我们从温迪·威廉姆斯(Wendy Williams)学到的关于坟墓疾病和淋巴水肿

温迪·威廉姆斯(Wendy Williams)因健康问题而病了,但这可能有所不同。

byKeydra Manns Staff Writer

公告时2021年10月回击,脱口秀传奇人物温迪·威廉姆斯(Wendy Williams)将休息一下The Wendy Williams Show然后让她令人垂涎的紫色椅子无人看管,有些感到震惊。但是忠实的温迪守望者并不感到惊讶,因为她一直对自己的健康斗争一直坦率。

Throughout the years Williams, 57, has spoken openly about her battle with Graves’ disease, an immune system disorder that causesan overproduction of thyroid hormones。She has also shared what it’s like living with lymphedema, a buildup of fluid in the body due to the lymph system being damaged or blocked. She has even detailed her experience with vertigo, a condition that gives a sensation that things around you are spinning. As overwhelming as all of this may sound, Williams—who was diagnosed with Graves’ over two decades ago—went years without letting any of her conditions stop her from performing her duties as a talk show host. But lately, her health has caught up to her.

Back in 2017, dressed in a Statue of Liberty costume for her show’s Halloween episode, Williams made headlines after she fainted and tumbled to the ground while live on-air. She says paramedics told her the fall was because she had low electrolyte levels and she was back on the show after the commercial break.

In 2018, Williamsexplained to viewers that her doctors指示她要花三个星期的时间,因为她睡着了,感到烦躁。这是她十个赛季的第一次病假。

她还放弃了高跟鞋,因为淋巴水肿会导致脚和腿肿胀。今天,她几乎只穿着运动鞋。她说:“不要问我有关溃疡的问题,我患有淋巴水肿。”on social media在2018年。“别问我为什么穿运动鞋,我的淋巴水肿。别再问我为什么眼睛隆起,我患有坟墓病。别再问我,就像愚蠢的烂摊子!我们可以在更大的脑层面上连接吗?”

But social media being what it is, Williams' latest departure from her show got the rumor mill going into overdrive, with chatter that she is confined to a wheelchair and showing early signs of dementia. The star's team refuted these rumors and Williams最近确认that she is in good health and will be ready to return to work in a few months.

我们没有为威廉姆斯(Williams)(和喜剧演员雪莉·谢泼德(Sherry Shepard)填充空置时间插槽)的重返日期,我们与斯坦利·罗克森(Stanley G.淋巴研究和生物学and a professor of medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine in Stanford, CA, and Graves’ disease researcher Mats Holmberg, M.D., of Karolinska University Hospital located in Stockholm, Sweden, about the conditions Williams is battling. They broke down the long-term effects of Graves’ and lymphedema and the effects each condition has on your day-to-day life.

HealthCentral: What are the long-term effects of Graves’ disease?

霍姆伯格博士:One must remember that most patients do not get any long-term consequences of Graves’ disease at all. There is a higher risk of cardiovascular complications associated with坟墓的疾病but whether this is true for individuals successfully treated or patients whose hormonal levels are restored to normal is not known.

HC: Can hyperthyroidism affect the brain?


However, it is very complicated to interpret these studies and I think it is too early to say that Graves’ causes dementia. Dementia is usually a very slow process, and brain changes can start long before any symptoms are detectable. This means that the causality can be the opposite: individuals with a brain mildly affected with dementia may be more likely not to take care of their Graves’ in a proper way.

HC: What dementia symptoms should one look for?

霍姆伯格博士:I don’t think you should look for anything. You should treat Graves’ disease and if signs of dementia [memory loss, poor decision making or confusion] occur, address them, whether they’re related to Graves’ disease or not.

HC: Can hypothyroidism or Graves’ prevent you from working?

霍姆伯格博士:Many patients feel both wired up and tired. The main problem is fatigability, lack of concentration, and emotional instability. It is very common with cognitive impairment that you need to be on sick leave during the acute phase of Graves’(also know as the “active” phase, which can affect cognition), and some people (roughly 5% to 10%) never regain the ability to work [like before their diagnosis].


Dr. Rockson:Lymphedema is a failure in the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a part of the circulatory system. It’s kind of like the access road to the highway. So, whenever the blood circulates through the body, about 1% of the water content or the fluid content of the blood (not the cells or protein, but the water) ends up in the tissues. Once it leaves the circulation it must get back to the heart through the lymphatic channels.



Dr. Rockson:绝对,如果脚涉及到很难找到合适的鞋子,并且很难支撑高跟鞋受淋巴水肿影响的肢体的重量。我的女性病人说很难穿靴子。使用淋巴水肿,他们再也无法穿上靴子了。


Dr. Rockson:外观是人们的问题。在许多其他健康状况下,您不必告诉世界其他地区,除非您选择,否则您拥有它,但是淋巴水肿会影响身体形象和外观。隐藏非常困难。有些妇女变得自觉和孤立,因为她们不愿意公开。患者抱怨也有一个令人讨厌的不适。

HC: Is there a link between lymphedema, Graves’ disease, and dementia?

Dr. Rockson:如果您患有淋巴水肿或任何淋巴病,它会改变您的身体通常患病的方式。我们发现,患有淋巴水肿的人将具有与正常人群中所见的疾病组合不同。因此,痴呆症和甲状腺疾病将属于可能影响这些事物出现的可能性的类别。淋巴水肿不会引起它们,但是淋巴系统的异常不允许其正确愈合,从而导致淋巴水肿也可能导致人体无法抵御其他疾病。


Dr. Rockson:它对身体机能和整体福祉产生了巨大影响。不仅在工作场所,而且在家里。这也是心理上的限制。它在生活的所有领域都有巨大的影响。

坟墓的疾病和痴呆症:The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism。(2021.)“坟墓氏病中内侧颞叶体积的纵向研究。”https://academic.up.com/jcem/advance-article/doi/10.1210/clinem/dgab808/6424408

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Keydra Manns
