


    Our Pro Panel心脏病


    Guy Mintz, M.D.

    Guy Mintz, M.D.Director of Cardiovascular Health & Lipidology

    Sandra Atlas Bass Heart Hospital
    Manhasset, NY
    Michael Goyfman M.D., MPH

    Michael Goyfman M.D., MPHDirector of Clinical Cardiology



    Long Island, NY
    Percentage of silent heart attacks, number of Americans over 20 with coronary heart disease, heart disease is leading cause of death in the U.S., number of Americans who die from year disease per year, percentage of preventable heart disease cases
    Nikki Cagle
    Risk factors for heart disease include high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, smoking or vaping, obesity, and stress
    Nikki Cagle
    Common treatments for heart disease include statins, blood thinners, beta blockers, and lifestyle changes
    Nikki Cagle

    Frequently Asked Questions心脏病

    Can you prevent heart disease?


    How can I reverse my heart disease?

    Unless you’re in the end stages of heart failure, there is usually time to lower your odds of a serious cardiac event by taking great care of yourself. Lower high cholesterol by avoiding foods loaded with saturated and trans fats. Move your body every day to help treat hypertension, quit smoking, and lose weight if you’re obese.


    Genetics can play a role, but how you choose to live, day in and day out, year after year, often has a huge impact, too. Are you constantly stressed at work? Try meditation, doing yoga, or switching jobs. Love cigarettes, fried fare, and drinking a lot of alcohol? You might need a rethink on those unhealthy habits, too.

    What is congenital heart disease?

    这是当你出生时心脏缺陷,当one or more abnormalities of the heart’s structures affect how well blood and oxygen flow through the heart. Defects range from simple and benign to complex and dangerous (or even life-threatening).

    Matt McMillen

    Matt McMillen
