
There’s a lot to learn about the skin condition. Our experts set the record straight about its causes, symptoms, and treatments.

经过Holly St. Lifer 卫生作家

When you consider超过800万美国人有betway 体育是哪国的 , it’s no wonder the condition is serious clickbait. But social media isn’t the best place to get reliable intel. In fact, myths abound about this chronic disease’s causes, symptoms, and treatments; scroll long enough and you’ll start to believe you can get psoriasis from sex or swimming pools—neither of which are true! Here, we separate the myths from the facts about psoriasis.


Fact:牛皮癣是一种自身免疫性疾病,与人之间无关。尽管科学家不知道是什么原因导致牛皮癣,但根据牛皮癣和牛皮癣关节炎基金会的说法,your genes play a significant role:如果一位父母患有牛皮癣,您也有15%的机会发展这种情况。如果父母都拥有它,您的赔率将达到75%。许多专家说,您都需要两个基因加剧因素,例如压力,吸烟,体重增加,链球菌喉咙,耳朵或呼吸道感染,或太少或太多的阳光。

牛皮癣是由过度活跃的免疫系统引起的,该系统会在您的体内和皮肤中引起炎症。通常,新皮肤细胞生长和替换旧细胞最多需要30天。“但是,有了牛皮癣,您的过度活跃的免疫系统会错误地攻击健康的皮肤细胞,从而使此过程直到几天并导致细胞堆积。”Mark G. Lebwohl, M.D。, the dean of clinical therapeutics at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City and past chairman of the Psoriasis Task Force of the American Academy of Dermatology. This leads to the telltale rashes and scales, and frequent skin shedding.


Myth #2: Psoriasis and Eczema Are the Same Disease

Fact:尽管两种情况都会引起类似的症状,例如皮肤变色,皮疹和瘙痒,但绝对不一样。“引起两种疾病的细胞和化学物质,称为细胞因子,彼此之间有很大不同。在牛皮癣上起作用的治疗将无法使用betway31 ,” says Dr. Lebwohl. Nor do the conditions look alike: Psoriasis plaques are areas of thick skin covered in scales. Eczema is a rash of dry and bumpy skin. “Another distinction is that although both itch, with eczema, the itching can be incredibly severe; it is much less common to be severe in psoriasis,” says Dr. Lebwohl.


Fact:不幸的是,牛皮癣的炎症过程远不止于皮肤。A third of patients develop psoriatic arthritis(PSA)。“尽管发生这种情况并不常见,但有时关节炎甚至可以在牛皮癣出现在您的皮肤上之前就侵袭您的关节。”Carmen Castilla, M.D。,纽约市纽约皮肤病学小组的皮肤科医生。因此,如果您的关节疼痛,请立即与您的医生一起检查很重要。“如果不加以治疗,betway vip Castilla博士说:“可以产生如此多的炎症,以破坏您的关节。”

牛皮癣的炎症覆盖范围也长期以来与心脏病发作有关,因为该病情会增加动脉的斑块。根据欧洲心脏病学会的说法,患有严重牛皮癣的年龄在40至50岁之间twice the risk of having a heart attack。The good news: “Biologics treatment can reverse the (hardening) buildup of arterial plaque,” says Dr. Lebwohl. In fact, arecent study发现89例接受生物治疗一年的严重牛皮癣患者的冠状牙菌斑降低了8%,结果类似于低剂量的他汀类药物。接受局部治疗的32名参与者的动脉斑块增加了2%。

Myth #4: Biologics Are for Severe Cases Only

Fact:Once upon a time, as in just a few years ago,biologics- 通过静脉滴注(IV)或注射给药的系统药物主要针对严重的牛皮癣。但是现在,随着引入更新,更安全,更有效的生物制剂,它们也更频繁地用于难以治疗的轻度和中度牛皮癣。

Take nail psoriasis for example: It’s particularly resistant to topical therapies, can severely impact quality of life, and also has a high association with psoriatic arthritis. “So early biologic treatment is reasonable, even if it is only considered mild based on the小身体表面积,” says Dr. Castilla. “In the past we used topicals, phototherapy, and nail fold steroid injections. But nails grow slowly so any treatment takes a long time to see improvement. If a patient reports a significant impact on quality of life, I will start discussions of biologics at the first appointment.”

There are lots of treatment choices out there but biologics are more likely to clear 100% of the skin plaques versus other treatments, notes Dr. Castilla. Biologics get administered every two, eight, or 12 weeks depending on the specific drug. “It’s a lot easier for patients than having to apply a topical every day, or taking a pill, or going to light therapy twice a week,” says Dr. Castilla.



根据约翰·霍普金斯医学的说法eating fatty foods increases inflammation在脂肪组织(体内脂肪)中。这种炎症拨打了您患牛皮癣的风险。太多的汉堡和薯条也增加了您肥胖的几率另一个危险因素牛皮癣。


尽管需要进行更多的研究才能将任何饮食专门绑在牛皮癣中,但一个大的法国人民意调查有3500多名牛皮癣患者被置于Mediterranean diet两年来,那些不遵守饮食的人的牛皮癣症状恶化。此外,地中海饮食也与控制血压,胆固醇水平和整体心脏健康有关。Castilla博士说:“但是,任何饮食修饰都应被视为补充,而不是代替药理治疗干预措施。”

Myth #6: Only Adults Get Psoriasis

Fact:Actually, kids, even infants, can get psoriasis. And it’s not rare: Every year,大约有20,000名儿童10岁以下儿童are diagnosed with the disease and about one third of those who get psoriasis are under 20 years old at first onset. So, if you are a parent who has psoriasis or your partner does, you want to be on the lookout. “Signs with an infant is that psoriasis typically does not have the white thick scale that is seen in classic psoriasis although it will still appear as a red well-defined plaque. It will also be resistant to diaper rash treatments,” says Dr. Castilla.

In older kids, the disease might surface after an infection, particularly strep throat. If your child is injury prone, they might be susceptible toKoebner现象, when psoriasis plaques form at the site of a skin injury where psoriasis wasn’t present before.




牛皮癣和心脏病发作:Cardiovascular Research。(2019年。)“严重牛皮癣中生物治疗的冠状动脉斑块特征和治疗:一项前瞻性观察性研究的结果。”https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30721933/

银屑病和Fatty Foods:约翰·霍普金斯医学。(n.d。)“牛皮癣饮食:如果您患有牛皮癣,可以吃和避免食物。”https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/psoriasis-diet-foods-to-to-eat-and-and-avoid-if-you-have-psoriasis

牛皮癣与肥胖有关:PLOS Medicine。(2019.) “Evidence of a causal relationship between body mass index and psoriasis: A mendelian randomization study.”https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30703100/

地中海饮食和牛皮癣:JAMA Dermatology。(2018.) “Association Between Mediterranean Anti-inflammatory Dietary Profile and Severity of Psoriasis.”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc6143029/

Meet Our Writer
Holly St. Lifer

Holly is a journalist and editor with more than 20 years of experience covering health and social justice. Her work has appeared in自己,AARP The Magazine, goodhousekeeping.com,今天的心理学, 和Prevention, 之中