

经过Lisa M. Basile Health Writer


AS mainly affects the spine and sacroiliac joints, but it doesn’t spare other body parts, says Stella Bard, M.D., a board-certified rheumatologist atNew York Arthritis在纽约布鲁克林。其他常见的症状包括颈部和臀部疼痛(especially in women),眼部炎症(称为uveitis), gut health issues,betway 体育是哪国的 和肠炎(这是肌腱和韧带的炎症,例如脚或肋骨笼中)。不常见并发症她说,包括心肺问题。

有任何问题吗?然后,您还会知道,治疗可能很棘手。首先,后勤挑战,例如令人沮丧的诊断延迟是常见的。但这并不是全部:并非每个人都会经历相同的疾病,这意味着治疗可能因人而异,David H. Goddard,M.D.纽约大学格罗斯曼医学院医学系in New York City.


好消息?两位专家都同意,完全有可能与As一起生活。从药物到生活方式转变,您能够处理这种疾病。如果您是新诊断或寻求患者观点来指导您完成管理旅程的观点,那么我们将获得对治疗的期望的独家新闻 - 直接来自五个患有AS的人。

Treatment Trial and Error Is Totally Normal



Aside from infliximab, Sampson also uses nerve block injections and ketamine. But beyond medication, Sampson embraces consistent sleep, physiotherapy, and daily movement, as well as limiting alcohol and processed food intake (which have been shown to减少炎症).



Nadine Cruz,38,来自纽约州布朗克斯市,于2018年被诊断出,还尝试了几种不同类型的治疗方法 - 从类固醇和硬膜外注射到多种生物制剂。除药物外,利多卡因斑块,按摩疗法,物理疗法和水生治疗还在她的武器库中。

“I have permanent joint damage in my lumbar spine and sacroiliac joints. There are not many options [for treatment] once damage is done,” she says, and none of the treatments she’s tried so far have helped very much. Some medications have also caused side effects. Because of this, she’s turned to movement and diet as regular management tools.

克鲁兹说:“我吃得很好,运动 - 对我来说,这比我一直在接受的治疗更有益。”她还去除了含糖的食物和饮料,炸食品,加工食品和饱和脂肪,伸手去拿水果,蔬菜和绿叶蔬菜。




但是,除了知道那里有什么治疗以及适合您的治疗方法之外,克鲁兹还建议还要照顾您的心理健康 - 这就是自我倡导的来源。“我花了很长时间才成为自己的拥护者。用你的声音。这是您的身体,您可以选择其中的内容。透明


Diana Castaldini, who is in her thirties, of New York City was diagnosed with AS in 2014 and was prescribed a biologic. “I was completely freaked out by it initially,” she says. “In fact, I refused it because the idea of injecting myself with a medication that drastically alters the immune system terrified me,” she says, explaining that she wanted to see if she could manage the disease through lifestyle adjustments, and without the use of medication.

不幸的是,这些生活方式的转变(包括草药和补品)无效。“由于疼痛和炎症,我开始失去行走的能力。这把我吓坏了waymore than any medication.”

最后,卡斯塔尔尼(Castaldini)做了她的研究,并做出了一个明智的决定:“我求助于互联网,并通过对生物制剂的安全性,功效和耐受性进行梳理 - 实际上,我对发现的东西感到安慰。”

When she finally started taking adalimumab she realized that the medication, in combination with her lifestyle shifts, helped—很多

These days, Castaldini has switched to another biologic, which iscommon in the AS community。她说:“我现在服用的生物学并没有使我几乎缓解,但确实可以摆脱痛苦。”“即使我花了一段时间才接受它,我也最好在生物学上做,因为它使疼痛表盘降低了足以使我能够清楚地思考并探索其他有用的选择。”



Alex Levine, 34, a certified personal trainer and creator ofSpondystrong在CA的Encino和35岁的Sandra Voss是纽约市美国支持小组领导者的认证瑜伽老师和脊柱炎协会,都依靠运动来管理其症状。

But can exercise actually help? The short answer is yes. Recent研究发现“运动是患者中最重要的非药物干预措施……[改善]生活质量,身体状况和与强直性脊柱炎相关的症状”,因为它可以使脊柱迁移,肌肉力量和适当的姿势受益。它还发现运动促进了称为抗炎蛋白的分泌Myokines




“AS sort of forces you to slow down and help yourself—to stretch, to meditate [since stress can increase inflammation], to keep track of how you feel after eating certain foods or after stretching. It’s all about small changes here and there,” Levine says.

It may take some time to figure out what works for you, all five of our AS warriors agree. So don't get discouraged—and remember: You’re not alone in your journey.

AS的并发症:International Journal of Rheumatology。(2011年。)“强直性脊柱炎的心肺表现。”https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21547038/


Neck and Hip Pain in AS:临床风湿病学。(2011.) “Spondyloarthritis in women: differences in disease onset, clinical presentation, and Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity and Functional indices (BASDAI and BASFI) between men and women with spondyloarthritides.”https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20882310/

AS的情感影响:美国脊柱炎协会。(no date.) “Battling Our Demons: The Emotional Impact Of Spondyloarthritis.”https://spondylitis.org/spondylitis-plus/battling-our-demons-the-motional-emotional-impact-spondyloarthritis/


NSAIDS,AS:美国脊柱炎协会。(no date.) “Medications Used to Treat Ankylosing Spondylitis and Related Diseases.”https://spondylitis.org/about-spondylitis/treatment-information/medications/


Switching Biologics:BMJ. (2017.) “Switching biological disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs in patients with axial spondyloarthritis: results from a systematic literature review.”https://rmdopen.bmj.com/content/3/2/e000524

Anti-Inflammatory Diet and AS:美国脊柱炎协会。(无日期。)“抗炎饮食。”https://spondylitis.org/spondylitis-plus/anti-inflammatory-eating/

Yoga and AS:神经科学的年鉴。(2021.) “Potential Role of Yoga in the Management of Ankylosing Spondylitis: A Retrospective Study.”https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34733057/

作为药物:美国脊柱炎协会。(no date.) “Medications Used to Treat Ankylosing Spondylitis and Related Diseases.”https://spondylitis.org/about-spondylitis/treatment-information/medications/

补充疗法和AS(1.):Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice。(2022.) “Successful treatment of ankylosing spondylitis with alternative and complementary medicine withdrawal of adalimumab treatment.”https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34715506/

Complementary Therapies and AS (2.):美国脊柱炎协会。(无日期。)“补充治疗。”https://spondylitis.org/about-spondylitis/treatment-information/complementary-treatments/

Meet Our Writer
Lisa M. Basile

Lisa Marie Basile (she/her) is a health writer, chronic illness advocate, and author of a few books of poetry and nonfiction, including黑暗时代的轻魔。她的作品出现在The New York Times,,,,Self