心脏病 心脏疾病症状和体征

Let’s Talk About the Signs and Symptoms of Heart Disease


    Our Pro Panel心脏疾病症状和体征


    Guy Mintz, M.D.

    Guy Mintz, M.D.Director of Cardiovascular Health & Lipidology

    Sandra Atlas Bass Heart Hospital
    Manhasset, NY

    迈克尔Goyfman医学博士,公共卫生硕士Director of Clinical Cardiology

    Long Island Jewish Forest Hills
    Queens, NY

    安德鲁·弗里曼,医学博士Director of Cardiovascular Prevention and Wellness

    National Jewish Health



    一般来说,没有。但是,通常可以用正确的生活方式的调整管理。这意味着至少锻炼150分钟一周,吃有营养的食物。限制或避免咸,含糖和脂肪的食物。如果你吸烟,戒烟。有一个很大的,你可以做,但它并不总是很容易。幸运的是,帮助的可用。根据您的诊断,你可能有资格获得心脏康复, which will help you make necessary lifestyle changes. Medications and procedures likely also will be necessary to help your heart.


    While it’s true that chest pain is the most common symptom, many heart attacks occur without it. Your goal should be to understand whether you’re at risk of a heart attack. If you are, then knowing that even vague symptoms like nausea and fatigue can signal a heart attack will make you take those symptoms seriously. When in doubt, err on the side of caution—call 911.




    首先,如果你强调的是心脏疾病e risk, talk to your doctor and learn where you stand rather than letting worry gnaw at you. Stress, especially when it’s chronic, or ongoing, can affect your heart both directly and indirectly. Stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol boost your heart rate, blood pressure, and blood sugar. Stress also makes it harder to resist giving in to temptation. You’re more likely to overeat, overindulge in alcohol, and smoke when you are stressed. And stress can make it tougher to get a good night’s sleep, something that your heart needs to stay healthy.

    Matt McMillen

    Matt McMillen
