Heart Health

High Cholesterol

Find the latest stories, news, and expert advice about high cholesterol, including medical research on symptoms, treatment, and prevention.

Doctor explaining new cholesterol guidelines to a patient.
Living With

Updated High Cholesterol Guidelines: What's New?

The latest cholesterol guidelines may not have made the New York Times Best Sellers list, but they definitely have the attention of the medical community.

The Latest

cholesterol label

10 Top Questions About Lowering Your Cholesterol

Learn how to keep your cholesterol in check to help prevent high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, even the risk of stroke.

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8 Foods That Lower Cholesterol

Lower your LDL (bad cholesterol) and boost your HDL (good cholesterol) by adding these foods to your grocery list.

eating with friends

11 Tips for Eating Out With High Cholesterol

Restaurant menus are tricky when you’re watching your cholesterol. Use these strategies so you can have your (whole-wheat, fruit-topped) cake and eat it, too.

Cut avocados on a plate.

An Avocado a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

You know what they say about apples—one a day will keep the doctor away—but a new study finds this old saying could apply to avocados, too.

doctor doing blood draw

Do You Know Your Triglyceride Level?

The biggest misconception is that triglycerides and cholesterol go hand in hand. Not quite. Here, experts break down why you should know the difference.

human anatomy doll with interior exposed
Risk Factors

The Surprising Risks of High Triglycerides

You probably know that high triglycerides can raise your risk of heart disease, but did you realize the condition can impact everything from your eyes to your pancreas? Learn what to watch for—and what to do to protect against complications.

woman wearing red lipstick drinking frappuccino

11 Sneaky Habits That Can Raise Triglycerides

You exercise and try to eat right, but your doc is still telling you your triglycerides are too high? Maybe it’s those less-than-obvious habits (looking at you coffee drinks!) that are to blame.

Mature Adult Woman Walking Dog On The Beach

The Best Ways to Lower Triglycerides

Getting your triglycerides back into a healthy range often requires a one-two punch: healthier habits plus medication. We'll walk you through your options.

Fresh salmon with ice

Have High Triglycerides? What You Need to Know About Omega-3s

We'll just go ahead and say it: Omega-3s may be your magic bullet for high triglycerides. Learn how much and what type to take.

Person reaching for a sandwich on a roll.

Reduce Meat Consumption (Just a Little) for Better Health

Turns out you don’t have to go all the way vegan to improve your health. A new study confirms that cutting 50% of the meat from your diet is 100% beneficial.