
The eating style may help reduce inflammation in the body, an issue which lies at the root of this immune-based skin condition.

经过Lisa M. Basile Health Writer

如果你有牛皮癣,你知道betway 体育是哪国的 像局部类固醇一样,口服类固醇或生物制剂可以帮助平衡压力皮肤的斑块的瘙痒和形成。但是某些生活方式不断变化你如何洗澡或您穿的衣服也可能有助于缓解慢性炎症状况。

“由于牛皮癣是一种免疫介导的疾病,因此饮食可能非常强大。这是因为免疫系统的三分之二[或将近70%的免疫细胞]位于肠道中。”Micah Yu, M.D.,一位综合风湿病学家,在加利福尼亚州纽波特海滩(Newport Beach)获得风湿病学和内科医学的董事会认证。

确实,最近的一项实验室研究表明你吃什么(namely when it’s a high-fat, highly processed Western diet) can rather quickly dial up the level of inflammation within the body, and possibly worsening the symptoms of psoriasis. So we went to the experts to see whether adopting a more plant-based way of eating—loading up on veggies, legumes, whole grains, and fruits, and limiting animal products—could do the opposite and deserve a place in your psoriasis self-care.





在可能影响牛皮癣的各种因素中,例如造成耀斑的遗传学和感染,许多因素都无法控制。佛罗里达州董事会认证的皮肤科医生安娜·查孔(Anna Chacon)说:“有一个完全掌握在您手中的因素,这就是您的饮食。”


So how should you eat to best help quell psoriasis? Studies are pointing toward a more plant-based diet versus a Western one.

根据最近发表的报告皮肤病学杂志,,,,people with psoriasis who consumed more vegetables had lower disease severity, while those who consumed red meat had higher disease severity.

One potential reason behind this difference: Certain foods trigger specific inflammatory proteins. Remember that aforementioned lab study linking a Western diet and psoriasis? The researchers found that mice fed such high-fat, processed foods for four weeks had higher levels of something called Interleukin-23, an immune-mediating protein that is directly associated with inflammatory diseases like psoriasis.

Meanwhile, going plant-based may be beneficial to your gut microbiome—the system of bacteria living in your gut which may play a key role in the origins of psoriasis, according to a study in the国际分子科学杂志s

Chacon博士说:“与植物饮食相关的纤维和其他植物成分的摄入量增加,增加了有益肠道细菌的生长,减少了炎症。”例如,植物性食物包含BifidobacteriumLactobacillus,,,,bacteria known for their anti-inflammatory properties.

This increase in diverse bacteria can be beneficial in creating a resilient immune system—even more so than in people with red meat-based diets, according tostudies.同时,肠道细菌的多样性和lower levels细菌植物(生活在我们肠道中的抗炎生物)与炎症性疾病(如PSO)的风险相关研究

另一项研究发表在欧洲营养杂志found that people eating five weeks of high fiber saw a reduction in C-reactive protein, a protein made in the liver, which is elevated in people with immune-mediated diseases.





  • 50%的蔬菜和水果

  • a little over 25% of grains, with half of those being whole grains

  • 一种蛋白质(例如家禽,海鲜,鸡蛋,豆类,豆类或坚果);百分比取决于您的独特需求。(查看MyPlate确定您的。)

Rather than having red meat to fill that protein spot, try lentils, quinoa, beans, eggs, and protein-rich greens like spinach, collard greens, and broccoli—while focusing on lean animal proteins like salmon and chicken, Dr. Yu says, who recommends following the地中海饮食,每天几次消耗几次饮食方式,是每天几次食用几次饮食,植物性食品和健康脂肪(如橄榄油和鳄梨)是乳制品,鸡蛋,海鲜和家禽等动物产品。





Your first step: Talk to your health care provider and/or dermatologist to see if this way of eating is for you.

It’s worth mentioning that a plant-based diet may not be for everyone, Dr. Chacon adds. “There are people that might not be suited to have plant-based diet due to other health conditions that they may have,” she says. “That is why it is always important to consult your physician if you decide to do a significant change in your diet.”

Western Diet and Inflammation:斜体调查皮肤病学杂志。(2020.)“短期暴露于西方饮食会通过促进产生IL-17A的γδT细胞的积累来诱导牛皮癣皮炎。”https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32057839/

Psoriasis Comorbidities:巴西皮肤科学会。(2015.) “Psoriasis: classical and emerging comorbidities.”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc4323693/

牛皮癣引起的:牛皮癣和银屑病杂志。(2018.) “2018 American College of Rheumatology/National Psoriasis Foundation Guideline for the Treatment of Psoriatic Arthritis.”https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/247553031881244


牛皮癣和肠道健康:国际分子科学杂志。(2021.) “Psoriasis and Gut Microbiome-Current State of Art.”https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33926088/

Plant-Forward and Plant-Based Definitions:美国心脏协会。(n.d。)“植物前养(基于植物的)饮食如何使您的健康受益?”https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/healthy-eating/eat-smart/nutrition-basics/how-does-plant-forward-eating-benefit-your-health




Recommended Daily Fruit and Vegetable Intake:疾病预防与控制中心。(2022.)“成年人满足水果和蔬菜摄入建议 - 美国,2019年。”https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/71/wr/mm7101a1.htm

基于植物的饮食和肠道菌群多样性(1.):Frontiers in Nutrition。(2019.) “The Effects of Vegetarian and Vegan Diets on Gut Microbiota.”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6478664/

基于植物的饮食和肠道菌群多样性(2.):微生物。(2020.) “The Influence of Probiotics on the Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes Ratio in the Treatment of Obesity and Inflammatory Bowel disease.”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc7692443/

Psoriasis and Plant-Based Eating:美国生活方式医学杂志。(2021年。)“通过全食植物饮食管理银屑病关节炎:案例研究。”https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34366737/

短链脂肪酸和炎症:食品科学和营养的批判性评论。(2022.) “The role of short-chain fatty acids in immunity, inflammation and metabolism.”https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33261516/


欧米茄6和炎症:Open Heart。(2018年。)“作为冠状动脉疾病驱动力的omega-6植物油:氧化的亚油酸假说。”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc6196963/

Plant-Based Alternatives and Gut Health:食物。(2021.) “Impact of Plant-Based Meat Alternatives on the Gut Microbiota of Consumers: A Real-World Study.”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc8465665/

Meet Our Writer
Lisa M. Basile

丽莎·玛丽·巴西勒(Lisa Marie Basile)(她/她)是一位卫生作家,慢性病倡导者,也是一些诗歌和非小说书籍的作者,包括黑暗时代的轻魔。她的作品出现在The New York Times,,,,Self