Your 28-Day Stretch and Strength RA Challenge

Ten minutes a day can help keep the rheumatoid arthritis pain away. You’ve got this!

经过Karla Walsh 卫生作家

After being diagnosedwith rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in her 20s, Kathy Giegrich, now 61, pretty much resigned herself to the idea that she would need to learn to live with pain. She'd watched her mom do just that. But she soon discovered barre classes, and found the low-impact strength exercises—inspired by a mix of ballet, yoga, and Pilates—were right in her comfort zone. “I could adjust movements to ‘loosen up’ arthritic areas,” Giegrich says. “Then, as I gained strength and mobility, I could ramp things up to do the movements as designed.” Her RA symptoms are now an exception rather than a rule.

吉格里希(Giegrich)正在活着证明什么劳伦·史罗耶(Lauren Shroyer)是加利福尼亚州卡尔斯巴德的认证运动教练,以及美国运动委员会的产品与创新副总裁,每天都在与在类风湿关节炎等慢性疾病中挣扎的客户进行工作。“当您受伤时,保持静止是一种自然的本能。但是RA的风险是,持续缺乏活动会导致肌肉无力,最终可能成为催化剂more pain and decreased physical independence,” Shroyer说。“每天只有10分钟的时间进行伸展和建立强度可以最大程度地减少力量损失。”


遵循此程序所需的唯一事情是垫子,一个阻力带(例如Spri’s adjustable flat band) - 每天10分钟。(但是,如果您受到启发创建自己的迷你家庭健身房,请查看best fitness gear for RA




您将在下面执行他们的14天计划,然后将其重复给银行一个月良好的健身。“慢慢升高时,患有慢性疼痛的人会最成功,” Shroyer说。“一遍又一遍地锻炼相同的肌肉是我们如何建立力量的。有很多不同的方法来运动相同的肌肉,但是首先建立基础是必不可少的。”



Day 1: Marching

时间:45 seconds on, 15 seconds rest


Ideal for improving balance and to get your body primed for more movement to come, start by marching in place. “If you feel at all unstable on one leg as you switch to the other, try this exercise in a doorframe or near a countertop that you can use your hands to stabilize yourself. The goal is to eventually be able to do the exercise without holding on,” Shroyer says.

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart and spine tall.

  • 将膝盖抬高至臀部高度,停下来一次跳动,降低;在另一侧重复。

  • 一旦您感到稳定进行此练习,请通过将脚放回地板,从原始位置降低到几英寸的侧面,然后将脚放回地板上。


时间:60 seconds on, 30 seconds rest


Shroyer recommends alternating strength, cardio and身体意识在移动随着瑜伽风格的伸展运动以提高活动能力,因此您会注意到每隔几天的RA锻炼洒水。以舒适的速度步行5分钟以热身,然后尝试这种上半身伸展运动。胸部开幕式将有助于姿势,以实现前方的其余举动,更不用说在您的日常活动中提及。

  • 站在门口的门口,在下巴高度的两侧门框上。

  • 向前走进门口,直到您感觉到胸部和肩膀上的舒适伸展。

  • 保持无脉冲或超越舒适性。




“没有比蹲下更好的低身运动,” Shroyer说。“在建立力量的同时,将稳定的椅子放在您身后,然后轻轻坐下,然后再升起,或者用双手(例如水槽或台面)握住稳定的东西。”

  • 与臀部宽度的双脚站立,握住胸部和头部高,同时吸引核心肌肉。

  • 将重量转移到高跟鞋上,弯曲膝盖,同时将臀部伸向下蹲(好像坐在椅子上)。

  • Engage glutes and push through heels to return to standing.

  • 一旦您的下蹲形式感到坚强,就可以站在脚下的电阻带中心,并握住每只手的一端,以使乐队感到有些拉紧。当您在每次下蹲时站起来时,这将提供一些临时阻力。




Day 5: Wall Push-Up



“Floor push-ups are notoriously hard, and there is no reason to make these a goal, especially at first,” Shroyer says. Using a wall or countertop as the starting point for your hands allows you to challenge your upper body strength and core stability without quite as much resistance from your total body weight.

  • Stand arm’s-length from the wall with your feet hip-width apart.

  • 将手掌放在肩膀高度和肩膀宽度周围的墙上,手指指向天空。

  • 吸收核心肌肉并慢慢弯曲肘部,并开始向墙壁倾斜上身,直到肘部弯曲到约45度。

  • 慢慢推回开始。


时间:60 seconds on, 15 seconds rest

Sets:3per side

由于许多美国人(与RA或其他方式)有关每天10个小时,我们的臀部屈肌往往是紧的。This yoga pose can help open up that important area that connects your legs to your trunk. Walk at a comfortable pace for 3 minutes to warm up, then try this flexibility booster.

  • 与臀部宽度的双脚站立,握住胸部和头部高,同时吸引核心肌肉。

  • 右脚向前迈出一大步,同时将手臂抬到天花板上,彼此面对。

  • Bend right knee to a comfortable and stable level, then pivot on left heel so that foot points out to side at a 45-degree angle. Align right and left heel (or stagger feet slightly for more stability).

  • Pull arms backward to allow shoulders to open up.

  • 握住这个姿势,稳定呼吸,然后切换侧面 - 返回站立的启动位置,然后这次用左脚向前走 - 然后重复移动。



“While walking is excellent cardiovascular exercise, for people with RA, the repetition of stress on the lower extremities may exacerbate pain,” Shroyer says. So don’t be shy about mixing things up. “An exercise program that spreads the movement and benefits across the entire body will have more strength benefits and may irritate lower extremity joints less.” Dancing or utilizing a rowing machine or elliptical machine are a few more joint-friendly options.


代表:5 per minute, resting until the next minute begins



  • 与臀部宽度的双脚站立,握住胸部和头部高,同时吸引核心肌肉。

  • Keeping legs straight but knees lightly bent (to avoid locking), place hands behind head while keeping elbows wide.

  • 将重量转移到高跟鞋上,并在臀部铰接,以直线降低上半身,直到其腿与45度和90度角之间形成。保持1呼吸。

  • 保持核心参与,扭转恢复站立的举动。


时间:60 seconds on, 15 seconds rest

Sets:3per side

Walk at a comfortable pace for 3 minutes to warm up, then try this core and upper-body stretch that’s “wonderful for releasing tension in the upper back,” according to Shroyer. To make this easier, sit on the edge of a chair and perform a twisting motion with just the upper body.

  • 面朝上躺在垫子上,然后弯曲膝盖以将脚底置于地板上。

  • Extend arms out to sides into a “T” shape, palms facing up.

  • 呼气并将右膝盖伸入胸部,并伸展左腿平坦。吸入。

  • 呼气并右膝盖在中线上,直到垫子的左边缘。旨在将右臀部堆叠在左臀部顶部。

  • Hold this pose, breathing steadily, then switch sides—returning to start position and extending right leg flat—and repeat the move.

Day 10: Low-impact Cardio of Choice



Day 11: Standing Row



Ideal for bolstering postural muscles, this upper body strengthener is easy to do at home. “If you don't have equipment, try this isometric variation: Follow the same motions and with your elbows bent at 90 degrees by your side, squeeze your shoulder blades together and hold for three seconds,” Shroyer says. To perform it with a band, anchor the center of your resistance band securely around the end of a doorknob, or around a sturdy pole that allows you to find a midpoint of the band around waist high.

  • 每只手抓住乐队的一端,然后向后退后,直到手臂延伸长。

  • 与臀部宽度的双脚站立,握住胸部和头部高,同时吸引核心肌肉。

  • 轻轻呼气,将乐队拉向躯干,弯曲肘部,同时将它们保持在躯干附近。

  • 继续拉动直到埃洛斯(Elows)穿过身体的侧面,暂停呼吸,然后以受控的速度慢慢回到您的起点。

Day 12: Bridge

代表:45 seconds on, 15 seconds rest



  • 面朝上躺在垫子上,然后弯曲膝盖以将脚底置于地板上。

  • 保持核心接合,拧紧臀部以抬起臀部,从肩膀到膝盖形成一条直线线。

  • 保持这个姿势,稳步呼吸。

Day 13: Low-impact Cardio of Choice



Day 14: Active Rest Day

Do some gardening, stroll through the supermarket to stock up on theRA的最佳食物,或在YouTube上尝试Tai Chi视频(我们喜欢这个舒缓和风景秀丽).





作为最佳RA练习之一行走:关节炎基础。(2022.) Best Exercises for Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Karla Walsh