“我曾在两个乳房钛标记物的立体定位活检后。Since then, I have had some bad reactions with rashes all over and nonstop itching. Has anyone else experienced this?” – Melanie
“My wife had a stereotactic biopsy back in September of 2008.他们把这些钛标志之一之后。Since then she has times where she grabs her right breast in extreme pain… She continues to have this pain and it has been about 8 months! I've seen some posts where some people have talked about having the chip/marker removed. We would be interested in hearing other people’s thoughts and experiences with this.” – John
“I am so mad right now!I was talked into placing the marker in during a needle biopsy.Now I have stabbing pain in my left breast and am told it is major surgery to remove it.” – Kelly
“Hi, I too got talked into the biopsy and the marker. My tests all came out negative. However, three months later I am still feeling pain at the site of the biopsy.I am convinced that the stinging and constant irritation is being caused by the marker.Now I have to see a surgeon about having it removed. Frankly, no one is taking me seriously.” – Rob
“这肯定是造成我的痛苦的剪辑。I suffered for four straight weeks, even had to be hospitalized. The day the clip was removed the pain in my breast was gone. To be honest, the whole experience was quite traumatic. The doctor who put the clip in me acted like there was no way it could be bothering me. Sure enough, though, it was. I was so ill from the clip, losing weight, unable to work, vomiting from the pain, etc., that I could not have continued to live a productive life with it in… It seems like the medical community is NOT acknowledging that women are being bothered by these clips.” - Butterfly 9773
在上述评论都在本网站公布,从女性(或他们的照顾者)关注疼痛等症状是乳房开始后,活检and continue unabated. These readers attribute their reactions to a titanium clip inserted during the biopsy.
What’s going on here?
Some background, for those of you unfamiliar with a breast biopsy: When a块or other suspicious mass is found in your breast (either bymammogram, or because you’ve felt it yourself), your doctor will try to identify what it is, usually by further diagnostic tests: additional mammogram views, an超声, or perhaps an MRI.
If all of those tests can’t definitively rule out cancer, then the doctor will turn to the only remaining test: surgical biopsy.
Implanting a marker
Luckily,about 80 percent of breast biopsies are negative,这意味着没有癌症。但是,你必须要经过的程序呢。它几乎总是涉及留下小标记,或夹在活检的准确面积。
Why? If cancer is present and further surgery is needed, the surgeon will be able to go back to that exact spot to remove the tumor — which could be tiny, perhaps as small as one-sixteenth of an inch. Thus, the need for a marker.
The marker is small — about the size of a黑芝麻. It’s made of钛, a “biocompatible metal,” so it won’t react with anything in your body. It also won’t set off security alarms at the airport, interfere with future MRIs, or cause any other problems.
Or could the titanium marker really be at the root of the pain, rashes, and other symptoms they attribute to it?
Post-biopsy issues are real
First, pain, rashes, and other post-biopsy conditions are not “all in your head.” They obviously exist; the challenge is to find out what’s causing them, then take remedial action.
其次,这是极其罕见的,但有些人,其实,钛过敏。看看这个abstracton the National Institute of Health’s website.
An adverse reaction is rare — but possible
Bottom line: Reactions to titanium clips inserted into the breast — either prior to surgery, or inserted at the time of surgery, prior to辐射— are very rare. Hundreds of thousands of women have these markers inserted into their beasts each year, and the vast majority experience no problem with them.
But an adverse reaction to titanium ispossible.
我的建议?识别精确癌性肿瘤的位置 - - 具有插入剪辑的可能的益处胜过不良反应的可能性。如果你有一个活检,它包括钛标记的插入,不用担心它。
But if, after having a titanium clip inserted into your breast, you find that months later — way past the time when you should have recovered — you’re dealing with pain or rashes or other unexplained discomfort, consider talking to your doctor about the possibility of having the clip removed.
Because, unlikely though it is, it may just be that marker that’s causing your problems.