Whether you’ve just been diagnosed or worry you could have multiple sclerosis (MS), you’re probably nervous, confused, and a little scared. That’s a natural reaction, and everyone featured on HealthCentral with a chronic illness felt like you do now. But we—and they—are here for you. On this page, you’ll discover the realities and challenges of the condition, but also the best treatments, helpful lifestyle changes, where to find your MS community, and all the crucial information to help you not merely manage—but thrive. We’re sure you’ve got a lot of questions ... and we’ve got the answers you need. Read on.
我们的专业面板Multiple Sclerosis

Meghan Beier, Ph.D.Assistant Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Clinical Neuropsychologist

Bruce Cohen, M.D.神经MS /神经免疫学主任,部

Neeta Garg, M.D.临床神经病学副教授
It’s easy to think that multiple sclerosis is caused by some kind of neurological disorder since it, you know, affects your brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves (a.k.a. the central nervous system, or CNS). But MS is actually an inflammatory autoimmune disease. As you may know, autoimmune diseases occur when the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy tissue in the body. In MS, the target is myelin, the fatty tissue that protects your nerve cells in the CNS.
Eventually, this damage (a process called demyelination) creates scars on your brain and spinal cord. And it's these lesions that disrupt the flow of information that usually zips through your nerves so you can do all the things you do. The presence of lesions on your brain is a lot like the fingerprints left behind at a crime scene—when doctors spot them, they know that MS is the likely suspect.
In fact, that’s why MS is called MS. “Sclerosis” means scarring. “Multiple” means more than one. So, multiple sclerosis = MS. To really understand how MS affects the cells, it helps to have a little context on how nerve cells work in the first place.

All nerve cells, also called神经元, have distinct parts. Here's what they do:
- The dendrites在细胞表面上接收(天线等)电的消息(命令)从脑和感觉器官(如你的眼睛和耳朵)两者。
- The somais the cell body. It doesn’t play an active role in transmitting nerve impulses; the signals simply pass through it.
- 轴突is the nerve fiber that actually transmits these messages. Think of an axon like a wire carrying an electric current.
- 轴突终末are the ends of the axon fibers.
- Synapsestransmit the message onto the next nerve.
轴突s are what you’ll be interested here, because damaged axons are whatreeeally造成混乱,功能障碍和/或疼痛附带MS。我们就不告诉你细节问题,但在这里就是你需要知道:
- When the axons send their messages through the CNS, they rely on themyelin sheathfor insulation. Myelin coats the nerves and essentially keeps these signals running smoothly.
- 当髓鞘被剥离,信号走一点失控。出现这种情况的一个细分后血脑屏障,我们都必须保护我们的大脑入侵的病原体。虽然研究人员为什么这个击穿MS患者出现仍然无法确定,他们不知道破裂或渗漏血脑屏障允许某些免疫细胞越境进入大脑,然后引起炎症。和炎症不仅使屏障甚至leakier,它也通过剥离髓鞘,最终导致破坏神经之间的通信疤痕,或硬化,你的大脑。
Bottom line? All these changes to the nerves can bring a whole constellation of symptoms, including eye pain and vision problems, motor challenges, changes to the bladder and bowels (having to pee urgently far too frequently, for example), plus trouble focusing and remembering. And they’re different for everyone. Your experience with MS may vary greatly from the person sitting across from you in the waiting room.

About a million people in the U.S. have MS, and about 2.3 million people have it worldwide. MS is three times more common in women than in men, suggesting that sex hormones such as estrogen and testosterone may play a role in the development of the disease, although researchers are still looking into this theory. There isn’t a cure—yet—but there are loads of treatment options. And while MS is a progressive disease, doctors and patients have plenty to be hopeful about.
A generation ago, medicinal treatment for MS symptoms did not exist. People with MS now enjoy a quality of life unknown even a decade or two ago. Science may not—yet—have all the answers, but it’s asking the right questions. Your job is to live as healthfully—and happily—as possible until all the answers arrive. And like we said from the start—we’ve got you.

The Lessons of MS
The Types of Multiple Sclerosis
Here’s the thing about MS…it’s not just one thing! In fact, there are four possible diagnoses (and one condition that may be a precursor):
- 临床孤立综合征:CIS可以是MS的早期指标。它指的是MS的第一症状可持续至少24小时。但并非所有人都诊断为CIS继续发展MS,并不是每个人都诊断为MS诊断在这个早期阶段。
- Relapsing-Remitting (RRMS):这是MS的最常见形式。约75%的人患有MS 85%的初步诊断与它。RRMS仅仅意味着疾病症状耀斑,或复发,对于时间至少24小时的时间,最多不过几周甚至几个月,然后撤退,或发还到缓解。缓解期,当症状完全消失,可以持续数年。
- Secondary-Progressive (SPMS):SPMS是指MS的阶段,当症状恶化稳步,有或没有缓解期。之前改变疾病的治疗(DMTS)在90年代中期首次推出,它被认为与RRMS所有的人50%会继续发展他们的初步诊断10年后SPMS。虽然长期的数据尚未公布,许多医生相信,今天的用于治疗RRMS将显著推迟其发作。
- 主进(PPMS):只有10%的人患有MS开发MS,这是稳步上升,从疾病的恶化开始症状,无复发或缓解期知的这种表现。
- Progressive-Relapsing MS (PRMS):影响人与MS只有5%,PRMS是疾病,其不断恶化的症状和急性(严重)复发,有或没有恢复已知最稀有的形式。
- Sex:妇女是两到三倍比男性更容易有RRMS(迄今为止,最常见的类型)。研究表明有可能是性激素样雌激素和睾丸激素,从而影响免疫系统和MS的发展之间的联系。雌激素,使免疫系统更具反应性,也许是为什么女性获得高得多的频率更多形式MS的指标。这就是说,男性也同样可能是女性发展PRMS,最严重的类型本病。
- Age:Although MS can occur at any age, there are some peaks: RRMS usually begins in the 20s and 30s. On average, SPMS is diagnosed about 10 years later than RRMS, but new advances in treatment mean that fewer people with RRMS are actually shifting into SPMS. Most people with primary-progessive MS are about a decade older than those who develop the relapsing-remitting form. And PRMS is generally detected in both men and women who are in their mid-to-late 30s.
- Family History:People who have parents or siblings with MS are more likely to develop the condition. Although MS is not an inherited condition, it likely has a strong genetic susceptibility. According to theMS信托,已经发现了超过230个基因,以增加发展这种疾病的风险。无单独引起MS,每个人都会有这些基因的不同组合。但由于家庭成员共享许多相同的基因,你的风险是较高的,如果你有MS的家庭成员。
- Mononucleosis as a Teen/Young Adult:While research hasn't yet made a direct connection between theEsptein-Barr病毒(EBV),这使得单声道的大多数情况下,和MS, multiple studies have shown associations between the two, especially among those who experienced EBV infection as teenagers or young adults, when the illness tends to be more severe than in young children.
- Smoking:Smoking is a known risk factor for MS, possibly in part because it causes inflammation throughout the body.
- Geography:MS是远在温带或寒冷的气候,包括加拿大,北中美,新西兰的部分地区和澳大利亚东南部和欧洲国家更为常见。为什么?研究发现,越远的人从赤道容易活,因为它们暴露于阳光少,比较常见的MS是。
- Vitamin D:Low levels of维生素Dhave been linked to a greater risk of MS. Because vitamin D mostly comes from sunlight, a D deficiency may be the likely culprit for higher rates of the disease in more temperate, or cooler, climates.
Here’s the thing: MS is truly an individual condition. Its progression and symptoms present differently in everyone with the disease. That’s because MS affects different parts of the central nervous system differently in different people. (Say that three times fast.)
That’s not to say there aren’t common symptoms—there are. But which specific symptoms someone with MS gets, and in what order, will vary depending on where MS lesions form. And sometimes, the location of the lesion doesn’t exactly correspond to the symptom! It’s annoying like that. That said, here are some common threads:
视力问题:Eye problems, known as optic neuritis, can be the first sign of MS that lead to the initial diagnosis of this disease, likely because they can’t be written off as easily as, say, fatigue (“Isn’t everybody tired?”) or memory issues (“We all forget things, right?”). When your vision is suddenly blurry or your eyeball starts to hurt, you don’t wait around. You see the doctor.
萧条:Studies揭示人与MS如何出现临床抑郁症的高利率比一般人群。不过,患有MS谁是郁闷份额率相似的人与其他慢性炎症,如betway.com betway体育 (RA) andinflammatory bowel diseasessuch asbetway.apk 和克罗恩, which may suggest that inflammation helps fuel symptoms of depression.
Weakness:你的身体可能感到虚弱任意数量的原因s if you have MS. For starters, impaired nerve conduction between the CNS and your body’s muscles may make those muscles work less efficiently, leaving you with a weakened feeling all over. And, of course, once you stop using those muscles with regularity, your endurance levels fall—so it can be a bit of a vicious cycle.
麻木和刺痛:也许你经历一条腿“如坐针毡”要么notice significantly less feeling in one hand (or bare foot) when it touches something than the other. People with MS have diminished, altered, or even total loss of sensation in different part of their bodies, which is sometimes accompanied by a tingling sensation.
Walking problems:Numbness is not the only thing that can negatively affect your ability to walk. Many people with MS have jerky movements and difficulty walking because the myelin on the nerves that control the arms and legs is damaged. Involuntary muscle spasms (called痉挛) are common in people with MS, too. Electric shock-like sensations calledLhermitte’s signs, which begin in the neck and radiate down in the trunk and the legs, can also make walking difficult.
Bladder and bowel problems:你觉得你迫切需要尿尿,和所有the time? These symptoms can happen when MS lesions disrupt nerve signals from the brain to the bladder and bowels—and they can be devastating, because you might feel humiliated with a growing lack of control over how often, and where, you choose to relieve yourself.
性的问题:According to one study of people with MS, 63% reported having sex less frequently after being diagnosed with this disease. Other research shows that 91% of men and 72% of women with MS surveyed reported sexual problems. Men with MS may have difficulty achieving, or sustaining, an erection. Women with MS may have reduced clitoral sensation. These stats are alarming, we know, so be sure to share any symptoms with your doctor, who can help you navigate these changes to your sex life.
- 言语不清, which can result from cognition problems
- MS拥抱, also known as束腰要么banding。这是各地可能导致呼吸困难,可以从肌肉痉挛,神经损伤,或两者导致躯干胸闷不舒服的感觉。
- 癫痫发作造成的脑损伤。这些都是比较少见的,只是MS 2%至5%的人遇到他们在不同的时间间隔,他们正在与治疗的药物。
- Difficulty breathing, which is less common and sometimes related to pre-existing allergies, illnesses like bronchitis or pneumonia, or sleep apnea.
- Dizziness or vertigo, which is a spinning sensation and is quite common. It's usually treated with anti-motion medications.
- 痛, which may feel like burning, stabbing, sharp, or squeezing sensations
- 瘙痒,这是家庭相关联,其包括“发麻”和上面描述的类型的疼痛MS神经损伤异常感觉的一部分。

How Is MS Diagnosed?
Unfortunately, there is no single, defining test for multiple sclerosis. Rather, doctors will only conclude that you have MS after systematically ruling out other diseases—including莱姆病,艾滋病病毒,狼疮,brain tumors和spine conditions, to name a few—that might be causing your symptoms. When—and only when—all signs point to MS will you get what’s called adiagnosis of exclusion要么differential diagnosis。
However, because MS symptoms are so wide-ranging, diagnosing it can sometimes be difficult. A man in his 50s with symptoms centered around emotional or cognitive problems might initially get a diagnosis of a stroke, for example.
- 体检
- Medical history, including a family health history
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), an imaging test that uses powerful magnets and computer waves to make a detailed picture of your brain and spinal cord, which may show signs of scarring
- 脊椎穿刺to examine cerebrospinal fluid that runs through the spinal column, which may show signs of the immune system attacking itself—if you have MS, this fluid will contain higher levels of a protein called immunoglobulin, which usually indicates inflammation in the brain
- 诱发电位, which are electrical tests to see if MS has affected the pathways of your nerves
- Blood teststo rule out other possible conditions, such as Lyme’s disease
Of these methods, MRIs and spinal taps can sometimes produce the most solid clues. MS lesions are an important sign of MS and can show up directly on an MRI scan. If a person has lesions throughout the brain—called病变负担—then an MS diagnosis is much easier to make. The same goes for the presence of high levels of immunoglobulin in your spinal fluid.
What Are the Treatments for MS?
There is no cure for MS yet, although treatment has come a long way in the last two decades. The best approach is a comprehensive one where you, along with your team of doctors, work to manage and prevent disease flares using a combination of medications, preventative strategies, and healthy living choices.
Disease-Modifying Therapies (DMTs)
According to the National MS Society, more than two dozen disease-modifying medications (DMTs) have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat RRMS. Of this group, one—ocrelizumab, sold under the brand names Ocrevus—has been approved to treat both RRMS and PPMS, with a few others are approved for SPMS and CIS.
Some DMTs arebiologics, meaning they’re created from living cells. Other DMTs are synthetic. Both work by interrupting the chain reaction that causes inflammation and the immune system response. The different drugs disrupt the inflammation cascade at different points and with varying effectiveness—but the result is less damage to myelin and fewer relapses.
美国神经病学学会(AAN)创造guidelines for stopping disease-modifying medications- 不要永远做你自己。有些DMTS可能会导致严重的副作用。跟你的医生了解如何你感觉,和你一起会想出适合您的疾病修饰治疗方法。
- Injectable medications(administered via needle, self-injected daily or a few times a week), like Avonex (interferon beta 1a), Betaseron (interferon beta 1b), and others
- Oral medications(通过口服每天一次或两次),像Aubagio(teriflunimide)的Gilenya(芬戈莫德),Zeposia(ozanimod),及其他
- 灌注药物(administered intravenously a few times a year), like Lemtrada (alemtuzumab), Novantrone (mitroxantrone), Ocrevus (ocralizumab), and more
There are fewer choices for treating the more progressive form of the disease (SPMS), because damage to the CNS is more widespread. DMTs that can treat SPMS include:
- Mavenclad (cladrabine)
- 倍泰龙(干扰素β1b)的
- 减瘤(米托蒽醌)
- Mayzent (siponimod)
To treat severe inflammation during a relapse, your doctor may also give you a high dose of oral or intravenous糖皮质激素。
You may also have other symptoms of MS to manage with medications, too, including bladder and bowel dysfunction, fatigue, tremors, spasticity, walking (gait) difficulties, sexual problems, itching, nerve pain, depression, and/or dizziness and vertigo. Depending on your specific set of symptoms, your doctor (or doctors) will prescribe the right combination of drugs for you.
Your MS Team
Which brings us to your MS medical team—because if you have MS, you’ll almost certainly be treated by not just one specialist but by many who will manage your physical and emotional health. This team mostly likely will be led by a神经学家。根据您的具体症状和疾病当然,你也可能会看到:
- Neuropsychologiststo manage cognitive and emotional symptoms
- Urologists治疗膀胱功能障碍
- 理疗师to manage movement symptoms
- 眼科医生治疗视神经炎
- 社会工作者to connect patients to resources

We’ve all heard how important it is for us to take good care of our health—eating well, exercising, getting quality sleep, seeking strong emotional support systems—yet it’s doubly important for someone with MS. That’s because research shows how your everyday choices, from what you eat to how much you move and sleep, to how well you cope with stress, can actually affect the disease progression of MS.
The first, most important thing you can do is to manage your MS to the best of your ability. That means paying attention to, and seeking treatment for, all your symptoms, preferably in their earliest stages by following your doctors’ instructions, and by signing up for ongoing rehabilitation to promote mobility, cognitive function, and social connection.
There is no dedicated MS diet. But certain foods—and drinks—are known to promote inflammation in the body. And if you have MS, inflammation is what you want to avoid, at all costs. A good basicguide? Follow the tenets of theMediterranean diet, which is big on olive oil and fatty fish (packed with inflammation-fighting omega-3 fatty acids); lots of colorful fruits and veggies; and plenty of whole grains. Also smart: Make sure you’re getting enough低脂奶制品。你每天需要1000〜1500毫克的钙,以避开骨质流失,这是常见的MS患者当中。
Things worth avoiding (or at least limiting):Added sugars, which fuel inflammation;额外的咖啡因(早上一杯或两个是好的,但更会加重膀胱和睡眠问题);和salt(high levels of sodium have been linked to flares).
行使是MS管理至关重要,很大程度上是因为它,没错,activelycombats symptoms of this disease. In fact, research shows it can preserve brain tissue and function, build strength, and improvebalance和协调。它也可以提高生活更多的能量,精神集中,快乐大脑内啡肽的提升,太,而如果你有慢性疾病的生活,你会欢迎综合素质。
What we really mean here is exercising yourmind。Cognitive decline can be a big issue for people with MS—65% of people with this condition report experiencing trouble focusing, processing information, and struggling with memory—but there are ways to help combat it. That’s because the human brain is not static. It uses what is called ourcognitive reserve—everybody has this backup system, not just people with MS—to form new connections, and to change and adapt. However, this reserve is not unlimited—it can only do so much. So救命your brain health by doing any and all of the following:
- Read more:Reading stimulates many parts of the brain—which is good for yours!
- Get lost in thought:Doing puzzles, playing memory games, learning a new language, or even balancing your checkbook in your head all help fight cognitive decline. Even engaging in fun hobbies like doing artwork or journaling count.
- Be social:Join a book club (reading!). Work out with a friend. Attend a church gathering or support a cause or foundation that speaks to your specific interests. When we’re social, we’re engaging our brains in many different ways, including the parts responsible for attention, language comprehension, and working memory.
If you’re living with MS, sleep is essential—maybe more for you than for most people, and for so many reasons. And because of your condition,可能会比较困难quality, consistent Zzzs.失眠,痉挛,紧张,神经疼痛和抑郁问题都可能导致你没有得到足够的shuteye,即使shuteye正是你最需要打击的是配备了疾病复发的沉重疲劳(有时外面一)。
- 监控您的心血管健康。Heart problems often coincide with MS. Remember, that inflammation that’s causing your symptoms can affect every cell in your body, including your heart. This is another reason why exercise matters so much. So work with your doc to keep close tabs on your heart health.
- Manage stress.Stress certainly doesn’t help your MS symptoms. In fact, it can even cause additional symptoms to emerge. Try talking to a therapist, practicing mindfulness, exercising, or joining a support group to keep your stress at bay.
- 以性爱当回事。Don’t ignore your sex life, even if your MS symptoms are making it a little trickier. There are treatments available to make sure you can still have a normal sex life–talk to your doc to get more info.
- 保持你的怀孕计划(如果有的话!)。没有证据表明,MS也妨碍生育能力,所以你需要采取一切预防措施别人会,如果你不想在这个时候开始一个家庭。但是,如果你准备怀孕,你需要才去的吧,比如你可能会马上采取任何改变疾病的药物来考虑一些事情。都不是目前批准的可安全怀孕由FDA,也建议您停止使用它们之前受孕期间使用。一定要与你的医生的指导说话,如果你想开始一个家庭。
Where Can I Find My MS Communities?
People with MS sometimes feel isolated, since their symptoms can literally take them out of the game, trip them up, or all but beg them to head back to bed. Try not to let MS limit your life—or shut you off from the people, places, and activities you enjoy. For inspiration, we’ve put together a social list to help you stay connected and (way) less alone:
热门MS Instagrammers /博客遵循
- 兰迪·帕特里克,@must_stop_ms和在Facebook上MustStopMS
Follow because:这是你每周社会圆桌谈论一切事物MS-包括个人的东西,你通常不会谈论,但还有一些关于兰迪和#ChatMS平台(Facebook和Twitter上每周发现的)带来它在你身上。
- Aaron Boster, M.D., Multiple Sclerosis onYouTube
Follow because:他不仅是一位德高望重的MS神经学家,但他有关MS谈到对病人的水平,如,你可以真正了解他在说什么。他分享他关于MS的洞察力激情遇到作为知识性和娱乐性。
- Selma Blair,@selmablair
Follow because:如果你还不知道她的,你需要。塞尔玛不只是一个名字,因为她是一个知名的女演员,出现在像“诱惑性”和“律政俏佳人”,她也日益成为最真实的,原始的,并且直言不讳MS主张在那里的电影。无论她让她的孩子把头发剪(她开始脱落,由于MS),或摇摆最酷的手杖,她无疑会激励你,让你感觉更强壮,只是通过滚动她的饲料。
- Trevor Wicken,@themsgym和themsgym.com
Follow because:不是一般的运动inspo,这些都是专门定制的训练(包括视频),教人们如何使用神经肌肉的锻炼和心态,帮助他们改变他们的生活。你不仅得到Trevor的MS-友好汗水会议的津贴,但你加入的人就是像你这样的社区,努力工作,他们的关节和their brains.
- Dave Bexfield,@activemsers
Follow because:It’s the perfect mix ofliving(和我们做平均值living—across the globe, even) with MS and sharing evidence-backed research on diet and exercise, plus how he implements these tips into his life, with some natural inspiration as to why you should, too.
- Ardra Shephard,@ms_trippingonair
Follow because:Her motto is “trip through life without wrecking the pretty”—if that’s not reason enough to follow her, maybe her sense of humor (and how she blings-out a mobility device) will entice you.
- FUMS现在。由凯西·里根年轻,谁融合了幽默和态度告诉“怪物”划走而与疾病更好的生活提供实用信息和提示托管。
- RealTalk MS。在那里每个人都知道MS的地方。乔恩乱弹汇集神经科学家和临床医生MS分享在MS的最新消息和突破,但软化鼓舞人心的是谁在MS社会做显着的事情个人的故事,研究重谈。
- Overcoming MS。这不只是关于药物和住在一个“正常”的生活与MS提供一个机会治疗,它也对你的生活方式。这就是为什么杰夫Allix科学家带来和fitness and nutrition experts to help you modify your lifestyle for a chance at living your best life with MS.
- Need to Know with Sam and John。Hosted by two friends—John Platt and Samantha Villella—who are navigating the world of MS together, then sharing their experiences with the rest of the world. They dive in to the off-the-wall topics that the MS community craves but doesn’t always get the chance to talk about.
MS Organizations and Non-profits
- 美国国家多发性硬化症协会。他们的愿景是什么?的世界免费MS的。虽然它们有助于提高人们工作,争取这一点,他们提供受MS还能够恢复丢失的记忆,并创建一个新的正常所需的资源的人。
- Live Wise MS。This is a unique resource for people living with MS, featuring posts from the MS community, plus information culled from a wide variety of resources that’s turned into a search tools on their website where you can look up symptoms and management tips.
- MS Foundation。在MS社会MS众知,这个非营利性的规定,解决人民的迫切需要与MS和他们的家人,帮助他们维持生活成为可能的最优质的免费服务。
- MS Association of America。这个全国性的非营利性还提供免费的方案,以提高与MS乡亲和爱他们谁的家庭生活,提供在线与训练有素的专家,MS设备及配件(如冷却背心),教育计划,对等网络论坛,聊天, 和更多。
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Frequently Asked QuestionsMultiple Sclerosis
Is multiple sclerosis fatal?
No, you won’t die from MS, itself. Studies do suggest that people with MS are atincreased risk of dying earlier从并发症,如心脏疾病,糖尿病,感染,肺炎和其他条件,所以重要的是要由医疗团队进行监控。你会。他们会做些什么来帮助你保持尽可能健康一切可能。
MS isn’t passed down from generation to generation, but the susceptibility for the condition might be. People who have family members with MS are at increased risk of developing it, too, and researchers have identified more than 230 genes associated with increased MS risk.
Does MS affect mostly women?
女性比男性更容易有大多数类型的MS。最常见的类型多发性硬化复发 - 缓解型MS的,占比达的MS 85%往往比它的人的情况下,影响女性的两到三倍。男人和女人对初级渐进MS中,非常罕见形式的平等的风险。
Is there a cure for MS?
- 关于MS:美国国家多发性硬化症协会。(不详)。“What Is MS?”nationalmssociety.org/What-is-MS
- Prevalence of MS (1):神经内科。(2016.) “Multiple sclerosis prevalence in the United States commercially insured population.”ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26888980
- MS的发生率(2):国际小姐的基础。Atla(2019年更新。)”s of MS—More Information.”msif.org/about-us/who-we-are-and-what-we-do/advocacy/atlas/atlas-of-ms-faqs/
- MS的流行病学(1):John Hopkins Medicine Multiple Sclerosis Center. (n.d.). “The Multiple Sclerosis Center.”hopkinsmedicine.org/neurology_neurosurgery/centers_clinics/multiple_sclerosis/index.html
- MS的流行病学(2):美国国家多发性硬化症协会。(不详)。“Who Gets MS? (Epidemiology).”nationalmssociety.org/What-is-MS/Who-Gets-MS
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- MS的风险:MS信托。(2018). “Risk of Developing MS.”mstrust.org.uk/a-z/risk-developing-ms
- 认知和MS(1):神经内科。(2013.) “Brain Reserve and Cognitive Reserve in MS.”ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3721094/
- 认识和MS (2):哈佛大学卫生出版社。(不详)。“什么是认知储备?”health.harvard.edu/mind-and-mood/what-is-cognitive-reserve
- 激素和MS:Frontiers in Immunology. (2018.) “Sex Hormones Determine Immune Response.”ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6119719/
- Eye Pain and Vision Loss From MS:梅奥诊所。(不详)。“Optic Neuritis: Overview.”mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/optic-neuritis/symptoms-causes/syc-20354953
- Invisible Symptoms of MS:美国国家多发性硬化症协会。(不详)。“But You Look So Good!”nationalmssociety.org/nationalmssociety/media/msnationalfiles/brochures/brochure-but-you-look-so-good.pdf
- MS Treatment and Management (1):Cleveland Clinic. (2018). “Multiple Sclerosis: Disease Management.”clevelandclinicmeded.com/medicalpubs/diseasemanagement/neurology/multiple_sclerosis/
- MS Treatment and Management (2):Nature:(2018)“治疗多发性硬化症。”nature.com/collections/whyfzwfvvr/timeline/
- 心血管健康和MS(1):Neuroepidemiology。(2010)“在多发性硬化患者动脉心血管疾病的风险:基于人群的队列研究。”ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20881430
- Cardiovascular Health and MS (2):Multiple Sclerosis News Today。(2018.) “MS Patients Tend to Have More Heart Problems, Need More Exams, Study Shows.”multiplesclerosisnewstoday.com/2018/02/22/ms-patients-have-more-heart-problems-need-better-examinations/
- 钠的摄入和女士:神经内科。(2014.) “Sodium Intake Is Associated With Increased Disease Activity in Multiple Sclerosis.”n.neurology.org/content/82/10_Supplement/P6.150
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- 应力和MS(1):运动药物。(2014)。“关于身体活动和运动应力的影响。”ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3894304/
- Stress and MS (2):American Psychological Association. (n.d.).“Stress Effects on the Body.”ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3894304/