Read part 1这个的约瑟夫·F.博士卡佩拉Intervie ****约瑟夫·F.嘉佩乐博士下半身升降机
选择正确的外科医生塑身减肥后:urgical Experiency减肥寿命:嘉佩乐博士,你的书,**减肥后身体塑形手术**,指出许多对大量减肥患者进行的手术过程是复杂的,劳动密集型的,而且是可以按照大量的减肥身体轮廓畸形的广泛往往超过什么整形外科医师传统解决大小。
五车博士:Post-bariatric身体轮廓是一个相对较新的area within the field of plastic surgery, in that bariatric surgery only has become popular in the last 10 to 15 years. And because of that, many surgeons have come through their training not having been exposed to post-bariatric body contouring. Because of that these surgeries are not considered traditional procedures, in the sense that they've been honed over decades like many of the other plastic surgery procedures. And so what plastic surgeons may do is use these more traditional procedures and apply them to the post-bariatric patient, which often will lead to sub-optimal results.
But, again, I think the most important question is: How many have you done and how frequently do you do it? Ideally the doctor is doing your procedure once per month, something like that.
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