牛皮癣不只是弹出我们的手,武器或头皮。事实是,Itchy自身免疫皮肤状况可能会在您有皮肤的任何地方呈现出来 - 有时在最奇怪的地区。而且那些藏起来,敏感或只是普通的艰难到达斑点,通常是最难以治疗的斑点。在这里,皮肤科医生和真正的患者突出了七个鲜明的地方牛皮癣可以出现,加上他们在做时如何处理。
The Nose
牛皮癣不仅可以在鼻子和鼻孔外面的土地,它也可以在它内部出现。If that happens, try smoothing an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream on the affected spot for three days or see your doc for a topical steroid medication, says Charles E. Crutchfield III, M.D., clinical professor of dermatology at the University of Minnesota Medical School in Minneapolis, who typically recommends a gentle one in the Class V or VI strength for the nose.
This is the absolute last place people want psoriasis plaques. In fact, patches in the groin area are most likely to impact quality of life, according to a study published in the journalPsoriasis。虽然避免紧张,但在这里有帮助,巧克力诱导的衣服有助于您,如果您在这个OH-SO-SO-or-So-of招标区的剧集中,您应该始终考虑预约DERM预约。“当肛门和生殖器这样的敏感区域发生牛皮癣时,使用温和的中间类固醇和非类固醇的温和组合,将会平静燃烧,这是一个很重要的温和的处方类药物和非类固醇,这将使Cruckfield博士说。
卫生间休息怎么样?Susan Bard,M.D.是西奈山医院的基于纽约的纽约州的董事会认证的皮肤科医生和临床教练,称跳过湿巾(它们可能有刺激的香水和防腐剂),而且“使用软卫生纸”。
The Ears
The Nails
虽然不是牛皮癣的顶点之一,但指甲上的耀斑并不完全罕见 - 2019年的研究英国皮肤科杂志found that 35% of those surveyed had nail involvement. However, nails are notoriously hard to treat since they’re so thick and tough—hey, have you ever tried to get rid of a nail fungus?
The Mouth
Psoriasis can be seen on the inside of the cheeks and the roof of the mouth and more commonly on the tongue. How they appear here is “highly variable,” according to the authors of a 2019 research review inThe World Journal of Dermatology,跨越白斑的一切,到灰白色的斑点或鳞片到红色悸动溃疡。
If you develop any of those symptoms, Dr. Bard recommends going to your doctor to see about getting a steroid swish to treat, and then avoid spicy and acid foods, as they “can lead to irritation that can predispose to development of psoriatic plaques or irritate existing plaques.”
Middle of the Back
This area poses some trouble for simply being difficult to twist around and get to by yourself. Sunil Murthy, 47, from Charlotte, NC, has since gotten his flares under control with lifestyle changes including meditation. But when he experienced flares on his back in the past, buddying up with his partner was the answer to getting ointment on the dry patches. He says, “I had my wife help me with it; we made it part of our nighttime routine.”
If you do get an patches around your eyes, Dr. Bard’s advice is to see your doctor for a prescription of low-dose topical steroids or steroid sparing agents like the immunosuppressant tacrolimus.
Psoriasis on the Nails:英国皮肤科杂志。(2019)。“常规护理中牛皮癣的拓扑:2009例患者的高分辨率分析结果。”onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/bjd.17403
Mouth Psoriasis:世界皮肤科杂志。(2016)。“解开口服牛皮癣及其与地理舌的关系:文献综述。”wjgnet.com/2218-6190/full/v5/i2/84.htm.