

许多药物可以be truly lifesaving, but one frustrating side effect of them is that they might kill your sex life. Whether you’re taking something as simple as an antihistamine or as serious as prostate cancer drugs, there are a whole host of treatments that can lower your libido from a steady flame to a sputter—or perhaps extinguish it all together. The good news (we’ve always got good news!) is that there are strategies to help you outsmart this side effect, starting right here.


The first step toward addressing a lowered libido due to meds is… to talk about the meds, says pharmacist Daniel Breisch, Pharm.D., of MVP Pharmacy in Sandy, UT. And we get it: It can feel really awkward to bring it up with your doc, but you shouldn’t overthink it. A drop in libido is a common issue when people either start news medication or switch meds. Plus, sexual health is part of your overall health—and your doctor is there to help with both.

“As health providers, we are here to help, and we want you to talk to us about it” he says. “Whatever side effects you’re having, there may be another, similar medication that you can take instead that will treat your medical condition without those effects.”

Get a Medication Review

If it’s not a single medication that’s causing a problem, it might be a side effect of how your meds are working in combination, according to Donald Mack, M.D., a specialist in geriatric medicine at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus, OH.

“People sometimes believe there’s a single database where all your medication information is stored, which means it can be cross-checked automatically for potential interactions,” he says. “That would be amazing, but unfortunately, that doesn’t exist right now.”

For example, if you go to new specialists or develop a new complication for your condition, you may be prescribed new drugs to add to your regimen—and if those cause side effects, it’s possible your doctor will suggest even more meds to deal with them. This is called a “prescribing cascade,” Dr. Mack says. Taking the time to go through all your medications with your primary care doctor or pharmacist may uncover some libido killing combinations that can be modified.

Learn to De-Stress

如果您的药物进行了调整并且对性的缺乏兴趣,或者您的医生通知您无法替代您正在使用的药物,那么现在是时候开始考虑其他重新射击的方法了。纽约市Lenox Hill医院的家庭医学医生M.D. Eric Ascher说,一种主要策略是解决压力。他说:“最近的重点很重要。”“让您的思想留下对工作的压力,并在卧室外面与财务状况的斗争将使您更加享受自己的体验。”

一种study on chronic stress and sexual functionback him up. The research, published in性医学杂志,当女性观看一部色情电影时,测量了女性的心理和身体唤醒。那些慢性,高压力的人在观看时更加分心,因此不太能够引起人们的注意。一种nother study发表在一种rchives of Sexual Behaviorfound that higher amounts of stress tend to lower testosterone levels, which negatively affects libido in men.



如果这对您的日程安排不起作用,请尝试在当天早些时候的锻炼中挤压,即使是短暂的。一种Journal of Education and Health Promotionstudy examining the connections between exercise and sex found that it’s not just about increasing your blood flow: The mere act of working out improves your self-esteem, say researchers, which in turn gives your libido a lift.


Some people may have a sex drive that turns off and on, like a light switch. But if you’re like most people, your sex drive is on more of a dimmer switch, meaning just a little nudge one way or the other can raise or lower it. Physical touch is one important way to begin moving that control in the right direction, Dr. Ascher says.

Things like holding hands or gentle touching, or even playing around with a loving wrestling match, can help to build up arousal slowly, even if it’s not explicitly considered sexual foreplay. It’s the physical connection that’s important, Dr. Ascher says. Physical contact between partners is what sparks a surge in your oxytocin levels, sometimes called the “love hormone” because it causes feelings of closeness and bonding.


Whether you’re trying to overcome medication effects or not, sex between partners can often become routine over time, which is why introducing novelty is so helpful, Dr. Ascher says. That might be erotica, roleplaying, or talking about fantasies. “Turning toward a steamy novel or video, or having a ‘naughty’ outfit, or even just starting that sexy conversation may help promote an enjoyable sexual experience,” he says. “Try something new in the bedroom. Adding spice, toys, food, and alternatives to your normal sex routine may improve the mood.”

Your version of “new” may also be to talk with a certified sex therapist together or separately, for more strategies and ideas that can improve sexual desire and function specific to your needs. Most of all, Ascher adds, be patient. It can take time to adjust medication dosages or types, or to come to grips with the curveballs your chronic condition throws your way.

The encouraging news: Most people with chronic conditions find ways and workarounds to continue having a happy sex life with their partner. Keep getting after it, even when you’re less excited than you used to be. Eventually, you’ll discover the right formula to get your libido back up to its former heat.

伊丽莎白·米拉德(Elizabeth Millard)

伊丽莎白·米拉德(Elizabeth Millard)是一位自由记者,专门从事健康,健康,健身和营养。她的文章出现在自我,男性健康,CNN,MyFitnesspal和WebMD中,她一直从事耐心教育