Last week, youchose your ideal workout facility and, with the help of our team leaders, got together your gym kit and get-moving mindset. Now it’s time to take action—no matter modifications that your RA may call for. Personal trainer, yoga instructor, and inspiring RA warrior Darlene Kalina Salvador—along with sports psychologist Haley Perlus, Ph.D.—are here to help you overcome any mental hurdles as you get into your rhythm at the gym. Feeling a wee intimidated? Check out Salvador’s story of returning to the gym and the roadblocks she had to overcome.
From Hospital Bed to Yoga Mat
Eventually, Salvador realized the toll her condition was taking on her two small children. “I could see in their eyes that they were concerned, sad, afraid,” she says. “Their ‘light’ had dimmed and I felt horrible. I decided I had to rally for them.” Her first step was to return to exercise. Salvador, a lifelong fitness enthusiast and athlete, had avoided the gym for months because she was afraid her condition would prevent her from doing what she had done before. But instead of giving up, she adapted her regimen to include movements that would not exacerbate her pain. She also began to practice yoga.
“I remember my first yoga class—I could barely do a forward fold without experiencing pain in my lower back and hips,” she says. “My muscles were so tight and tense. But after a few classes of gentle stretching and movement, my range of motion started to improve.” Salvador had set a goal to touch her toes without pain, and when she achieved it, it was cause for celebration.
Week 2: Go After Your Goal
Remember the goal you set last week? It’s time to chart a course toward achieving it. If you signed up with a personal trainer, discuss your goals with him or her, and use one of your sessions to map out a plan of action. If you’re flying solo, look at your calendar and see where you can schedule time to exercise. Can you get up an hour earlier and work out before breakfast? Can you go to the gym or take a walk after work or during lunch? The key is deciding on a time and sticking to it. Enter your workout into your calendar and treat it as an appointment you have to keep, like a business meeting or doctor’s visit.
举重非常适合各种规模,年龄,性别和能力的人。它可以增强骨骼,增强肌肉并改善平衡 - 当您生活在RA(或许多其他慢性病)时,这至关重要。更重要的是,一项2022年的研究发表在British Journal of Sports Medicine发现在一周内增加30至60分钟的力量训练可以帮助您更长的时间。
If you’re new to the gym or testing the waters with your body’s strength level and capabilities, machines are your best bet. They help keep your body aligned properly and teach you the correct movement patterns used for an exercise. For more experienced exercisers, equipment such as barbells and dumbbells are fair game. “Free weights challenge you by incorporating more muscle recruitment, improving stability and strength,” says Salvador.
Cardio exercise has been linked to everything from losing weight to improving mood to staving off dementia, and it has a place in everyone’s workout schedule. There are two kinds of cardio activity: aerobic and anaerobic. Aerobic exercise elevates your heart rate and sustains it for a duration of time. It improves endurance and stamina, and helps with weight loss. Examples include jogging, Zumba, swimming, and walking. Anaerobic means “without oxygen,” and this kind of cardio is high in intensity and short in duration. It strengthens bones, improves balance, builds muscle, and burns fat. Examples include sprinting, jumping, and other explosive movements.
Both kinds of cardio are beneficial, helping regulate blood sugar, improve sleep, and alleviate depression. A review published inBlood Advancesalso found that cardio benefits the immune system, and theAmerican Journal of Epidemiology报道说,诸如步行之类的低冲击活动可以帮助减轻慢性疼痛并改善耐力。
健身房中有各种各样的有氧运动机器:跑步机,固定自行车,楼梯登山者,椭圆教练和划船者。请工作人员向您展示如何使用每个人并尝试所有人。谁知道 - 您可能会发现您喜欢划船!
Exercise helps alleviate symptoms of many chronic conditions, and can improve your quality of life as well as your mood. “Exercise alters the chemicals in the brain in a positive way,” says Perlus. “And for those with chronic conditions, it can enhance coping abilities and improve self-esteem.”
Whatever you do, leave the past in the past. “Don’t focus on what you can’t do or what you used to do,” says Perlus. “Focus on the now.” In other words, if you used to play tennis and now it causes you pain, learn to love something new. There are so many ways to stay active you’re sure to find an alternative (badminton, anyone?) that gives you just as much enjoyment.
并确保下周再次加入我们的行列,参加您的规则第3周The Gym Challenge!
力量训练和长寿:British Journal of Sports Medicine。(2022.)“肌肉强化活性与主要非传染性疾病的风险和死亡率较低有关:对队列研究的系统评价和荟萃分析。”https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/early/2022/01/19/bjsports-2021-105061
心血管活动和免疫力:Blood Advances。(2020.): “Impact of exercise on the immune system and outcomes in hematologic malignancies.https://ashpublications.org/bloodadvances/article/4/8/1801/454550/Impact-of-exercise-on-the-immune-system-and
运动和慢性疼痛:American Journal of Epidemiology。(2011年。)“身体锻炼,体重指数和低背部和肩膀慢性疼痛的风险:Nord-Trondelag健康研究中的纵向数据。”https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21633119/