Nearly half of all American adults have some form of cardiovascular disease—an umbrella term that covers everything from high blood pressure to stroke. If you’ve been told you’re among them, you may be confused or even a little scared. That’s normal, and everyone featured on HealthCentral with a chronic condition felt just like you do now. But we—and they—are here for you. On this page alone, you’ll discover not only the realities and challenges of heart disease, but also the best treatments, helpful lifestyle changes, and critical information you need to help you not just manage—but thrive. We’re sure you’ve got a lot of questions. We’re here to answer them.
Some of the more common forms of heart disease include:
- Hypertension (high blood pressure)
- 冠状动脉疾病(CAD)
- Heart attack
- Congestive heart failure
- 心脏瓣膜病
- 心房纤维性颤动和其它心律失常(不规则的心跳)
- 中风
How Is the Heart Supposed to Function?
- 一个超大的工作一磅,拳头大小的肌肉,心脏是负责血液整个身体的不间断循环。
- That blood passes through your arteries, veins, and capillaries that form your blood vessels. (Fun fact: According to the Cleveland Clinic, you have approximately 60,000 miles of blood vessels in your body.)
- As it flows out from your heart through the arteries in your circulatory system, blood provides oxygen and other essential nutrients to all the cells in your body.
- 一旦它通过你的血管到心脏做了它的交付,血液返回,丢弃沿途毒素(通过肾脏)。
- 一旦在心脏后面,沿着血液到肺部,在那里部署的二氧化碳,并通过你的身体循环再次前重新进货的氧的供给流动。
How does your ticker make all this happen? For starters,在心脏是由四个腔室达:
- 在底部是剩下and右心室。
- On top are the对and左心房。
Those chambers work in tandem, employing a system of valves that open and close as your heart beats in order to bring bloodin和泵血out。Remember, the heart is a muscle, and when it’s healthy, it’s quite strong. As a pump, it provides sufficient pressure so that your entire blood supply cycles through your body every 60 seconds.
More heart smarts:
A healthy adult’s heart will beat anywhere from每分钟60〜100次而周围闲逛。如果你很适合,运动员,例如,你的心脏更有效地工作,你的休息心脏率可能接近每分钟40次。
Electricity powers the beating of your heart and sets its pace. That’s a critical function. You need your heart to beat properly in order to supply your body with sufficient blood and oxygen. Your heart contracts with each beat, and the timing of those beats must remain precise so that those contractions stay in sync.
Your heart functions in incredibly complex ways—this is just a thumbnail sketch. Needless to say, there are also a great number of ways in which things can go wrong that can lead to heart disease.
What Are the Types of Heart Disease?
How does your body tell you that something’s troubling your heart? It depends on the type of trouble. While some diseases that affect the heart share similar symptoms, others vary greatly. And some types of heart disease have no symptoms at all.
有血压高(HBD),又称高血压 - 这没有任何症状起坐你患上许多其他类型的心脏疾病,包括冠心病的几率。这是你的动脉降低血液到达你的心脏,让你在为心脏病发作,心脏衰竭和中风的风险较高量斑块集结的结果。HBP变硬变厚你的动脉,血流量减少。如果你有130或更高的收缩压,或80或更高的舒张压,这是至关重要的,以减少它。
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD)
心脏的两个主要动脉的分支aorta, the artery that sends blood to the rest of the body. These two arteries, in turn, branch off into smaller and smaller arteries that supply the heart with blood. CAD, the most common type of heart disease, develops when your arteries can’t provide enough oxygen-rich blood to your heart. The heart receives its own supply of blood from the coronary arteries.
- Angina, which is a fancy word for chest pain, discomfort, pressure, or a squeezing sensation that can spread out to other parts of your upper body, such as your shoulders, arms, neck, jaw and back—and a sign that something’s wrong with your heart.
- 气促
一个不太常见的,但相关的,所谓的条件coronary microvascular disease (MVD)or小血管病变当心脏的小动脉壁的损坏发生。,医生发现很少或没有缩小在你的心脏的主要动脉,尽管你有症状提示心脏疾病,如心绞痛后,人们常常诊断。MVD多见于妇女和谁患有糖尿病或高血压的人。The condition can be difficult to detect. Other symptoms of MVD include pain in your left arm, neck, jaw, abdomen, or back; pronounced fatigue; and shortness of breath.
无论哪种方式,共同症状of heart attack include:
Abdominal pain
Several different symptoms can get worse as heart failure progresses. Some of the most common:
- 由于供应不足的血液达到身体的其余部分或液体在肺部堆积呼吸急促,常伴有咳嗽或喘息
- 肿胀你的腿,脚踝和腹部造成积水,并伴有体重迅速增加。
- 极度疲劳由于富含氧气的血液量减少传递到您的器官和肌肉
- 因为消化问题食欲和恶心的损失引起的血流量减少
- 增加心脏率
- 胸部不适
- Heart palpitations
- 呼吸急促增加
- 肿胀在你的腹部,踝关节和脚
- 疲劳
- Weakness
- 眩晕和/或晕厥
- 体重迅速增加
心跳异常,称为心律失常,可引起各种症状,有些是良性的,一些危险的,这取决于一种心律失常你有哪些。Tachycardia, for example, accelerates your heartbeat to a too-fast rhythm, whilebradycardia减缓下来。双方有时是危险的,导致中风和其他并发症的风险较高,但并非总是如此。如果您遇到任何心律失常的类型,一定要与你的医生咨询。
心房颤动is the most common type of sustained arrhythmia, with anywhere between 2.7 and 6.1 million Americans currently sharing a diagnosis of it. (As the U.S. population ages, that number is expected to increase, reports the CDC.) A-fib, as it’s often called, causes your heart to beat erratically—it can feel like it is skipping beats—rather than rhythmically. In some cases, abnormal heartbeats are not a cause of concern, but other times they can lead to stroke, heart failure, or even cardiac arrest, a quickly fatal event in which the heart stops beating. It’s important to get to the root of A-fib, so you know whether or not your symptoms require treatment.
- 气促
- 胸部不适
- 疲劳
- Weakness
- 头晕和胸闷
A stroke can greatly affect the brain. You may have trouble understanding what others are saying, you may slur your speech, and you may experience confusion.
Other symptoms include:
- 瘫痪或麻木,经常对你的身体只有一面,通常影响面部,胳膊和腿
- 视力问题,可能会模糊或玷污你的视力在一只或两只眼睛,和/或复视
- 突然和剧烈的头痛,可以通过呕吐伴随
- 头晕
- 平衡问题,使人们走路困难
- Face drooping
- 手臂无力
- 言语困难
- 时间拨打911
- 缺血性中风:这些占了近90%的中风,而当在你的大脑的血管变得被血块堵塞,他们发生。这些血块可以在大脑发育,被称为thrombotic stroke或者他们可以导致导致CAD和旅行从心脏到大脑中的相同牌匾。这就是所谓的栓塞性中风。
- Hemorrhagic stroke:最严重的中风类型,它在血管供应大脑突然发生爆裂。这不仅切断急需的氧气,它还会造成压力在周围组织建立,导致有害的肿胀和发炎。出血可大脑,这就是所谓的内部发生intracerebral hemorrhage,或者它可以在大脑和它周围的膜之间的空间发生。这就是所谓的subarachnoid hemorrhage。
- 短暂性脑缺血中风:也被称为小中风, these cause stroke symptoms but do not damage the brain. They are temporary, lasting as little as five minutes. However, they are a warning sign that a full-blown stroke is in your future.
Let’s go back to the good news: About four out of five cases of heart disease can be prevented. That’s because it’s most often caused by lifestyle factors, such as smoking, poor diet, lack of exercise, and by other health conditions that can arise, including diabetes and high blood pressure (HBP), that can arise from these choices. While it’s never too late to make positive, healthy changes, the sooner you begin, the better.
Risk Factors for Heart Disease
Before getting into the risk factors that you can work to reduce, let’s cover the few that you can’t do anything about.
This one’s pretty simple. The older you get, the likelier you are to develop heart disease. In fact, more than 80% people who die from heart disease are older than 65, because the heart tends to grow weaker as you move into your golden years.
这是真的:心脏病往往famil运行y. Did your dad develop heart disease before the age of 55 or your mom before she turned 65? If so, your own risk is higher than normal because one or both of your parents may have passed along a genetic ingredient in the recipe for heart disease.
According to a 2019 study in柳叶刀公共卫生通过“变”去之前,谁经历更年期提前的女性的大约10%之间的心脏疾病,如CAD,心脏衰竭,心律不齐的40岁的风险增加,和心脏瓣膜病。目前还不清楚为什么,但在雌激素的下降可能是一个因素。
High Blood Pressure (HBP)
Type 1and2型糖尿病both limit your body’s ability to maintain a healthy level of glucose, a form of sugar that your body produces and uses for energy. Uncontrolled blood glucose damages your blood vessels and the nerves that control your heart, eventually leading to heart disease. In fact, as many as three out of four people with diabetes die from some form of heart disease.
Physical Inactivity
Lighting up does more than damage your lungs. It accelerates your heartbeat while narrowing your blood vessels and contributes to the formation of blood clots that can lead to heart attack or stroke. Less is known about the risks of vaping, but many of the chemicals involved have been linked to heart disease.
Pressure and tension can elevate your heart rate and blood pressure—and too much eventually damages your blood vessels. Stress also can lead some people to abuse alcohol and eat too much, as well as smoke. (And, remember,anyamount of smoking or vaping is too much.)
Sleep Apnea
Before we get into how your doctor will determine whether you have heart disease, let’s make one thing very clear: Diagnosis is your doctor’s job. If you have heart attack symptoms, such as shortness of breath or chest pain, don’t waste time searching the internet to figure out the problem. Call 911 immediately. How fast you act just might save your life.
However, cardiac arrest is just one of many potentially serious heart concerns. Diagnosing heart disease involves a range of screening tests and, sometimes, tracking devices, too. Your doctor will ask you about your symptoms, your health history, and any risk factors you may have. He or she will also give you a physical exam in order to listen to your heart, check its rhythm and the timing of your pulse, and look for signs of swelling and accompanying weight gain due to fluid buildup in the hands, feet, legs, or abdomen—a possible indication of heart failure or heart valve disease.
- Cholesterol levels,which include your total cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and non-HDL, your total cholesterol minus your HDL, which many experts believe is a better indicator of heart disease risk than the ratio of good to bad cholesterol.
- 甘油三酯,一个类型的脂肪在血液中发现;高“三”的水平信号心脏疾病。
- 高灵敏度的C-反应蛋白,这是在主体(不一定是心脏)炎症某处的指示。高水平可能表明,慢性炎症性疾病(如类风湿性关节炎或狼疮)的存在,这也可以增加你的心脏疾病和中风的风险。
- 等离子神经酰胺,或脂肪分子,整个身体中蓄积炎症,高胆固醇和甘油三酯,以及其他心脏疾病风险的结果。他们散发在你的血液,并已与斑块集结。
- Natriuretic peptides,这是在你的心脏和血管产生的蛋白质;高水平表明心脏衰竭。
- 肌钙蛋白T,这是由心脏释放的蛋白质时,它的伤害,如心脏发作后;它可以确认一个确实已经发生或正在发生的,尤其是当你有胸痛,但没有其他心脏发作的症状。(肌钙蛋白水平也可以进行测试,以帮助诊断其他类型的心脏疾病,如心脏衰竭。)
- 胸部X线检查,它提供了心脏和肺的视图,允许医生以识别心脏衰竭,的迹象,如在肺流体或心脏扩大
- Computer-assisted tomography (CAT) scans,which create 3D images of your heart, helping your doctor spot coronary artery disease (CAD), heart valve problems, and other heart problems
- 磁共振成像(MRI),which provides 2D and 3D images of your heart and blood vessels that may reveal tissue damage caused by a heart attack, reduced blood flow, blocked arteries, heart failure, and more
- Electrocardiogram (EKG),这是一个常规的,非侵入性的,无痛的筛选所产生与每次心跳测量的电信号;它是用来检测的强度和这些信号的时序,以帮助查明违规心脏发作,心律不齐,心脏衰竭,和其他类型的心脏问题。
- 动态心电图or事件记录,如果你的心电图过程中不发生心律失常的或不规则的心脏活动,其使用,和你的医生希望,而你去你的日常生活中来监视你的心脏活动。Event recorders are turned on by the user when symptoms begin, whereas holter monitors—considered more effective because they capture the first stages of any irregular activity—are worn around the clock (except when you’re in the shower.) These smartphone-size devices record your heart’s activity for anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.
- 植入式循环记录仪,which are used if you have infrequent symptoms of arrhythmia, and your doctor is trying to capture what type of arrhythmia you have. This device is implanted just under the skin on your chest, enabling your doctor to record your heart’s rhythms whenever you experience symptoms—even in the middle of the night or when you’re in the shower. Your cardiologist will track your heart’s activities for up to three years, with the chip recording a continual log for your doctor to review. When the device is removed, it may leave a slight scar—but you’ll likely know exactly what kind of arrhythmia you’re dealing with, and how it should be treated.
- 一个运动负荷试验,which is given while you are hooked up to a heart monitor, and is done during a standard cardiac exam. To do one, you walk on a treadmill, gradually increasing your pace and the incline until it feels like you’re walking up a small hill. This makes your heart work harder. Your doctor will monitor your blood pressure, heart rate, and any discomfort you feel to identify signs of coronary artery disease.
- 超声心动图,which is an ultrasound of the heart that works by bouncing sound waves off various parts of your heart. It is a painless test without side effects or the use of radiation. Your doctor will place a wand-like device on your chest. The sound waves it emits will bounce off your heart are recorded and converted into a detailed picture of your ticker that will help your doctor identify any problems, such as malfunctioning valves or signs of infection.
- Carotidand腹部超声,用于评估你的中风风险或screen for an abdominal aortic aneurysm, respectively—and they both use sound waves, too. During this safe, painless, and non-invasive test, a gel is spread over your neck, where your carotid artery can be found, or your abdomen. An instrument sends sound waves through the gel, which then bounce back and form an image of the part of your body under examination.
- Cardiac catheterization,其用于诊断CAD的黄金标准。在此过程中,你会清醒,你可能会感到一些压力,但不痛。你的医生将之前收到局部麻醉管,或护套,进入血管,导致你的心脏。接下来,导管,插入管,前往你的心脏。它提供了一个特殊的染料显示出来的X光片可以让你的医生,以评估血流。导管的尖端可以用来衡量你的每一个心脏的腔,以及在血管连接到你的心脏的压力。它也可以帮助诊断阀门问题,并确定心脏缺陷。
- 冠状动脉造影,这是在同一时间作为心导管进行。一个特殊的染料被通过导管注入到你的冠状动脉。即染料,可以在x射线观看,显示您的医生,其中,准确地说,你的动脉被阻塞。
- 电(EP)的研究,通过插入电极导管插入血管(通常在腹股沟),导致你的心脏为了记录你的心脏的电活动和/或触发心律不齐识别电流的具体途径来完成。所谓的过程ablation—where rogue electrical pathways are sealed to prevent certain types of arrhythmia from occurring—can be done during an EP study.
There is no cure for heart disease. That said, there’s a lot you能够这样做尽管有它很好地生活。治疗心脏疾病可以包括生活方式的改变,药物治疗,有时手术,但这种条件或条件,而-从来都不是一个一刀切。您个人的计划将根据许多因素,如您的年龄,整体健康状况,以及其他慢性疾病(如糖尿病或肾脏疾病),你可能有。
降低你的胆固醇。Cut back and avoid plaque buildup by swapping red meats for lean poultry and fish, consuming fibrous veggies and whole grains, and limiting (or even avoiding altogether) the saturated and trans fats found in fried and processed foods. Additional ways to get your cholesterol in check? Lose a few pounds, exercise more, and if that still isn’t enough, talk to your doctor about medication.
Lower your blood pressure.同样的生活方式的改变,这有助于降低胆固醇不健康水平,也有助于与各种降血压药物提供一个管理你的血压,经常在串联。
尽你所能做到戒烟。我们知道,这真的很难。但是我们也know that smoking causes lung cancer and seriously hurts your heart. Plus, a nicotine or vaping habit damages your arteries, ups your risk of dangerous blood clots, raises your heart rate, and contributes to HBP and high cholesterol. So make quitting smoking your top priority. Going cold turkey works for some, while others have to slowly wean themselves from lighting up with the help of nicotine patches and other aids, including medications and support groups. Your doctor can walk you through your options, so have that conversation as soon as possible. Visit the American Heart Association to learn more about如何戒烟。
Get moving.几乎任何形式的体育锻炼摔打沙发土豆的生活。这是因为锻炼增强你的心脏肌肉,以便它可以更有效地完成其工作。它可以帮助降低胆固醇,血压,并且,如果你有糖尿病,血糖水平了。一个额外的好处?流汗导致一个苗条,钳工你。究竟多少可以锻炼做取决于你目前的健康状况。谈谈你的医生,谁可能会建议你开始缓慢,逐步建立耐力。如果周围街区散步是你的极限,这是确定,系带鞋子,走了。明天,你可能会走得更远。如果你有严重的心脏问题中恢复,心脏康复计划可以让你安全启动。
减肥。It can’t be overstated: Being overweight or obese is hard on your heart. Your body mass index (BMI) measures body fat based on your weight in relation to your height. A BMI of 25 to 29 is considered overweight. You are considered obese if your BMI is 30 or higher. While use of BMI has been questioned by researchers as of late, partly because even the super-fit and muscle-bound may technically have “unhealthy” BMI numbers, some doctors still use it as a guide. More and more, however, physicians are concerned when excess body fat is concentrated around your waist, likely because a lot of belly fat can cause chronic inflammation, a risk factor for heart disease. The result? Your blood pressure and cholesterol go up and stay up—and you want neither to happen.
If your heart health is at risk, and you find losing weight slowly and safely to be an impossible task, consider securing the services of a registered dietician, or ask your doctor if gastric bypass surgery is right for you.
- 降胆固醇药物,像他汀类药物,降低你的血液斑块的形成材料的用量。
- Anti-coagulants (a.k.a. blood thinners)帮助防止危险的血块在你的动脉,在那里他们会阻止血液流动的形成。
- 抗血小板,including aspirin, also help prevent clots from forming.
- β受体阻滞剂既降低血压,降低你的心脏速率。这,反过来,会导致你的心脏的需要氧气下降。
- Calcium channel blockers经常使用串联β受体阻滞剂。他们降低血压和心脏率,同时为了放松动脉刺激血液流向心脏。
- NitroglycerinEASES胸痛,或心绞痛,用血限制流向心脏引起的。它的工作原理是让更多的富含氧气的血液进入你的心脏。
- ACE抑制剂降低血压,减轻心脏负荷,这有助于防止心脏的进一步弱化。
- Angioplasty被执行以减轻动脉阻塞内胸痛和增加血流。通过你的血管的地步堵塞找到你的医生边线长,细管。接着,放气的气囊被引导到堵塞的点,并且是简要地充气到加宽通道。与此同时,你可能有一个网状支架永久放置在堵塞的部位,以保持它打开。
- Coronary artery bypass嫁接是为了重设路线的血液流动。你的外科医生将一个健康的血管从你的胸部,腿部,手臂或,并将其连接到一个点超出了堵塞,允许其绕过你的动脉堵塞。
- 激光心肌血运重建是心绞痛的治疗,包括使用激光来使心脏肌肉和左心室渠道,以让更多的富含氧气的血液到心脏。这不是很好理解为什么这个过程减轻胸痛。而且,根据美国心脏病学院,它的安全问题往往大于过程的潜在好处。
- 心脏瓣膜修复或更换当心脏瓣膜不再正常工作就完成了。该阀可通过外科手术来修复或用合成或生物瓣膜替换。后者可以从猪,牛或人心脏组织制成,并且可以包括合成部件,以及。导管也可用于运作不良的阀门。
- 心律失常植入物,如心脏起搏器或植入式心律转复除颤(ICD)植入药物时没有充分恢复心脏的正常节律。无论是在时间恢复心脏的适当节奏时,你的心跳变得危险不规则。
- 心室辅助装置手术放置是涉及植入机械,电池供电设备,帮助一个或两个心室的时候,他们可以不再做了充分的工作因心脏衰竭的过程。通常情况下,他们在心脏移植前的时期植入。
- 心脏移殖is done during the last stage of heart disease, replacing your diseased heart with a healthy heart from a donor who has recently died.
Your Emotional Life
If you’re not doing well emotionally, you might struggle with all of the other aspects of your treatment, from eating right and exercising to taking your medications. Often, depression is to blame. In fact, about one in five heart disease patients develops serious depression, while many others have milder cases. Research is mixed on why this is, although some scientists believe inflammation is involved. Fortunately, counseling and medication can help. Talk to your doctor if you feel down, unmotivated, or discouraged for more than a week.
Heart disease can feel scary. But those worries can overwhelm you and interfere with enjoying your life. If you struggle with anxiety, try to shift your focus to what’s happening today rather than looking with worry at the future. Talk about your concerns with friends and family and ask them for support. And consider joining a support group to connect with others who face the same struggles that you do. Join the美国心脏协会的支持网络。
Your Work Life
If you’re recovering from a heart attack or surgery, it may be a few weeks before you can return to your job, but you’ll likely be able to pick up right where you left off. Of course, it depends on the job—if your current one puts too much strain on your heart—physical and, perhaps mental, in the form of stress--you may have to dial back your workload. The Americans with Disabilities Act, a federal law, offers工作场所的保护for people with heart disease.
Your Sex Life
You may have to wait up to six weeks before you resume your sex life—and only your doctor can tell you when you can safely return to romance. How long abstinence lasts will depend on your symptoms, like lingering chest pain or other complications. To get the all-clear, you may have to undergo an exercise stress test to measure your heart’s capacity to handle any under-the-sheets action.
Return to the Road
You can kickstart your new life withcardiac rehabilitation。这是一个医疗监督的程序通常持续三个月。有医生,护士,运动专家,营养师和心理健康辅导员工作,您将收到的运动训练,健康饮食的经验教训,方法减轻压力,和其他教育,旨在帮助您降低加重心脏健康的风险。
With half of the American population affected by some sort of cardiovascular disease, one thing's for sure—you are not alone. And we’ve got your heart-community covered, whether you're in the mood for a podcast to help you better understand your new (and necessary) lifestyle changes; a support group that's been there, lived that, and wants to pay the guidance forward; or an organization who will not only support you with research but will also invite you to a fun run.
Top Heart Disease Instagrammers:
•明星琼斯,@starjonesesq:你认识她,她在餐桌上粲然一笑,她的座位风景—yet she’s made it her mission to make sure you know her as the face of heart disease, too, since 2010. Despite the fact that she lost more than 100 pounds after gastric bypass surgery, she still went on to learn she had heart disease. She's now a spokeswoman for the American Heart Association and travels around the globe speaking to women about the dangers of heart disease and how simple lifestyle changes can literally save their lives.
•Alin Gragossian, @a_change_of_heart_blog, this: A completely healthy 30-year-old physician who never had any health issues other than a bout with appendicitis. How on earth, then, did she become a heart transplant patient overnight? Her personal experience, mixed with her professional POV, makes her feed and blog endlessly fascinating—and don’t worry, she tells you every single bit of her story.
•Love Your Heart: A Cleveland Clinic Podcast:Your many Qs, answered by experts. Trending topics, diets, and public health scares—discussed by experts. All things heart, all the time, brought to you from, yes, the专家在克利夫兰诊所,以浅白的文字介绍。
•Cholesterol Podcasts from The American Heart Association (AHA):现在,你应该知道,在心脏疾病的一个重要因素是你的心脏,你的饮食,你的胆固醇的健康。美国心脏协会就如何更好地通过这些翔实的播客管理的LDL和HDL提示。
•Plant Proof - Plant-Based Nutrition & Inspirational Stories:由西蒙·希尔,营养师,物理治疗师主持,并在植物为基础的营养(这是一个事)认证,在一个本播客珩磨最大的生活方式的改变,你将被迫作出,如果你有心脏疾病:饮食。发作特点的饮食方法,谁曾试图它们,并指导如何在行动上让人们。
Frequently Asked Questions心脏病
What causes heart disease?
- Heart Function (1):克利夫兰诊所。(2019)。“如何做血液流经你的身体?”
- 心脏功能(2):国家心脏,肺和血液研究所。(不详)。“How the Heart Works.”
- 心脏疾病和女性:克利夫兰诊所。(2019)。“雌激素与激素。”
- 心脏疾病诊断(1):梅奥诊所。(2019)。“验血为心脏疾病。”
- 心脏病诊断(2):UCSF健康。(不详)。“诊断心脏病。”
- 心脏疾病预防:美国心脏协会。(2018)。“CDC预防方案。”
- 心脏病Risk Factors (1):梅奥诊所。(不详)。“心脏病。”
- 心脏疾病的危险因素(2):Preventive Medicine。(2017年)。“肥胖冠心病:尚未解决的行为危险因素。”
- 心脏疾病统计:疾病预防与控制中心。(2019)。“心脏病的事实。”
- 心脏病Symptoms:美国心脏协会。(2015). “Angina (Chest Pain).”
- 心脏疾病治疗(1):国家心脏,肺和血液研究所。(2005).Your Guide to Living Well with Heart Disease。
- 心脏病治疗(2):国家心脏,肺和血液研究所。(不详)。“冠状动脉心脏疾病。”
- 心脏疾病治疗(3):美国医学协会。(2008年)。美国医学协会指南预防和治疗心脏病。
- Arrhythmia:克利夫兰诊所。(2019)。“Arrhythmia.”
- 心脏攻击(1):梅奥诊所。(2018)。“心脏病发作。”
- 心脏发作(2):美国心脏协会。(2016). “Older Americans & Cardiovascular Diseases.”
- Heart Failure:梅奥诊所。(2017年)。“Heart failure.”
- 心脏瓣膜病:克利夫兰诊所。(2019)。“Heart Valve Disease.”