Your Ultimate Chronic Sex Toolkit Is Here


byPatty Onderko Health Writer

Newsflash: People with残疾和慢性病渴望性满足。什么概念!但是“健康问题确实会影响关系中的亲密关系,” WY Cheyenne的临床性学家Rachel Sommer博士说,我的性玩具指南。“从疾病本身到药物的副作用的一切都可以使自己更难和享受性爱。”但这并不意味着这是不可能的。实际上,借助一些创造性,有趣的解决方法,您可以比以往任何时候都更好地使性生活变得更好 - 无论您是否有机动性问题,痛苦或敏感性。我们与专家进行了交谈,以找到最好的产品(从特色枕头到超级光滑的润滑油),这可以使性更轻松,更有趣。


Prepare for Pain-Free Sex With Dilators

If you’re someone with a vagina who wants vaginal sex but hasn’t been able to have it in some time—due to disability, cancer treatment, chronic pain, or sex-affirming surgery—you can help make your first time back in the saddle (so to speak) easier by using dilators. Dilators, like the ones in theVuVa Smooth Vaginal Dilator Set($56) or thisCurved Silicone Dilator Set($79), are used to gradually stretch and relax tight or atrophied vaginal muscles, says Heather S. Howard, Ph.D., an AASECT-certified sex counselor and educator at The Center for Sexual Health and Rehabilitation in San Francisco, CA. Once you can comfortably insert the smallest-sized dilator all the way into your vagina, you’re ready to try the next larger size. Use them as often and for as long as feels comfortable until you're able to use the desired size easily and without pain. Sound like something you don't want to try on your own? Consulting with a pelvic floor physical therapist can be extremely helpful in getting comfortable using a dilator. Ask your primary-care provider for a referral, or访问此网站以自己找到治疗师。



No, not the fried dough rings (though a classic chocolate glazed can solve most problems).Ohnut Buffer Rings($65 for a set of four) are stackable spongy donuts designed for the whopping one in seven women in the United States who suffers from chronic pelvic pain, per latest research published instatpearls。骨盆疼痛可能是由子宫内膜异位症霍华德博士说,,卵巢肌瘤,盆腔炎症性疾病,痛经,肠易激综合征和许多其他疾病,这可能会使阴道深度渗透令人发指。Ohnut环在伴侣的阴茎底部滑落,以便您可以控制它的进度。



如果您有背部,臀部或骨盆疼痛,那么标准的宣教姿势可能会非常不舒服……不适是什么性感?从策略上放置枕头,例如公司但可塑的Pillo($ 95),在您的臀部或背部下,可以减轻压力,并更好地对齐骨盆以接受穿透(如果是您的事,当然是您的事!)。霍华德博士说:“但是,如果您有深度的骨盆疼痛,减少在敏感或酸痛的地方摩擦,还是给自己更好的杠杆作用,请使用枕头对您来说很有意义,无论是允许更浅的穿透。”


For people with more debilitating joint pain or mobility issues, more support is always better. Positioners like the解放者楔形坡道组合($279) are the ergonomic office chairs of sex, angling your pelvis and back for optimal “productivity.” “They help relieve pressure on body joints so you can have sex for longer without feeling fatigued,” says Sommer. They come in different sizes for all body types and, don’t worry, the covers are all machine washable. Need something more affordable (and, bonus, portable!)? Try theLynx Inflatable Sex Position Pillow($40).

Get Into the Swing of It

霍华德博士说,虽然它们听起来像是扭结的缩影,但性波动对于流动性问题的人也可能非常治疗。就像枕头和定位者提供缓冲支撑一样,像Screamer Dual Hook Sex Swing她说(240美元)允许失重的支持,使其非常适合患有脊髓问题的人。与室内式升降机一起使用的秋千在天花板上或与轮椅吊装一起使用是更好的选择,因为它可以进行更多的运动范围。她说,大多数轮椅用户无论如何都已经在他们的床上上方装有某种天花板坐骑,因此,剪裁性挥杆仍然可以谨慎。

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Straps Can Help, Too

就像那些辅助的引体式机器或史密斯机器促进力量训练一样,性皮带也可以使推力更轻松,更安全,尤其是如果您或您的伴侣有背部或臀部受伤。这I Like It Doggy Style Strap($ 24)(是的,真的叫了,不,我们也不会告诉任何人)可以在没有额外的猫咪(或拉动弱肌肉的风险!)的情况下给您额外的魅力。因为你们中的一个可以用手臂将另一个抬起,所以您可以达到相互满足的角度,否则可能需要难以维护的位置。将皮带视为浴缸支撑杆的(方式)更性感的版本:它们可以帮助您更轻松地进出。

Let the Sex Toys Do the Work

For people betway体育 ,手和手腕上的关节通常受炎症的影响,使其僵硬而痛苦地移动。霍华德博士说,只要用手指将外套拉开,这可能是足够艰辛的,更不用说自己或您的伴侣手动感到高兴。对于女性和想要取悦她们的人,这就是振动器的进来。如果您能够抓住手柄,那是现代经典Lelo Smart Wand($ 120)将是您最好的朋友。如果没有,请寻找具有阴道和阴蒂振动的兔子假阳具,Lovehoney Jessica Rabbit 10功能兔振动器(40美元),用于免提刺激。



For men and the people who want to please them, male masturbators like the脉搏独奏必不可少($100) can create maximum pleasure with minimal exertion and hand discomfort. Just place it on the penis and press “on”! Likewise, theLovense Max 2($99) is a penile sleeve that simulates the feel and contractions of a vagina. Both of these products can be controlled remotely (though you’ll have to spring for an extra $90 to get the remote capability with thePulse Duo Lux),这意味着即使您没有身体上的能力,也可以指导动作。

Pick a Skin-Friendly Lube

If you have a chronic skin condition likebetway31 orbetway 体育是哪国的 ,性不仅可以触发性高潮。错误的润滑可能会导致耀斑和痛苦的敏感性。霍华德博士建议,寻找水性或硅胶润滑油。她说:“但是它们不会直接刺激您的皮肤,但是它们很快就会溶解,因此您必须经常重新涂抹或冒痛苦的摩擦。”基于硅树脂的产品“持续更长的时间且具有pH均衡,因此它们往往更保护皮肤,而危险感染的可能性较小。”她的选择:好干净的爱几乎是赤裸裸的($13 for 4 oz.) andSliquid Silver($20 for 2 oz.). What to avoid: parabens, glycerin, and propylene glycol.


It's normal to feel weird about trying new things when it comes to sex. But sex toys and tools are just aids—like the shoe inserts you wear or the cane you might use—to make your life easier and less painful. "It's all about having the freedom to experience pleasure, even if you can't do it entirely on your own," says Dr. Howard. After all, sex and self-pleasure shouldn't be something you have to give up just because your body has different needs. Everyone has a right to have sex, in whatever way works for them. That’s not weird, that’s human!

Pelvic Pain Incidence and Causes:statpearlsPublishing。(2021.) “Chronic Pelvic Pain.”

流动性和性别:这Journal of Sexual Medicine。(2015.) “Sexual Health Care for People With Physical Disabilities.”

Meet Our Writer
Patty Onderko

Patty Onderko is a writer and editor who has covered health, parenting, psychology, travel, and more for more than 20 years. She lives in Brooklyn, NY with her wife and two sons.