

经过Elizabeth Millard 卫生作家

Sharon Stevenson’s daughter,Paige Alday, was diagnosed with plaque psoriasis (PsO) when she was 3. But it wasn't until middle school that Paige’s condition really became an issue. Not because the flares were worse, but because that's when other kids at her Iowan junior high began to notice.


"It was devastating for her, and of course I felt helpless because we were doing all the treatments recommended by our doctor, but some of the sores were so large and visible that she felt self-conscious," says Stevenson. "When it was that bad, she didn't want to talk about it directly. So we had to find other ways to let her know she was supported, usually by asking an open-ended question."


Consider these five questions for getting the conversation rolling, Dr. Newman advises, and keep in mind that even if you feel like you’re not getting anywhere with them, that doesn't mean your teen isn't listening.

1. How Are You Feeling? Or, How's Everything Going?



2. Are You Happy With Your Treatment?

For Alday, who is now 26, one of the most powerful indications of support that her mother provided was including her in treatment decisions. "From about seventh grade on, my mom always turned to me at the doctor's office and asked if I had questions or opinions they needed to know," she recalls. Not only did that help her feel more in control of her treatment, but it also prompted her to research the condition on her own when she got older.


As a result of Alday's research, she decided when she was a teenager that she wanted to switch doctors. She felt like she wasn't being heard by her dermatologist, so when Stevenson asked her for an opinion on what treatment options she wanted to consider, Alday expressed her frustration about feeling dismissed. They worked together to find another dermatologist covered by Stevenson's insurance, and ended up going to a doctor Alday connected with almost immediately.

"That made me feel much more confident, because I felt like it wasn't just my mom who was listening to me," she says. "That helped, too, when the time came for me to start going to the doctor by myself."




"You have to be careful to make sure you're not saying your situation was worse or diminishing what they're going through," Dr. Newman says. "Instead, you're saying that bullying is rotten, it's always been rotten, and here's what you did to make yourself feel better."



When You Get Shut Down and Locked Out


"The good news is that most of the time, they do hear you," she adds. "So, if you are gentle and show support and ask questions, don't be discouraged if you seem to get shut down. It might just be the case that your teen isn't ready to answer yet. But if you keep showing that you're there, and you're interested, they might be the ones to start the conversation about their PsO and its effects."



Elizabeth Millard

Elizabeth Millard is a freelance journalist specializing in health, wellness, fitness, and nutrition. Her articles have appeared in SELF, Men’s Health, CNN, MyFitnessPal, and WebMD, and she has worked on patient education