在一个舒服的地方,远离别人的耳朵,我先告诉我的伴侣我有一些我觉得很重要的事情要告诉他。一旦我引起了他的注意,他知道我不是在开玩笑,我就说:“我有疱疹。”(Wow, those three words can be excruciating to get out But once they're out it's such a relief.) Then I ask how much he knows about herpes. Usually the answer is "not much." I then proceed, with my arsenal of information, to describe the prevalence of herpes, the fact that people with herpes get married and have kids without transmitting it, and the fact that I, personally, have had successful relationships without passing it on. (I start out this way to calm them down a bit...no need to give the worst news first.) I then discuss the symptoms of the virus, the frequency of my outbreaks, and the methods I use to combat/prevent outbreaks. I also confirm to him that herpes has no cure. In response to the usual, "Am I at risk of getting the disease?" I respond that, "Yes, there is always a risk of getting the disease. But the risk is higher when I'm having an outbreak, and, if we are careful, we can reduce the risk." I find that it is possible to be completely honest with someone about the implications of the disease and still have a happy ending.
在向你的伴侣透露这些信息后,最好了解一下你的伴侣目前的健康状况。仅仅因为你有一种疾病,并不意味着你对其他疾病免疫。让你感到安慰的是,你可能会发现,在你告诉对方你有疱疹的消息后,你的伴侣可能会回应说:“我也有疱疹!”For me, most partners confess that they haven't actually been tested recently. This may be a good time to ask him/her to get tested, or have both of you get tested again. Your dedication to health will show that you're a mature individual, and will probably garner more respect from your partner. In fact, two men that I told about my herpes actually told me they liked me more后我告诉了他们,因为这表明我是一个多么诚实和体贴的人。我建议在讨论你的健康问题之前不要先询问你的伴侣的健康状况。如果他们感到走投无路,决定对你撒谎,然后你对他们诚实,他们可能会感到羞耻,逃离整个局面。