Let’s Talk About Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
We’ve got the doctor-approved details on causes, symptoms, treatments, and other facts and tips that can make life with chronic myeloid leukemia easier.
无论您是否只是been diagnosed with or worry you could have chronic myeloid leukemia, you’re probably nervous, confused, and maybe a little scared. That’s normal, and everyone featured on HealthCentral with a chronic illness felt like you do now. But we—and they—are here for you. Read on to learn about the realities and challenges you’ll face with this condition, as well as the best treatments, helpful lifestyle changes, and all the crucial information to help you not just manage chronic myeloid leukemia—but thrive with it. We’re sure you’ve got a lot of questions … and we’ve got the answers you need.

Jun H. Choi, M.D.
NYU Langone Perlmutter癌症中心
New York City

格温·尼科尔斯(Gwen Nichols),医学博士
Rye Brook, NY

Jay Yang, M.D.
Detroit, MI
No, the word “cure” is not part of the CML vocabulary. But the word “remission” certainly is. With the newest class of
That’s one of the highlights of the last two decades of CML treatment! Prior to the availability of TKIs, life
What Is Chronic Myeloid Leukemia?
But let’s back up for a minute. What isleukemia本身?白血病始于骨髓细胞,涉及您的有效感染的白细胞。当它们正常运作时,白细胞会在您的身体需要时生长和分裂。然而,当某人发展白血病时,骨髓过多产生异常的白细胞,这些血细胞无法按照应有的方式发挥作用。
Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML):This form of leukemia develops quickly, as the name implies. It occurs in both children and adults. In adults, AML is the most common acute form of leukemia. It’s diagnosed in about 20,000 people in the U.S. annually.
慢性髓细胞性白血病(CML):And here we are back to the core topic at hand. CML is very rarely diagnosed in children and occurs most often in older adults but is still quite uncommon. It’s only diagnosed in about 6,000 people in the U.S. each year.
我们不知道确切为什么some people develop CML, but we do knowhow它发生了。当发育中的骨髓干细胞的DNA(遗传材料)被损坏时,它就开始了,称为获得的突变。骨髓干细胞的工作是形成我们的血细胞(红色,白色和血小板)。然而,该受损细胞开始迅速繁殖,新的突变细胞生长和生存比正常细胞更好,从而挤出了健康的细胞。但这不是全部。当某人患有慢性髓样白血病时,会发生另一个重要的变化:形成了全新的染色体。
If your high school biology is a little fuzzy, let’s get you up to speed. Chromosomes are tightly-wound, thread-like structures consisting of protein and DNA found in a cell’s nucleus that contain the specific instructions to make each of us unique. Normally, humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes that are passed from parents to children. In order for us to grow and function properly, our cells must constantly divide to produce new ones that replace the older worn out cells. Chromosomes play a key role in ensuring that our DNA is accurately copied and distributed evenly during this cell division process. Changes in the number or structure of chromosomes can cause serious problems. One of the better known examples of this is Down Syndrome, when a child is born with three copies of chromosome 21 instead of the normal two (one from each parent).
When someone develops CML, an error called a “translocation” occurs, in which a piece of one chromosome breaks off and attaches to another chromosome, creating an abnormal “fusion gene.” All cases of CML are caused by the BCR-ABL1 fusion gene, which is not found in normal blood cells. It’s formed by a translocation between parts of chromosomes 9 and 22. As a result of the translocation, chromosome 9 is longer than normal and chromosome 22 is shorter than normal. The abnormal chromosome 22 is known the Philadelphia chromosome, so named because it was discovered in Philly. More than 95% of chronic myeloid leukemia patients have the Philadelphia chromosome and are referred to as “Ph positive” (Ph+). A small number of patients will have the BCR-ABL1 fusion gene, but will be Ph negative (Ph-).
风险因素for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
No one is born with chronic myeloid leukemia. It occurs when there is an injury to the DNA of a single bone marrow cell, and the older you are the greater your chance of developing it. The average age of diagnosis is 64, but for reasons that aren’t yet clear, it is being seen more often in younger adults as well.
Radiation Exposure
Just as there are few known risk factors for CML, there are few symptoms for this disease in the early stages. Many patients are diagnosed when they’ve gone to the doctor for a routine physical or some other ailment, and blood work reveals:
an increased, often very high, white blood cell count
an increase or decrease in the number of platelets, depending on how severe the CML has become
In chronic forms of leukemia, there are still some healthy mature cells able to do their job, which is why it can take longer for symptoms to develop—even if someone isn’t feeling 100%, they very often feel well enough to not warrant a doctor’s visit. Still, left untreated, chronic myeloid leukemia will eventually crowd out healthy blood cells, causing these symptoms:
Weakness, fatigue, and shortness of breath during basic activities due to anemia (a lack of red blood cells)
Pain or a feeling of fullness below the ribs on the left due to an enlarged spleen (CML cells often set up house in the spleen)
Unexplained weight loss
That’s a tricky question—why would you go to the doctor if you don’t know you have a health issue? Like all cancers, you want to catch it early, and the best way to ensure that happens is to have a physical and a complete blood count annually. And if you do develop any of the above symptoms, see your primary care physician as soon as you can. If he or she suspects CML (or any form of leukemia), you’ll need to see a medical specialist who treats cancers of the blood known as a hematologist-oncologist for full diagnosis and treatment.
无论出于何种原因,您都会带您去医生,这些都是在CML诊断过程中期望的测试。习惯他们 - 许多人也将用于跟踪您对治疗的反应。
Complete Blood Count (CBC) With Differential
This routine blood test to measure the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets is usually the first clue that something is amiss. It also reveals how much hemoglobin—a protein that carries oxygen—is in your red blood cells, as well as the percentage of red blood cells in the sample. “With differential” means that the types of white blood cells in the sample are also measured—that’s important because there are different types of white blood cells and CML affects some more than others. Red flags your healthcare provider will be on the lookout for include an increased, often very high, white blood cell count; a decreased red blood cell count; and a platelet count that’s high or low, depending on the severity of your illness.
Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy
Cytogenetic Analysis
This is the process of analyzing bone marrow cells under a microscope for chromosomal abnormalities, including the telltale Philadelphia chromosome present in 95% of people with chronic myeloid leukemia. The term “cytogenetics” refers to the study of chromosomes.
Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH)
FISH is a more sensitive laboratory test than the standard cytogenetic tests for the Philadelphia chromosome and the BCR-ABL1 gene. Color probes that bind to DNA are used to locate the gene and the pieces of chromosomes 9 and 22 that were relocated.
Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR)
The Chronic Phase
This is when most people are diagnosed and the least serious. However, left untreated, chronic myeloid leukemia will eventually progress to the two more advanced phases. People in the chronic phase:
Have an increased number of white blood cells.
May not have any symptoms yet, although some do.
Usually respond well to treatment, meaning that symptoms go away, an enlarged spleen is reduced in size, and white blood cell counts return to normal
The Accelerated Phase
Additional chromosome abnormalities in the CML cells.
More then 15%, but less than 30%, blasts in the blood and bone marrow.
Worsening anemia due to low levels of red blood cells.
The Blast Phase
This most serious phase is very similar to the acute form of myeloid leukemia (AML) and has the following characteristics:
Abdominal pain
A platelet count that’s very high or very low
A very high white blood cell count
Blast cells have topped 30% in the blood and bone marrow and have spread to other tissues and organs
Poor appetite and weight loss
Shortness of breath
除了钉住您所处的阶段外,您的血液学家 - 综合医生还将使用其他一些因素来确定您的预后(可能的病程)和治疗。诊断时的这些“预后因素”与不利的结果相关:
A high number of blasts in the blood
Being age 60 or older
Having an enlarged spleen
Next, your hematologist-oncologist will take your phase and prognostic factors and plug them into one of three scoring systems to determine if you are low risk, intermediate risk, or high risk. The lower risk you are, the more likely you are to have a better response to treatment.
So what is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor? When the abnormal BCR-ABL1 fusion gene is formed, it produces a protein known as “tyrosine kinase” that sends signals causing uncontrolled CML cell growth. TKIs work by identifying and switching off (inhibiting) the tyrosine kinase made by the BCR-ABL1 gene. In turn, the bone marrow stops cranking out abnormal white blood cells. Bonus: TKIs are what’s known as a targeted therapy. That means, unlike traditional cancer treatments such as chemotherapy, they cause less damage to normal, healthy cells. Even better: TKIs come in pill form that you take orally once or twice a day—no needles, no infusions, no time-consuming visits to clinics.
大多数在慢性阶段被诊断出的人(绝大多数CML患者)将对TKI治疗有良好的反应。但是,有些人没有,有些人最终会产生对他们正在服用的药物的抵抗力。幸运的是,现在有几代TKIS,因此,如果一个人不起作用,则通常还有更有效的选择可以进步。您的血液学家 - 检查医生也可能会根据您的健康病史和潜在的副作用选择其他。这是TKI治疗阶梯:
gleevec(伊马替尼梅赛):This highly effective drug is usually well-tolerated and brings about stable remission in most people who have chronic phase CML. It was the first treatment of this type approved by the FDA in 2001, so it’s known as a第一代TKI。It’s a good option for people who are lower risk and don’t need an aggressive treatment, as well as those who are older or have other health issues.
Sprycel (dasatinib):该药物于2006年获得批准,被称为second-generation TKI。Some studies have shown it is more potent and induces a faster and deeper molecular response than Gleevec, but it has not yet been shown to increase survival compared to Gleevec. It may not be prescribed if you have lung (pulmonary) disease or breathing issues.
tasigna(尼洛替尼):Thissecond-generation TKI在2007年获得批准,与Sprycel一样,尽管没有增加生存率,但已被证明会引起更好的反应。对于那些有或有患心血管问题风险的人来说,这可能不是最佳选择。(与您的医生交谈,确定。)
波索利夫(博索替尼):Approved in 2012, this is anothersecond-generation TKIthat can be used for those newly diagnosed or who are no longer benefitting from another treatment. It may not be recommended for someone who has liver, stomach, or gastrointestinal issues.
Iclusig (ponatinib):Thisthird-generation TKIwas approved in 2012. It is recommended for certain patients who have a genetic mutation in BCR-ABL1 that makes them resistant to the four other TKIs, but it has more significant side effects so it may not be a good option for some.
Chemo is a drug treatment that uses powerful chemicals to kill off fast-growing cancer cells. This mainstay of treatment for many—if not most—cancers is only used to treat the most serious cases of chronic myeloid leukemia. That includes patients in the blast phase to help return them to the chronic phase. Or it may be used prior to a stem cell transplant as a “conditioning therapy” to destroy as many cancer cells as possible and weaken the immune system so the body is less likely to reject the donated cells.
This type of drug therapy stimulates the immune system and has shown promising results for other types of cancer but is not used as much in treating CML. Prior to TKIs, one type, interferon, was considered a first-line treatment for people who could not receive a stem cell transplant. Now, interferon may be an option for people who can’t tolerate TKI side effects or who are pregnant.
Make no mistake: This is a big deal and a long process. You can expect to be in the hospital for about four weeks because you’ll need a germ-free environment until your new immune system starts working again. Even after you’re home, it may be several months before you can resume a regular schedule. You’ll need all new vaccines and—this is a biggie—if you’re young, your fertility is likely to be affected. Fortunately, there are options like egg freezing and sperm banking available if you must go the transplant route, but for most people of childbearing age, TKI therapy will be an equally effective long-term solution. People considered eligible for stem cell transplantation are those who have resistance to at least two types of TKI, those who are intolerant to all TKIs, and those who are in the accelerated or blast phase of CML.
If you’re diagnosed in the chronic phase of CML, once you get past the shock of having cancer and begin treatment, you will likely find your life returns to pretty close to normal. You’ll need your meds daily, and you’ll have to visit your doctor regularly, but there’s very little you won’t be able to do, as long as you stick to your medication regime (missing doses or not taking the right doses can lead to worse outcomes). You may experience some side effects from the TKI you are taking—mostly fatigue but sometimes nausea or diarrhea—but many people find them manageable and treatable. And while there’s no direct evidence that exercising and eating a healthy diet will impact CML, these good-for-you habits can go a long way toward improving your overall physical and mental health (bring on those mood-enhancing endorphins!).
也不要忘记您的心理健康。癌症 - 不管有多可治疗的是一种压力很大的经历,而在CML的情况下,您将不得不处理余生。与家人和朋友分享您的感受,并寻求医疗建议,如果您感到难过,沮丧或不知所措,持续了两个星期或更长时间。治疗患有慢性健康状况的治疗师可能会有很大的帮助,在线或本地支持小组也是如此。癌症或慢性生活并不容易,但是凭借砂砾,优雅和决心,您的生活仍然可以成为您想要必威体育 西汉姆联的。
Leukemia Statistics:白血病和淋巴瘤学会。(2021.) “Facts and Statistics Overview.”https://www.lls.org/facts-and-statistics/facts-and-statistics-overview#Leukemia
CML Overview:白血病和淋巴瘤学会。(2020)。“慢性髓样白血病。”https://www.lls.org/sites/default/files/2021-05/ps31_cmlbooklet_1_21_0.pdf
诊断and Testing:白血病和淋巴瘤学会。(2020)。“Understanding Lab and Imaging Tests.”https://www.lls.org/sites/default/files/2021-05/PS41_Understanding_Lab_Imaging_0120FINAL.pdf
Phases and Prognosis:Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (2020.) “CML Phases and Prognostic Factors.”https://www.lls.org/leukemia/chronic-myeloid-leukemia/diagnosis/cml-phasees-and-prognostic-factors
治疗Options:世界临床肿瘤学杂志。(2021年。)“慢性髓样白血病 - 从费城染色体到特定的靶标药物:文献综述。”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7918527/
Stem Cell Transplants:白血病和淋巴瘤学会(2018年)。“血液和骨髓干细胞移植。”https://www.lls.org/sites/default/files/2021-05/ps40_bloodmarrow_2018.pdf
Life Expectancy:临床肿瘤学杂志。(2016.) “Life Expectancy of Patients With Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Approaches the Life Expectancy of the General Population.”https://ascopubs.org/doi/abs/10.1200/jco.2015.66.2866