无论你刚刚被确诊,或者认为你可以有糖尿病,你可能紧张,困惑,甚至有点害怕。这是正常的,每个人都特色在HealthCentral以慢性病症感觉就像你现在要做的。但是,我们和他们,在这里为您服务。On this page alone, you’ll discover not only the realities and challenges of the condition, but also the best treatments, helpful lifestyle changes, wisdom from people who have been where you are now, and all the critical information to help you not just manage—but thrive. We’re sure you’ve got a lot of questions...and we’re here to answer them.
Our Pro PanelDiabetes
We went to some of the nation's top experts in diabetes to bring you the most up-to-date information possible.
Katherine Araque, M.D.Director of Endocrinology
Peter Goulden, M.D.Medical Director of the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism
What Is Diabetes, Anyway?
About 30 million people in the United States have diabetes, but nearly one quarter of them don’t know it. Let’s take a closer look.
Type 1 Diabetes
也叫“juvenile” diabetes因为这是小时候经常诊断,1型diabetes is mostly an autoimmune disorder in which your immune system attacks and destroys insulin-making cells in the pancreas. Because of this, your body no longer produces its own insulin, so you need insulin injections every day.
Most people with1型糖尿病儿童期或成年早期期间被确诊,但少数人可能不会发病,直到30多岁,40多岁,甚至50多岁。
People with2型do produce their own insulin, but their bodies don’tusevery well. They are insulin-resistant.
Most people with type 2 don’t need to take insulin, but they may need other medications to help bring down blood sugar.
Dr. Frank Siringo on Diabetic Macular Edema
Gestational Diabetes
Gestational diabetes refers to temporary high blood sugar that happens only in pregnancy. Doctors suspect that it’s related to hormonal changes that happen during this time.
Most pregnant women are screened for gestational diabetes during their second trimester with a glucose tolerance test, which involves drinking a glucose-containing beverage on an empty stomach and then having blood drawn to check sugar levels.
The causes of the disease differ depending on what type you have.
Type 1 diabetes is mostly an autoimmune disorder. In this case, your immune system attacks your body in the same way it might attack invaders like bacteria or viruses, destroying certain cells in your pancreas in a misguided attempt to protect the body. These cells, called beta cells, are the ones that produce insulin. When your body attacks and destroys them, you can no longer make your own insulin.
Causes of Gestational Diabetes
Genetics and hormonal changes during pregnancy are the culprits of this type.
All women become insulin-resistant late in pregnancy, thanks to hormones released mostly by the placenta. Most of the time, the pancreas amps up production of insulin to make up the difference, but in cases where it can’t keep up, blood sugar levels rise and gestational diabetes develops.
A tricky truth about this disease: Sometimes, there are no symptoms or symptoms are so mild that they’re easy to miss. That’s why nearly all pregnant women are screened for gestational diabetes, and the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends screening for adults over 40 who have risk factors such as abdominal obesity.
- 主要渴When your blood has too much sugar in it, your body pulls water from surrounding tissues to try to dilute it. That leaves you dehydrated and thirsty. Some diabetics feel like no matter how much they drink, they can’t quench their thirst.
- 很多撒尿的:当有血液中的糖分过多,你的肾脏尝试和过滤出来。他们倾倒入你的尿液,创造更多的撒尿。在疾病的更高级阶段,膀胱周围神经损伤可能会导致一些人感到冲动频繁小便,即使很少或没有出来。你也有尿路感染(尿路感染)的风险较高。
- 视力模糊:高血糖会导致液体进入您的眼睛的泄漏,导致晶状体膨胀。这带来了麻烦对焦。
- 该零食:如果你饿了所有的时间,甚至是一顿美餐之后,它可能是一个迹象,表明你的肌肉和其他组织都没有得到能量,即。葡萄糖,它们从食物你吃的是需要的,因为它挂了你的血液。你的肌肉告诉你的大脑,他们正在挨饿(即使你吃了很多),让你饿了,不断循环。
- Increase in infections:2型糖尿病就更难你的免疫系统对抗感染,包括酵母感染,尿路感染或。它可能还需要更长的时间削减愈合,因为多余的葡萄糖防止白血球无法开展维修工作。
- 减肥:在不改变你的饮食减肥可能是1型糖尿病的一个标志。如果你的身体不能让它从食物中所需要的葡萄糖,它会开始打破其自身的脂肪,肌肉和其他组织为燃料,导致体重减轻。
- Fatigue:You may feel exhausted and weak because your brain, muscles, and other body systems aren’t getting the energy they need to work properly. If you’re dehydrated, that can make you tired, too.
- A1C (or glycated hemoglobin) test.已包这种常见的测试测量你的红血细胞的比例与葡萄糖在过去的两到三个月。较高的血糖,你的分数越高。下面5.7 A1C结果被认为是正常;5.7至6.4是糖尿病前期;6.5或以上表明糖尿病。
- 空腹血糖测试。Blood will be drawn first thing in the morning before you eat or drink anything other than water. A result under 100 milligrams per deciliter is normal; 100 to 125 mg/dL is prediabetic; 126 mg/dL or above indicates diabetes. Your doctor will likely want to do the test twice before diagnosing you.
- Glucose tolerance test.After getting your blood drawn on an empty stomach, you’ll drink a glucose drink, then have blood drawn again after one or two hours. If your blood sugar is under 140 mg/dL two hours after downing the sugar drink, that’s normal; 140 to 199 is prediabetic; 200 md/dL or over indicates diabetes.
- 随机血糖检测。抽血在一天中的任何时候,无论你最近还是没吃过。200毫克/分升的结果意味着你可能患有糖尿病。
- Antibody test.1型和2型糖尿病之间的帮助区分,您的医生也可能抽血一个“自身抗体”的测试,看看你的免疫系统正在攻击你的胰腺。1型人们经常测试正面为几个特异性自身抗体,而那些与2型(或罕见的单基因糖尿病)不会。
Urine Test for Diabetes
If your doctor suspects that you have type 1 diabetes, she may want to test your urine for ketones, chemicals your body produces when it breaks down fat for energy.
While some symptoms of diabetes are clear, others can be easy to miss. Learn what signs and symptoms to be on the lookout for.
阅读更多What Is the Best Treatment for Diabetes?
- 注射:这是拿胰岛素最常见的方式。注入的药物,你会用注射器或“笔”,通常在你的腹部,上臂,大腿,臀部或。
- 胰岛素Pump:谁需要每天多次注射或者酮症酸中毒的高危人群可能更喜欢胰岛素泵,它通过多数民众赞成戴在身上一个微小导管自动提供全天胰岛素。
- 胰岛素Inhaler:1型或2型糖尿病有些成年人也可以使用吸入式胰岛素,您可以通过吸入器呼吸进入你的肺部粉末。
- 艾可拓和Avandia(噻唑烷二酮)降低循环脂肪浓度,提高对胰岛素的敏感性。
- 亚莫利,Glucotrol的和Micronase(磺酰脲类),Prandin和Starlix(氯茴苯酸),和的Januvia和ONGLYZA(DPP-4 inhibitors), trigger the pancreas to produce more insulin.
- Farxiga,Invokana和Jardiance(SGLT2 inhibitors) boost the amount of sugar the kidneys can remove from your blood.
- Glyset和Orecose(α-葡糖苷酶抑制剂)减缓淀粉的消化和分解成葡萄糖和调节多少葡萄糖被小肠吸收。
- Metformin (brands names格华止,Glumetza,Fortamet和Riomet)减慢碳水化合物的你吃成糖的分解,并降低你的肝脏多少葡萄糖产生。
Does Diabetes Treatment Cause Complications?
Any medication has potential side effects, and those for diabetes are no exception. But none are as serious as the alternative of not treating it—like heart disease, vision loss, nerve pain, foot ulcers, and even amputations.
- Continuous glucose monitoring:Skin irritation, pain, sore muscles.
- 胰岛素:低血糖,头痛,体重增加,出现流感样症状。输液部位的感染,如果使用胰岛素泵。
- Oral medications:nausea, diarrhea, gas, sweating, feeling anxious or shaky, weight gain, swelling.
What's Life Like with Diabetes?
For that reason, many people find working with a certified diabetes educator (CDE) useful. These healthcare providers (often registered nurses or registered dietitians) know the ins and outs of diabetes treatment and are able to come up with systems and solutions that work in real life.
If you find yourself feeling depressed and overwhelmed in the face of your diabetes diagnosis, don’t hesitate to tell your doctor. You are far from alone in feeling this way, and working with a diabetes educator, support group, or mental health counselor can get you back on track.
Talking to people who know exactly what you’re going through can be just as important as finding a treatment plan that works. Here are some places to start to make connections, find resources, and meet friends.
Top Diabetes Instagrammers
There’s no shortage of ’grammers from the #T1D and #T2D communities — here’s a sprinkling of some of our faves who are sharing diabetes-friendly recipes and stigma-squashing real-talk.
- 米拉·克拉克巴克利,@thehangrywoman
Follow because:她把她的糖尿病患者的生活方式(2016年诊断为2型)到数字化的故事,分享如何生活与糖尿病和仍然享受精致生活,像芝士汉堡和旅行。
- 米歇尔·莱恩,APRN-BC,@diabadassaprn
Follow because:这耶鲁大学毕业,家庭护士,和泰拳爱好者也是1型糖尿病患者。莱恩没有糖衣(原谅双关语)她的病,但她确实有希望永远不要让它阻止她。
Follow because:作为一个妈妈对是,莱恩,谁拥有1型糖尿病,股所有关于预备怀孕期间怀孕,你的理想A1C水平,以及如何你的身体(和精神)在整个变化。她毫无疑问会继续通过母亲分享,所以有没有更好的时间来继续前进,给她一个后续。
- Carl Franklin and Carrie Brown,@ 2ketodudes
Follow because:这已经不是什么奇怪的人,很多这些“grammers的谈论食物,因为糖尿病,尤其是2 - 进行管理,在很大程度上,随你怎么您的身体加油。他们的食谱范围从美味的眼睛糖果“哎,我可以作出这样的!”
- Christel Oerum,@diabetesstrong_ig
Follow because:她拒绝了一个个人博客关于运动和营养的1型糖尿病为国内规模最大的糖尿病健康网站之一,并创造了电子书飞度与糖尿病to inspire anyone who is insulin-dependent.
2酮花花公子。This podcast follows Carrie Brown and her pal Carl Franklin on their journey from metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes to a cleaner and healthier life, which they credit to following a keto diet. Expect convos on the pros, cons, and controversies of keto.
Juicebox。Scott Benner is an author,blogger和自豪的家庭主夫患有1型糖尿病的女儿。虽然他没有糖尿病的自己,他必须学会管理糖尿病好像是他自己,因为他的女儿才2她被确诊时。
我的懒惰胰腺。1型糖尿病没有阻止你从一名运动员。凯尔马斯特曼,其目标是周期横跨澳洲,带来的是谁在运动和健身 - 同时患有糖尿病的生活打破壁垒的客人。给它一个侦听的方式去健身房帮助踢你的屁股到齿轮。
Diabetes Daily Grind。Amber Clour, who has lived with type 1 diabetes since childhood, brings together a team of people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes on this engaging podcast. The focus: Real advice about everyday life. No fluff, just reality.
JDRF(以前称为青少年糖尿病研究基金会)。这是一个为孩子们 - 或者,更往往不是kiddos的父母吵架1型糖尿病。非营利性的是全球领先的机构资金1型糖尿病的研究,已经提出了用于研究十亿$ 2日期。
Taking Control of Your Diabetes。这个非营利的创始人是谁在15岁时被诊断为1型糖尿病患者的内分泌学家史蒂夫埃德尔曼,医学博士,汇集了患者和专家在美国各地的会议,以帮助他们更好地理解和糖尿病管理自己的生活。
DiabetesSisters。Hey ladies, welcome to the sisterhood. While diabetes does not discriminate, there’s a whole world of the disease that only affects women (hello pregnancy, menopause, and other hormone-imbalanced moments). Come here for peer support, education, and stories of hope.
The first step is a blood test, usually the A1C (or glycated hemoglobin) test which measures what percentage of your red blood cells have been coated with glucose over the past two to three months. The higher your blood sugar, the higher your score: A result below 5.7 is considered normal; 5.7 to 6.4 is prediabetic; 6.5 or above suggests diabetes.
- 糖尿病患病率和:糖尿病,消化道和肾脏疾病研究所。(2019)。“当前糖尿病的负担在美国”niddk.nih.gov/health-information/communication-programs/ndep/health-professionals/practice-transformation-physicians-health-care-teams/why-transform/current-burden-diabetes-us
- Types of Diabetes:糖尿病,消化道和肾脏疾病研究所。(2019)。“What is Diabetes?”niddk.nih.gov/health-information/diabetes/overview/what-is-diabetes
- 妊娠糖尿病:糖尿病,消化道和肾脏疾病研究所。(2019)。“Gestational Diabetes.”niddk.nih.gov/health-information/diabetes/overview/what-is-diabetes/gestational
- Diabetes and Causes:糖尿病,消化道和肾脏疾病研究所。(2019)。“Symptoms & Causes of Diabetes.”niddk.nih.gov/health-information/diabetes/overview/symptoms-causes
- Diabetes and Tests:Mayo Clinic. (2019). “Diabetes.”mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/diabetes/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20371451
- 糖尿病酮测试:US National Library of Medicine/MedlinePlus. (2019). “Ketones in Urine.”medlineplus.gov/lab-tests/ketones-in-urine/
- 糖尿病和连续血糖监测仪:糖尿病,消化道和肾脏疾病研究所。(2019)。“糖尿病管理。”niddk.nih.gov/health-information/diabetes/overview/managing-diabetes
- 胰岛素Delivery Methods:糖尿病,消化道和肾脏疾病研究所。(2019)。“Insulin, Medicines & Other Diabetes Treatments.”niddk.nih.gov/health-information/diabetes/overview/insulin-medicines-treatments
- Diabetes and Diet and Exercise:最新。(2019)。“病人教育:2型糖尿病的治疗(超越基础)。”uptodate.com/contents/type-2-diabetes-treatment-beyond-the-basics/print
- 糖尿病治疗和Side Effects:最新。(2019)。“病人教育:2型糖尿病的治疗(超越基础)。”uptodate.com/contents/type-2-diabetes-treatment-beyond-the-basics/print