Dream Big: Take Your RA Body to the Gym!


到现在,你已经完成了又一周的锻炼,并有目的地朝着您的目标迈进。您可能会更加充满活力,并且对自己和状况具有更积极的看法。您不希望自己能永远这样吗?You can, actually: It might take some effort to adopt this new habit, but it can absolutely be done, and your team leaders—personal trainer, yoga instructor, and rheumatoid arthritis patient Darlene Kalina Salvador, and author and sports psychologist Haley Perlus,博士学位 - 在这里帮助采取现实生活中的策略和建议。




当她准备好并能够返回健身房时,萨尔瓦多进行了现实检查。她说:“最初,我无法举重,我无法跑步或骑自行车。”但是,萨尔瓦多没有扔毛巾,而是换了钉子,发现她能做的事情并没有引起她的痛苦。这包括Step Class,Spinning和Yoga,她发现了她的流动性和心理前景。

The going was tough at first, but Salvador had a support system. “I credit my gym friends with helping me through those first couple weeks,” she says. “The gym is now my second home. I get my workout in, yes, but I also socialize with like-minded people who are passionate about fitness.”






Consistency is imperative when it comes to changing a habit and, according to a study in the journalObesity,促进一致性的一种好方法是每天同时锻炼。“如果您不是一个早起的人,请不要早上锻炼,” Perlus说。“找到适合您昼夜节律的时间。”For example, if your plan was to get up a 5 a.m. to exercise before breakfast, but you only end up hitting the snooze a dozen times and then rushing to work, try heading to the gym at lunchtime or after work and see if you’re better able to stick to that plan.


Having a workout buddy keeps you motivated and accountable. Good partners push and encourage one another when the going gets tough, and also may help you reach your goals faster: According to a study in theJournal of Health Communication,有54%的人在接受训练伙伴时减轻了更多的体重和英寸。Perlus说:“找到一个支持和可靠的人,其年龄和健身水平适合您的。”“如果您的好友有类似的慢性病,​​也可能会有所帮助。”

Group fitness classes are a good way to feel less intimated at the gym (you’re all in it together!) and befriend like-minded people, and may even have added health benefits: Research inThe Journal of the American Osteopathic Association揭示在小组中锻炼的压力减少了26%,情绪健康增加了26%,并使身体健康增长了近25%。


不确定每周的健身房会议取得了多少进展?萨尔瓦多说:“很容易在应用程序或可穿戴设备(例如Fitbit或Apple Watch)上设置和跟踪您的健身目标。”“这些设备可以帮助您保持责任。他们可以提醒您移动,站起来,甚至花一分钟的时间放松和呼吸。”

Apps also may help you move more: A recent study in the英国医学杂志found that those using an app, smartwatch, or Fitbit increased their activity level by more than 1,200 steps per day, or 48 minutes per week.

Not into electronics? Grab a pad of paper and a pen and write things out old-school. Note what exercises you did, which machines you used, how many sets and reps you performed and what weight you used. If you took a class, write down which one you took and how long it lasted. If you did a cardiovascular activity, enter how long you did it for and at what intensity you worked. It’s also helpful to write out how you felt before and after your workout or even the time you worked out; looking back, you might notice trends such as having more energy to exercise in the morning than you do in the afternoon.

Check In With Your Body

Now that you’ve gotten in another week of workouts at the gym, how do you feel? You might still be a little bit sore, especially if you’ve never used some of the equipment at a gym before, but this is a good thing. It means your body is changing and getting stronger. However, your rheumatoid arthritis pain should not be getting worse. Exercise should be helping you, not hurting you.

Assess the program you’ve laid out for yourself and determine if it’s working for you or against you. “For example, if back pain is an issue for you, you have to be careful that your form during strength-training exercises is correct so as not to exacerbate it further,” says Perlus.


Also, beware of overdoing it. It’s easy in the beginning to be overzealous and do too much, too soon. If you’re finding it difficult to manage the number of workouts you have scheduled for yourself, take another look at your calendar and see where you can add in some days off.




“After a couple weeks back at the gym, I continued with the classes I enjoyed and eliminated the ones I didn’t,” says Salvador. “I also started taking an adult swim class and that felt really good on my body.” Final tip? Don’t be too hard on yourself if you miss a workout, says Salvador: “Being consistent with a new routine can be challenging for anyone, whether or not you have a chronic illness. Forgive yourself today, but get right back to your routine tomorrow.”

See you next week for your victory lap!

Workout Timing:Obesity。(2019年。)“成功减肥者的运动时间和运动水平的一致性之间的一致性。”https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31267674/

培训伙伴的好处:Journal of Health Communication。(2018.) “The Buddy Benefit: Increasing the Effectiveness of an Employee-Targeted Weight-Loss Program.”https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10810730.2018.1436622

小组健身课程和减轻压力:The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association(2017.) “Effects of Group Fitness Classes on Stress and Quality of Life of Medical Students.”https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.7556/jaoa.2017.140/html

Fitness Trackers and Activity Levels:英国医学杂志(2022.) “Effectiveness of physical activity monitors in adults: systematic review and meta-analysis.”https://www.bmj.com/content/376/bmj-2021-068047

Meet Our Writer
拉拉·麦格山(Lara McGlashan)

拉拉·麦格山(Lara McGlashan)has more than 25 years of experience as an editor and writer in the health and fitness space. She is the former brand director and editor-in-chief forOxygen杂志,目前充当