How to Spot the Early Signs of Psoriasis Becoming Psoriatic Arthritis

Learn what to look for, and when to seek help.

经过Tracy Davenport, Ph.D. Health Writer

看起来似乎like a big leap to go from skin issues related to psoriasis (PsO) to joint pain that can accompany psoriatic arthritis (PsA). We get it. But when you’re living with psoriasis, it’s really important to understand that both conditions are related to the same overactive immune system, and their close relationship means if you have one, you are more vulnerable to developing the other. Here, experts explain exactly how the diseases are linked, some common early signs of psoriatic arthritis that people with psoriasis should be aware of, and what you should do if you suspect you may be developing PsA.


“在牛皮癣中,炎症会导致皮肤细胞过量生产,从而产生红色,鳞状皮疹,”纽约市Lenox Hill医院皮肤科医生Michele Green说。“在PSA中,在这种情况下也存在炎症,在这种情况下影响关节并导致关节疼痛,僵硬和肿胀。”好消息是,并非每个患有牛皮癣的人都会患上银屑病关节炎。格林博士说:“但是,由于PSA呈现了30%的牛皮癣患者,因此牛皮癣被认为是发展牛皮癣关节炎的危险因素。”没有人知道谁会得到这两个条件,但似乎确实是一个遗传危险因素。某些基因使个体易患牛皮癣,银屑病关节炎和其他炎症性疾病。知道PSA的迹象很重要,因为根据最近studies, early detection of PsA is key. We now understand that delaying a diagnosis of PsA can lead to permanent joint damage and disability.

With Psoriasis, Watch for These Early Signs of Psoriatic Disease

No two people experience psoriatic arthritis the same way—it’s a disease whose features vary from person to person. What can be even more confusing is that some of the early symptoms of PsA may be similar to other conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Even with these uncertainties, there are common early signs to be on the lookout for that can help distinguish PsA from other diseases when you’re living with psoriasis.

Joint Pain




While everyone is different, if you have psoriasis, specifically look out for back pain lasting for more than three months, a gradual onset of back pain before 40 years old, improvement of back pain with exercise, no improvement in pain with rest, and back pain at night (with improvement upon getting up). All these can signal PsA according to the journalRheumatology and Therapy


手指或脚趾的肿胀,称为腺炎,是PSA的标志性特征。当发生双乳扰炎时,关节之间存在太多的炎症,以至于实际的关节肿胀无法再识别出来,看来整个数字肿胀。腺炎发生16% to 49%of patients with PsA, and often occurs early in the disease as one of the first symptoms. Unlike other types of inflammatory arthritis, in PsA, dactylitis is usually asymmetrical, affects the right side more than the left side, involves feet more than hands, and often happens to multiple fingers or toes simultaneously.

Eye Inflammation

The same inflammation that can impact your skin with psoriasis can also impact your eyes when the condition evolves into psoriatic arthritis. When it comes to PsA, about7%of those with the condition will develop uveitis, or inflammation of the eye. This can be caused by several different diseases, so it’s important to maintain regular eye exams if you already have psoriasis, to make sure you any changes can be monitored closely. Making sure your eye doctor has it on record that you live with PsO (even if you are in remission) can allow your provider to also be on the lookout for PsA.

Nail Changes

牛皮癣全都与您的皮肤有关,但指甲的改变是您未来的银屑病关节炎的重要线索。专家说,指甲牛皮癣是PSA的预测因素。up to 80%由指甲变化影响的银屑病关节炎的人。与PSA指甲有关的最常见症状是指甲凹痕 - 指甲床内的表面凹陷。但是其他变化也可能发生。除了指甲凹痕之外,您可能会注意到指甲与指甲床分开,指甲上的斑点或其他异常变色。您的指甲突然看起来更易碎甚至更厚。这些更改中的任何一个都可能表明PSA。


根据纽约Lenox Hill医院皮肤科医生乔治·汉(George Han)的说法,诊断PSA可能会在周围挑战。但是,如果您已经患有牛皮癣,在某些方面,您可以尽早抓住PSA。他说:“我们遇到的最令人沮丧的情况通常是开始出现PSA症状的患者,没有任何明显的牛皮癣迹象。”


Most importantly, don’t give up if you are worried about your psoriasis becoming psoriatic arthritis and you aren’t getting the answers you need. “Seeking specialist care early on can be helpful,” says Dr. Han. “Make that first step and call for an appointment.”

Early Detection:Journal of Clinical Medicine。(2022.) “Diagnosis and Intervention in Early Psoriatic Arthritis.”

Joint Pain:梅奥诊所。(2022.)“银屑病关节炎。”

背痛:关节炎基础。(2022.) “Psoriatic Arthritis and Back Pain.”

Spinal Involvement:Rheumatology and Therapy。(2020.) “Evaluating Inflammatory Versus Mechanical Back Pain in Individuals with Psoriatic Arthritis: A Review of the Literature.”


Eye Issues:国家牛皮癣基金会。(2022.)“眼部炎症和银屑病关节炎。”

Nail Changes:Rheumatology。(2017年。)“银屑病关节炎的指甲参与”。

Tracy Davenport, Ph.D.
