Dream Big: Test Your Fitness With This Kidney Disease Survivor



“这项挑战的每个星期,您都在安全,安全地逐步建立自己的耐力和力量,”加利福尼亚州格伦代尔社区学院副教授Erin Calderone说,他创建了这种更好的体型蓝图。在培训的最后一周中检查所有锻炼,并按时按计划进行150分钟的中度有氧运动和两次肌肉强度的锻炼。那就是Calderone的计划:您刚刚开始每周政府锻炼建议

Back at the starting line, you completed a pre-test to see how you fared with each of your three basic strength exercises. This gave you an idea as to where you stood with key fitness metrics, including your overall ability to balance (one-legged balance), your upper body strength (push-ups), and your core strength (forearm planks). You finished by doing a one-mile walk and recording your time and postworkout heart rate—both yardsticks of your cardio fitness. Dig up those results and have them handy, because at the end of this week you’ll retest yourself and measure your progress.

“I help all my clients keep track of their metrics,” says Greg Hasberry, owner of精英健身与人物在过去的几周里,他一直是阿拉巴马州伯明翰的培训工作室,他一直是您的主要动机,还有十多年的肾脏疾病幸存者。“每个月或两个月,如果他们失去动力,我们一起研究他们的健身史。这通常会激发他们继续兴趣。”

尝试一下 - 您可能会激发自己也继续前进。

Why Hasberry Still Helps to Fight Kidney Disease

作为举重运动员,Hasberry一直处于健身的高峰状态,在他的慢性病生活中,他被偶然地蒙蔽了kidney disease。他在透析上度过的几年教会他在处理疲劳和定期治疗时,即使是最简单的锻炼也可能是一场战斗。


“The founders of现在不在要求我作为小组成员,以帮助将健康和医疗保健意识带入黑人社区。他很乐意义务,并在有关肾脏疾病的醒目统计上贴上脸庞。

根据国家肾脏基金会的说法Black Americans are more than three times as likely to have kidney failurethan white Americans. According to one study in the新英格兰医学杂志在黑人美国人中更常见的遗传变异都可以加速肾脏疾病的进展并增加肾衰竭的风险。




Week 4 Training Plan

Monday: Walk for 40 minutes.

Have you tried using technology to track your distance? If not, give it a go. “It’s fun to see just how far you can walk in your given time frame, and can be useful as a way to challenge yourself on future walks,” says Calderone, who recommends user-friendly apps such asMapMyWalk或者Stravathat rely on GPS to gauge distance.

Tuesday: Do your muscle-strengthening workout.


One-Legged Balance


Forearm Plank

Aim to add another five seconds to at least one of your attempts this week. “The stronger your core, the better your posture, and the less likely you are to experience back pain,” Calderone adds.



Wednesday: Walk for 35 minutes.



Friday: Walk for 40 minutes.


这是您在重新测试之前的最后一次步行锻炼 - 因此,如果您将其悠闲地进行,并节省周一的动力行走。

Sunday: Rest or stretch.

You can do both上身拉伸低身拉伸from the American Council on Exercise. Or try thesefoam roller exercises以不同的方式放松。

It’s Fitness Test Monday!


“See if you can enlist a friend or family member to time your one-legged balance and plank exercises for the most accurate results,” she suggests.

After you’ve completed your strength moves—in the order listed below—you’ll repeat your one-mile walk using the same course you first used during your pre-test. Make sure you’ve got all the tools you need to clock your time and review your heart rate as soon as you finish. For example, if you are using an activity tracker watch with a built-in heart rate monitor such as aFitbit,开始散步后立即启动计时器。完成后,立即注意时间和心律。

One-Legged Balance


Forearm Plank

Hold as long as you can, and be sure to record your time.


Perform as many as you can in a row, resting no longer than three seconds in between reps. Don't forget to note how many you do.

Walk One Mile



将预测试的结果与您的重新测试结果进行比较 - 您如何做?您可以将下面的指标用作指南,但是成为Fitter的真实度量只是看到了改进。希望您对自己的进步感到兴奋(无论您在这些图表上何处) - 这就是这个挑战的全部。

One-Legged Balance

Per the规范标准45秒是年龄在18至39岁的人的平均最佳选择;最好的努力是40至49岁的43秒;50至59岁的大约42秒;60至69岁的年龄约为33秒;70至79岁的大约22秒;以及大约10秒的80岁及以上。

Forearm Plank

Holding anywhere from 10 to 30 seconds is a solid effort, perHarvard Health Medicine




Clocking between 50% to 70% of your maximum heart rate after a brisk walk is considered a healthy range. (Your maximum heart rate is about 220 minus your age, per the美国心脏协会

If you’re not satisfied with one or more of your results, think back on your journey and see where you might have gone off course. Remember: Life happens. Perhaps you got busy with family or work obligations, or maybe some of the symptoms of your chronic condition got in the way. “Everyone’s fitness journey is unique, and everyone’s body and life situation is going to be different,” says Calderone. “It takes time for to adapt to exercise, and some people take longer than others to adjust, so keep going and be patient.”

Tips to Keep the Fitness Coming


Advanced One-Legged Balance



Even Tougher Planks

进步这一举动就像将其保持更长的时间或增加其难度水平一样简单:例如,如果您膝盖上的木板,请尝试在脚趾上保持平衡与双腿完全伸展。Calderone说:“您将无法持有更高级的版本,但请不要担心 - 就像以前一样,您会随着时间的推移而建立力量和耐力。”




“Find a walking route with hills to increase the intensity and challenge your body in new ways,” says Calderone. “Your heart rate will increase, which helps improve cardiovascular fitness and stamina.”

Calderone补充说,上坡行走还增加了后链链中的肌肉所做的工作 - 含糊,臀部,腿筋和小腿。上坡或爬楼梯也可以增强卡路里燃烧多达20%,如果您想减肥,这是个好消息。



“最好的目标是那些对你,so if you’re looking for the next thing to ignite your competitive spirit, choose an activity that you truly enjoy,” Calderone advises. “For example, if you’ve always wanted to try pickleball, swap one of your scheduled walk days for a pickleball lesson.”


Need ideas? Check back in with HealthCentral for our next Dream Big challenge, or sample我们过去的每月目标计划中的任何一个!

CDC Exercise Recommendations for Adults:美国卫生与公共服务部。(n.d。)“执行摘要:美国人的体育活动指南,第二版。”https://health.gov/our-work/nutrition-physical-activity/physical-activity-guidelines/current-guidelines,https://health.gov/sites/default/files/2019-10/pag_executivesummary.pdf

Minorities and Kidney Disease:国家肾脏基金会(N.D.)“种族,种族和肾脏疾病”。https://www.kidney.org/atoz/content/minorities-kd

One-Legged Balance Normative Standards:老年物理治疗杂志。(2007.)睁开和闭合的Uniepdal立场测试的规范值。https://journals.lww.com/jgpt/fulltext/2007/04000/normative_values_for_the_unipedal_stance_tesce_test_test_with.3.aspx





上坡行走会燃烧更多卡路里(2.):应用生理学杂志。(2017.) “Walking Economy is predictably determined by speed, grade, and gravitational load.”https://journals.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/japplphysiol.00504.2017

拉拉·麦格山(Lara McGlashan)

Lara McGlashan在健康和健身领域担任编辑和作家有25年以上的经验。她是前品牌总监兼总编辑Oxygenmagazine, and currently serves as the