less. Get moving with regular walking, water aerobics, Tai Chi, dance, Pilates, weight training—anything that’s enjoyable enough to stick with it long term.
底线:是的,抑郁症和焦虑是帕金森精神病的统计可能性,但您所爱的人不是统计数据,您有选择。首先呼吁他们的医生评估治疗方案,然后考虑我们概述的哪些疗法和生活方式的增强(也许会寻找温和的水 - 水域课程或每周与朋友的低调午餐)是否可行。它可能需要试用和错误,但是有很大的机会在前进。
沮丧, Anxiety, and Psychosis:运动障碍临床实践。(2017年。)“帕金森氏病精神病的情感相关性。”https://open.library.emory.edu/publications/emory:s8jr1/
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脑干开始:Psychiatric News. (2012.) “Psychiatric Treatment Crucial for Many Parkinson’s Patients.”https://psychnews.psychiatryonline.org/doi/full/10.1176/pn.47.2.psychnews_47_2_29-a
运动和焦虑:神经科学的前沿。(2021.) “Physical Activity Improves Anxiety and Apathy in Early Parkinson's Disease: A Longitudinal Follow-Up Study.”https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneur.2020.625897/full
运动和PD:Parkinson’s Foundation. (n.d.) “Exercise.”https://www.parkinson.org/Understanding-Parkinsons/Treatment/Exercise