How Physical Therapy Helps With Rheumatoid Arthritis

PT for RA preserves range of motion and eases symptoms. Learn which moves to try, and when.

If you betway体育 (RA),与您的药物一起,您的医生可能会与您谈论物理疗法,这是一种非手术treatment for rheumatoid arthritis这可以有效缓解您的炎症和关节疼痛。这些技术还将有助于恢复肌肉,运动范围和柔韧性,使您拥有必要的力量来打击未来的类风湿关节炎疼痛。

新泽西州洛克威斯市Skylands Medical Group的风湿病学家和约翰·霍普金斯研究员Jason Liebowitz强调了PT作为治疗选择的重要性。他说:“由于RA会导致柔韧性降低,肌肉萎缩,肌肉力量降低以及心血管疾病的风险增加,因此物理疗法对于抵消这些问题可能很重要。”“ PT可以提高功能,并帮助患者避免逐渐疾病。手部职业疗法还可以帮助手中关节畸形的患者。”


The next step: Active treatments,exercises that strengthen your body并防止进一步的RA疼痛。无论您在RA旅程中的任何地方,您的物理治疗师都会与您一起制定仅适合您的计划。这些是您可能会讨论的选择。




冷疗法(also called cryotherapy) eases painful RA flare-ups. Cold therapy slows circulation, which reduces swelling. If your physical therapist is using local cryotherapy—putting cold directly on a painful joint—he or she may place a cold compress on the target area, give you an ice massage, or even use a spray known as fluoromethane to cool inflamed tissues. Global cryotherapy could involve an ice bath or a cryotherapy chamber.

一种研究评论on cryotherapy and chronic pain进行了12项涉及炎症性关节炎的研究,主要是RA。与RA相关的研究中的大多数受试者都表明,冷冻疗法后有所改善,温度较低。

Heat Therapy


尽管您可能认为热疗法的额外血液流量也会加剧您的身体免疫反应,从而恶化您的症状,但事实并非如此。Liebowitz博士说:“ RA中的免疫过程驱动滑膜肥大和炎症并不取决于温度。”“相反,这些患者正在经历自身免疫过程,其中免疫系统不适当地攻击和瞄准患者自己的身体。RA治疗旨在中断驱动这种炎症的免疫系统途径。”

热量可能无法完全消除RA疼痛的来源,但可以有效地减少它。这种疗法以几种方式使用 - 通过干热(加热垫或干毛巾)或潮湿的热量(蒸汽热或潮湿,温暖的布)。




Though Dr. Bourji points out that there’s no scientific evidence to supportRA患者的按摩益处,深层组织或治疗性按摩可能有助于放松关节和肌肉,因此您可以更有效地使用它们。一研究评论suggests that massage is most likely to benefit any lower back pain you might have. Plus, it’s unlikely to do any harm, especially when it’s done by your therapist. Your physical therapist may use heat and cold therapies with your massage to boost the benefits.

一种n important note: you should not be massaged at or near the arthritic area—it will likely cause more pain. But massage can relax the muscles and tissues that impact your tired joints, even if they aren’t located directly near them.


TENS(经牙性电神经刺激)疗法听起来很激烈,但这并不痛苦。粘在皮肤上的电极将微小的电流发送到神经通路上的关键点。通常认为TENS会触发内啡肽的释放,这是您身体的自然疼痛杀手。还有一些证据,例如发表在疼痛管理, of thatTENS激活某些神经化学途径并阻止其他途径(这很快就变得真正复杂),这会导致疼痛减轻



This therapy uses sound waves to create a gentle heat that increases blood circulation to your deep tissues. Ultrasound helps reduce inflammation, stiffness, and pain. This passive therapy also improves your range of motion, which will likely be limited due to your rheumatoid arthritis pain.



一种ctive treatments, which include regular exercise either at home between PT sessions or when you’ve completed PT, help address flexibility, strength, and joint movement. This will not only curb recurrent pain but will also improve your overall health and help you lose weight, if necessary. This is especially important because you’re already at a higher risk of heart disease if you have RA. You should strongly consider anything that can cut that risk.

Liebowitz博士说:“ RA的运动可能最有帮助减少功能限制并保持良好的整体健康状况。”“重要的是,患者必须以适当的形式运动而不是过度锻炼,这样他们就不会伤害自己。”

最近的系统评价和荟萃分析建议定期运动可以提高患有RA和其他形式的炎症性关节炎的人的生活质量和身体机能。另一项研究甚至暗示高强度运动可安全有效,可防止或逆转肌肉浪费that often accompanies RA.







一种s the name suggests, hydrotherapy involves water—and it’s an ideal rheumatoid arthritis treatment. As a passive treatment, hydrotherapy may simply involve sitting in a whirlpool bath to relieve pain and relax muscles without adding unnecessary stress on tired joints.


Beyond specific exercises and therapies, your physical therapist will likely teach you self-care principles, so you understand how to best treat your rheumatoid arthritis pain. The ultimate goal: Developing the knowledge needed to manage your symptoms yourself. RA may be a life-long condition, but armed with the physical therapy tools and medication, it doesn’t have to rule your life.

Cryotherapy:疼痛和治疗。(2020.) “Use of Cryotherapy for Managing Chronic Pain: An Evidence-Based Narrative.”

Heat therapy:默克手册。(2021.)“治疗疼痛和炎症的康复措施。”

水疗:肌肉骨骼护理。(2012.) “The Effectiveness of Hydrotherapy in the Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Systematic Review.”


TENS Mechanisms of Action:疼痛管理。(2014.) “Using TENS for pain control: the state of the evidence.”

Exercise and RA: QoL and Function:关节炎护理研究。(2021.)“炎症性关节炎以及体育活动对生活质量和自我报告功能的影响:系统评价和荟萃分析


斯图尔特·埃德尔森(Stewart G. Eidelson),医学博士

斯图尔特·埃德尔森(Stewart Eidelson)博士是奖学金培训的,董事会认证的骨科脊柱外科医生在佛罗里达州德尔雷比奇(Delray Beach)和纽约市的纽约市设有私人办公室。

汤姆·格伦塞(Tom Gerencer)

Tom Gerencer是Zety.com的ASJA记者,内容作家,编辑和职业专家,他撰写了有关科学,技术,健康,商业和户外活动的文章。他是定期的贡献者HP Tech Takes, *Boys'