无论你刚刚被诊断或担心,你可以有乳癌,你可能紧张,困惑,绝对惊。这是正常的,每个人都特色在HealthCentral与大病感觉就像你现在要做的。但是,我们和他们,在这里为您服务。On this page alone, you’ll discover not only the realities and challenges of the condition, but also the best treatments, helpful lifestyle changes, wisdom from people who have been where you are now, and all the critical information you need to help you not just manage—but thrive. We’re sure you’ve got a lot of questions...and we’re here to answer them.
Our Pro PanelBreast Cancer
We went to some of the nation’s top experts in breast cancer to bring you the most up-to-date information possible.
P. Hank Schmidt, M.D.乳腺肿瘤外科
Jonathan Stegall, M.D.医疗主任
Zahi Mitri, M.D.乳腺癌肿瘤科
Stage 0:原位也称为导管癌(DCIS),0期肿瘤是异常细胞,其形式在管道内(“原位”剩余到位装置),和目前的研究表明,在很多情况下,这些细胞不会生长的任何进一步或原因问题的病人。有人甚至认为DCIS癌前病变的这种非侵入性的形式。
The catch? About 20% to 30% of the time, these cells continue their out-of-control ways and push into tissues outside of the duct (this is called “invasive” cancer). Unfortunately, there is no sure way to know which type of DCIS you have, which is why even stage 0 breast cancers are treated (more on this below).
第二阶段:这些肿瘤是试图clai股份m. They’re generally larger than 20 mm and may have spread into a few lymph nodes under the arm. But deep breath. The five-year survival rate for stage II cancer is a still a reassuring 85%.
第三阶段:At this point, the tumor is likely pretty big (larger than 50 mm) and/or cancer cells have made their way into several lymph nodes, either under the arms or as far away as the collarbone. This stage also includes cancers that have directly invaded the chest wall or have formed skin nodules or ulceration.
Stage IV:乳腺癌的这种最高级形式,被称为转移,已扩散到骨骼和/或器官,如肺,肝,或脑。这个诊断最困难的部分是,它没有考虑固化。然而,在一些人,病情发展可减缓或甚至通过一系列药物和其他治疗停止,病情变得更慢性疾病。五年的这个阶段是27%,我们知道这是不容易看到,但这里的你一定要记住这些统计数据是什么:是的,他们很可怕,但是你是不是一个数字。有女今天还活着谁一直患有转移性乳腺癌的几十年。
Worth noting: The above describes the most common breast cancers, but there are afew less-common typesyou should know about, and some other breast diseases that are sometimes confused with breast cancer.
- Paget病:这种罕见的乳腺癌开始在乳管,然后蔓延到乳头和乳晕的皮肤。它可以看起来像湿疹皮疹。
- 炎性乳腺癌:在这些情况下,癌症通常是更先进的,根据美国国家癌症研究所,并已蔓延到乳房的皮肤,使之红,肿,有时像酒窝橙色的皮肤。与IBC,你可能并不总是感觉到有,而且往往是在年轻女性多见和那些谁是非洲裔美国人。
- Lobular carcinoma in situ:Despite the word “carcinoma” in the name, lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS) is not cancer. In LCIS, cells do grow abnormally in the milk glands of the breast, but they do not invade other tissues. Although this conditionisn’tcancer, it is a sign that a person is at increased risk for developing cancer in either breast in the future, and you’ll most likely need more frequent screenings.
每个人的风险是不同的,取决于多种因素,如遗传,家族史,生活方式等问题。但女性平均拥有约在她的生活中患乳腺癌的12%的机会。The average age of diagnosis is 62.
Here are some of the most common risk factors for breast cancer:
不是每个人都需要测试这些突变s, but those with certain types of family history (such as having two first-degree relatives with breast cancer or one if you have Ashkenazi-Jewish heritage) should. So ask your doctor at your next check up if you should consider genetic screening to get better handle on your breast cancer odds. If it turns out that you do have one of the mutations, you'll be able to work with your doctor on a plan to get those risk numbers down.
激素:Most breast cancers are fueled by estrogen and progesterone, so the longer a woman is exposed to reproductive hormones, the higher her risk of breast cancer. Women who started their periods before age 12 have about a 20% higher chance of developing breast cancer than someone who started after age 14. Hitting menopause after age 55 increases the odds by about 30% versus going through the change 10 years earlier. Taking combined estrogen and progesterone hormone therapy for menopause symptoms also increases risk (how much depends on how old you are and how long you took the medications). A history of using certain oral contraceptives for birth control is also linked to a very small (7%) increase in risk.
体内脂肪:Here's a little-know fact about fat: It produces estrogen. So the more you have, the higher your hormone levels tend to be. A study inJAMA Oncologyfound that in post-menopausal women, the risk of an estrogen-sensitive tumor was about twice as high in those with the highest percentage of body fat compared to the lowest. This was true even for women who had a “healthy” body-mass index.
家庭计划:无论你有孩子或不和在什么年龄可以通过改变你的程度,暴露于激素影响你患乳腺癌的风险。在研究International Journal of Cancer发现谁从未有过的孩子们分别为1.3倍更容易患上这种疾病的妇女...妇女谁了他们的第一个孩子后,35岁分别为1.4倍更有可能得到乳癌谁比那些岁之前有一个孩子20.尽量不要到太挂在这些数字虽然:有没有人建议青少年怀孕预防乳腺癌?不。有一个孩子的正确时间,只要你说的是,这可能是永远。
Do I Have the Symptoms of Breast Cancer?
Some breast cancers cause no obvious symptomsat all—which is why regular mammography screening is so important. (The American Cancer Society says women need yearly mammograms starting at age 45 but should have the option of beginning annual screening at 40.) Sometimes though, these tumors do make themselves known to you, so it helps to have a sense of what to look for. Having any of the following symptoms does not necessarily mean you have cancer. Instead, consider them a signal to call your doctor:
肿块和肿胀:Many women have naturally lumpy breasts. You should take note of any lumps you feel or see in your breasts—but if both boobs have similar lumps in similar places, or they come and go with your menstrual cycle and are smooth and rubbery, they’re likely just cysts or other normal clumps of tissue. The lump to pay most attention to is one that’s new, only on one side, and doesn’t go away.
Pain:Many women experience breast tenderness that comes and goes during certain times of the menstrual cycle, but new pain that doesn’t go away with your period should be checked out.
Nipple changes:A newly retracted (or, sunken in) nipple is a symptom in some cancers. A tumor can cause inflammation and scarring that tugs that tissue inward. Same goes for sudden nipple discharge, especially fluid that’s bloody, in someone who isn’t breastfeeding or had a baby in the last year. And an eczema-like rash around the nipple can be a sign of Paget disease.
Skin changes:发红,发热,肿胀,或凹痕可能指向炎性乳腺癌。
We've got all the details on breast cancer signs and symptoms. Click here to learn about it all.
A doctor diagnoses breast cancer using a few different tools, usually starting with imaging tests like a mammogram.
- 乳房X光摄影:大多数妇女应该开始得到规则screening乳房X线照片40多岁,但高危妇女应尽早开始。这些x射线成像测试寻找群众或称为钙化小的白点。如果医生怀疑乳腺癌,他们会要求作诊断乳房X线照片以进一步探讨在乳房的任何变化。在诊断乳房X光检查,放射科医生会经常看图像立即,你需要等待,如果他们要采取额外的照片,或者他们会在一个地区使用尤其是“放大”的观点,真正零。
- 超声:有时医生会希望得到您的乳房的不同或更详细的图片,将责令超声波或核磁共振成像(MRI),以获取有关可疑肿块或斑点的更多信息。超声波是对一个可疑的肿块跟进,因为声波反弹不同掀起了充满液体的囊肿对固体结块这更可能是癌症的一个很好的选择。
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI):妇女谁是患乳腺癌的高风险有时需要一个MRI与他们定期乳房X线照片一起。这是因为核磁共振成像可以“看到”一些癌症是乳房X光检查会错过。这就是说,跳绳乳房专用,只是有一个MRI是不是一个好主意,因为MRI能错过其他癌症,将出现在乳房X光检查!
- Fine-needle aspiration:在这种最小侵入性的选项,一个医生将一个瘦小的,空心针入肿块移除一些细胞。(如果肿块是很难感觉或发现,医生有时会使用超声成像帮她知道在哪里的目标。)
- 切除活检:Just like is sounds, this one is more like surgery. A doctor will cut out the suspicious lump entirely and test it—this is the most accurate way to diagnose, or rule out, cancer.
Pathology Tests
If a biopsy shows that a tumor is cancerous, doctors will run other tests to figure out what type of breast cancer it is. Many different tumor characteristics affect prognosis and treatment, including:
- 激素状态:Breast cancers that depend on estrogen or progesterone to grow are called hormone receptor-positive tumors. These cancers can be treated with hormone-therapy drugs and often have a better prognosis than other tumors, according to the American Cancer Society. A majority of breast cancers are hormone-receptor positive.
- HER2 status:HER2-positive breast cancers overproduce the HER/neu protein, which can speed tumor growth. Those who test positive receive certain targeted medications that can block those signals.
If both hormone receptor and HER2 tests are negative, the breast cancer is classified astriple-negative。他们往往比其他类型的乳腺癌更积极,尽管专家们不知道是什么原因,也有较少的针对性的治疗。
What Is the Best Treatment for Breast Cancer?
大多数乳腺癌治疗包括surgical removal的肿瘤。但许多人需要更多的关心after that. The best combination of treatments for your breast cancer depends on the type and stage, and your own preferences. A lot of people consult with a team of different types of doctors including oncologists and breast surgeons before deciding what to do.
- 乳房肿瘤切除术:就在肿瘤和一些周围的组织被取出。这对人是小,相对于胸部和不在乳房内多种癌症的最佳选择。不少患者传播到节点也可能是候选者。
- Mastectomy:所有的乳房组织(和乳房有时乳头和/或皮肤)被去除。它通常建议当有乳房癌几个方面,或者在比较健康的乳房组织量的肿瘤是非常大的。
- Lymphadenectomy:Removal of some or all of the lymph nodes under the arm. This may be required if the tumor has spread beyond the breast itself.
- 化疗药物are used to kill or shrink cancer cells. Some tumors respond better to chemo than others—tests done on your specific cancer cells will help you and your doctor decide whether these drugs should be part of your treatment plan.Chemo is usually given as an IV infusionor injection at a clinic or doctor’s office. Doses are given in bursts—or cycles—of a few weeks at a time so that patients are able to rest and recover from each treatment before having another. The length of time a person will need chemotherapy treatments can vary, but it often lasts anywhere from three to six months.
- 激素治疗通常用于治疗激素阳性的癌症,以切断激素的肿瘤生长所需要的和扩散的供应。这些药物通常采取了很长一段时间,五至10年。
- 其他药物可以用来鼓励一个人自身的免疫系统来杀死癌细胞或靶向在一些癌症特异性蛋白质(如HER2阳性肿瘤)。而不是杀死癌细胞的方式,不化疗,靶向治疗通常不损害健康细胞一样多。靶向疗法可作为注射剂,输注IV,或药丸形式和一些可给予最多的一年。
Very high-energy x-rays are delivered to the breast in order to wipe out cancer cells, shrink tumors, and/or help prevent breast cancer from growing back after surgery. Whether you need radiation depends on a lot of factors. If you have a lumpectomy instead of a mastectomy, for example, you will likely need radiation to zap any malignant cells that may have been left behind, lowering the chances that tumor will grow back. Some women will need radiation after mastectomy, as well.
阅读更多Does Breast Cancer Treatment Cause Complications?
- Pain
- Loss of sensation in the chest or remaining breast tissue
- A型的肿胀称为淋巴水肿。有手术,淋巴液中去除放射治疗,或淋巴结后,可以开始在手臂,手,胸部,或躯干建立。
- Nausea
- Mouth sores
- Hair loss
- Higher risk of infections
- 降低食欲和/或体重减轻
- Brain fog or trouble with concentration and memory (often called “chemo brain”)
Hormone Therapy
- Headache
- Mild nausea
- Hot flashes
- Vaginal dryness
- Vaginal discharge
- Hot flashes
- Night sweats
- Increased risk of blood clots
- 情绪波动
- 疲劳
- Hair loss
- Mouth sores
- Nausea
- Increased cholesterol or blood sugars
- 增加了感染的风险
- 心脏问题
What’s Life Like for People With Breast Cancer?
Living day-to-day after being diagnosed with breast cancer can be full of fear and anxiety, plus pain or other really-not-fun side effects from treatment. You may also have to deal with people who don't understand the condition and can't fully grasp what you're going through. But here’s the good news: Because breast cancer is a relatively common illness and because there are so many excellent treatments, there are a lot of people who understand your situation and can help.
Take things one step at a time: Educate yourself about breast cancer, never be afraid to ask your medical team questions, and enlist the help of a friend or loved one to go to appointments with you. Breast-cancer treatment can be complex and the terminology confusing. It can be hard to keep everything straight when you are feeling unwell or are scared—your appointment buddy can take detailed notes and write down questions for you to ask next time.
This diagnosis can turn your life upside down. But you’re going to be making some of the most important decisions of your life over the next few months, and stress and depression can interfere with your healing process. Here’s how to fight back.
- 工作应力释放到你的日常生活。负面情绪会影响你做出决定周到,以及导致的应力,可以抑制你的免疫系统的能力。所以一定要结合活动,帮助你平静你的心灵,如冥想,深呼吸,锻炼日记,或任何其他方法,对你的作品。
- Speak up! Talking with friends and family about what you're going through can help you feel less alone. It’ll also give them a chance to offer support. And when they do, take it. If you’re too tired to cook, let them bring you dinner. If you want company at a chemotherapy treatment, let them drive you to the clinic and stay and chat during your infusion.
- 考虑参加一个支持小组或者跟一个医生。被诊断出患有乳腺癌是可怕的,即使你在早期发现和你有一个阳光明媚的预后。没有人能理解你正在经历挺像人谁是经历过什么。许多大型医院和癌症中心对患者免费支持团体。尝试一出。
有很多谈论乳腺癌,但发现和谁聊天认识的人究竟what you’re going through can be just as important as finding a treatment plan that works. Here are some places to start to make connections, find resources, and meet friends.
前乳腺癌博客/ Instagrammers
- Brittney Beadle,@brittneybeadle
Follow because:乳腺癌不排除她的生活,她继续鲜活的生命发挥到淋漓尽致,只有“一触摸of metastatic breast cancer.” One day she’s at chemo, the next day she’s basically a mermaid who lives at the beach.
- Maggie Kudirka,@baldballerina,baldballerina.org/
Follow because:她从大舞台去为与Joffrey的一致行动集团在纽约芭蕾舞演员,对化疗IV期转移性乳腺癌的椅子。随着她的身后双乳切除术,她的战斗力和扣她的途中回到聚光灯下,一个PLIEat a time.
- Dayna DONO,@daynadono,anaono.com/
Follow because:有其实a bra for that—and she’s the one to thank for it. She’s the founder and designer of AnaOno—a bra made specifically for women who have had breast-cancer reconstruction, breast surgery, mastectomy, or are living with other conditions that just don’t mix well with other bras.
- 海玛丽,@umi_kmarie
Follow because:Dancer, yogi, mom of three, and breast cancer warrior — these are just a few of her titles. But when we scroll her feed, we see: poet. Her words of gratitude and encourage are like mini-mantras to live your life by — and a lot of them stem from her survivorship.
- 贝丝仙童,@bethfairchild
Follow because:她的无畏和战斗Ⅳ期乳腺癌。她的广告活动,乳腺癌的认识是新鲜的,不胫而走,而且我们完全鼓励你开辟这条道路与她。
- Nalie奥古斯丁,@nalieagustin
Follow because:Motivational YouTuber Nalie Agustin was diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer at just 24 years old. She vlogged all the way through her treatments on her channel and then started该Nalie展在那里,她会谈同胞癌症幸存者,名人和其他鼓舞人心的乡亲。
- Sabrina Skiles,@sabrinaskiles
Follow because:我们可能会因为她的一个偏置HealthCentral columnist,但我们的思想 - 不,我们know- 你会喜欢她的一样多,因为我们做的。就在不久前,她是两个男孩一个30多岁的母亲,跟随她在全国各地的丈夫对梦想的工作,并庆祝生日的里程碑。这一切都改变了一夜,当她发现她的乳房有个肿块。现在,她的妈妈化疗假发妻子辐射恢复生活的一个美丽的鱼龙混杂。她的帖子,像小柱,将离开你的心脏或者破碎,满足,或两者的一次。哦,和她分享乳腺癌友好的食谱,太!告诉你,她是值得的后续。
- Bree Jordan,@cancerwontstopbree
Follow because:Her Insta bio says it all: she’s “one tough mother, fighting breast cancer and raising a baby.” Without even reading her words (which will also suck you in), the pictures you’ll find while scrolling her feed are so powerful and will draw you in (like the one of her with a full head of hair looking over at herself, now bald #chills). You see the tough parts of chemo, but also how she fights to bounce back in life — like hopping on her cycle bike the day after her first chemo treatment.
- Jessica Boyd,@jessicaaboyd
Follow because:只是因为她从她最后的几年round of chemo, doesn’t mean she stops fighting the hardest fight of her life against cancer returning. Especially when she has another reason to fight — for her miracle baby, conceived three years after finishing cancer treatments. Join her on the first of every month for a self-breast check (don’t worry, she’ll remind you), and on her fitness journey to stay strong so she can fend of metastatic breast cancer.
- The Cancer Game Plan。该周报显示谈话到一个新的鼓舞人心的癌症战士每周对他们的旅程加上他们的“搞笑”瞬间癌症和癌症患者生活顶级技巧的主机。
- 调查乳腺癌。This show, from the Breast Cancer Research Foundation, discusses the latest breast-cancer news with top doctors in the field.
- 精简和直了尼克Austman。两届乳腺癌幸存者和认证生活教练可以帮助你忙里忙外抑郁和的哲基尔和海德生活的笑声,因为平衡是真实的,当你的生活与乳腺癌。
- 癌症,Casually。The Fullest’s Managing Editor and breast-cancer survivor Lindsay DeLong brings on some notable and courageous guests to help thrivers keep thriving through other’s gut-wrenching or inspiring journeys. Walk away with a new perspective on the ‘Big C.’
- The Good Glow。After her breast cancer diagnosis, Georgie Crawford’s perspective on life completely changed. She needed a new outlook—one that brought her back to the basics of self-care and surrounding yourself with positivity. This listen will give you all the good vibes.
- The Cancer Dietitian Podcast。Nothing says cancer care like good nutrition—they basically shove it down your throat (almost literally) during treatment. Julie Lanford, R.D., tells you exactly what you need to fuel your body, whether you’re in treatment, a survivor trying to avoid a recurrence, or you have a family history of breast cancer and are trying to stay ahead of the odds.
- 寅吃卯粮乳腺癌。Trustworthy information, community, and support for people with breast cancer and their friends and families—plus ongoing educational programs such as conferences and webinars. There’s also a free online/telephone helpline that will match patients with volunteers for one-on-one support and education.
- 年轻的生存联盟。The YSC focuses especially on people age 40 and under affected by breast cancer with free educational programs and guidebooks plus active discussion boards, a private Facebook group, and in-person meet-ups.
- Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation。One of the best-known breast-cancer advocacy organizations, Komen is a powerhouse fundraiser for breast-cancer research, and offers wide-ranging free services from an online treatment navigation tool to a breast care helpline and information on financial assistance.
- 转移性乳腺癌网。A patient-led advocacy organization focusing on the unique needs and concerns of people living with metastatic (or Stage IV) breast cancer. The MBCN offers info on clinical trials and treatments for advanced breast cancer, peer support groups and message boards, and even funds scientific research.
- The Breasties。他们使乳腺癌看起来很酷。“自由务虚会,活动,和社区的妇女受乳腺癌和生殖系统癌症。”
- 愚蠢的哑乳腺癌在Facebook上。妇女所有的不同阶段会throuhg乳腺癌的一个社区。你会得到一个答案,并在您张贴的任何支持。甜,货真价实的女性想要向前支付,并支持其他人。
经常问的问题Breast Cancer
What is the breast-cancer survival rate?
是。任何人any gender can get breast cancer,although women are 70 to 100 times more likely to develop the disease than men, according to the American Cancer Society. About 2,600 men are diagnosed each year.
- Breast cancer prevalence:美国癌症协会。(2019)。“癌症事实与数字2019”cancer.org/content/dam/cancer-org/research/cancer-facts-and-statistics/annual-cancer-facts-and-figures/2019/cancer-facts-and-figures-2019.pdf
- Stages of breast cancer:美国癌症协会。(2019)。“American Cancer Society Guidelines for the Early Detection of Cancer.”cancer.gov/about-cancer/diagnosis-staging/staging
- Estimates of DCIS cases that progress to cancer:Journal of Clinical Oncology (2018). “Comparison of operative to monitoring and endocrine therapy for low-risk DCIS (COMET study).”ascopubs.org/doi/abs/10.1200/JCO.2018.36.15_suppl.TPS599
- 第IV阶段癌症慢性疾病:美国癌症协会。(2019)。“Managing Cancer as a Chronic Illness.”cancer.org/treatment/survivorship-during-and-after-treatment/when-cancer-doesnt-go-away.html
- Who should be tested for BRCA mutations:UpToDate. (2019). “Recommendations from the United States Preventive Services Task Force on who should be offered genetic testing for BRCA mutations.”uptodate.com/contents/image?imageKey=ONC%2F57434
- Risk factors:疾病预防与控制中心。(2019)。“Breast Cancer: What are the Risk Factors?”cdc.gov/cancer/breast/basic_info/risk_factors.htm
- 在第一期和风险年龄:Susan G. Komen. (2019). “Age at First Period.”komen.org/BreastCancer/FirstPeriodOccursBeforeAge12.html
- Oral contraceptives and risk:National Cancer Institute. (2019). “Oral Contraceptives and Cancer Risk.”cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/hormones/oral-contraceptives-fact-sheet
- 身体脂肪和风险:JAMA Oncology。(2018). “Body Fat and Risk of Breast Cancer in Postmenopausal Women with Normal Body Mass Index; A Secondary Analysis of the Women’s Health Initiative Randomized Clinical Trials and Observational Study.”ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6439554/
- 当得到一个乳房X光检查:美国癌症协会。(2019)。“American Cancer Society Guidelines for the Early Detection of Cancer.”cancer.org/healthy/find-cancer-early/cancer-screening-guidelines/american-cancer-society-guidelines-for-the-early-detection-of-cancer.html
- 乳腺癌的症状:美国癌症协会。(2019)。“Breast Cancer Signs and Symptoms.”cancer.org/cancer/breast-cancer/about/breast-cancer-signs-and-symptoms.html
- Breast cancer treatment:National Cancer Institute. (2019). “Breast Cancer Treatment (Adult) (PDQ)—Patient Version.”cancer.gov/types/breast/patient/adult/breast-treatment-pdq#_222
- Side effects of treatment:疾病预防与控制中心。(2019)。“癌症治疗的副作用。”cdc.gov/cancer/survivors/patients/side-effects-of-treatment.htm