生活与肥胖并不容易;除了health complications you may be experiencing, our society places an enormous stigma on individuals who are overweight and obese. You may feel embarrassed or ashamed. But we at HealthCentral are here to tell you that you’re not alone—far from it. Millions of other people living with this condition feel or have felt just like you do right now. We—and they—are here for you. On this page alone, you’ll discover the realities and challenges of obesity, along with the best treatments, helpful lifestyle changes, and all the crucial information to help you not just manage—but thrive. We’re sure you’ve got a lot of questions...and we’re here to answer them.
Angela Fitch, M.D.马萨诸塞州总医院体重中心的副主任,肥胖医学会副会长
Sara N. Bleich, Ph.D.公共健康政策教授
John Kirwan, Ph.D.执行董事
First, let’s talk about what obesity不。这不是一个性格缺陷,懒惰的标志,或缺乏控制的证据。这不是一个理由感到羞愧或制成一个笑话的妙语。就像type 1 diabetesormultiple sclerosis,肥胖是一种疾病,以及难以控制一个,在那。
It’s a legitimate medical condition that occurs when your body accumulates and stores excess amounts of fat. Depending on one’s height and weight, obesity is divided into several categories, including Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3.
And while society as a whole seems to have no problem poking fun at those with obesity via memes and jokes, the truth is that obesity is now the norm in our country. According to new research published in the新英格兰医学杂志, 40% of the U.S. population is currently living with obesity and that number is projected to rise to nearly half of the American population by the year 2030. Contributing to eight of the 10 leading causes of death in the U.S., obesity is a public health epidemic—and there's nothing funny about that.
At its most basic level, obesity is a result of an imbalance in caloric intake and expenditure: When you consume more calories than you burn through exercise and activities of daily living, you create what is called a “positive energy balance”—your body has taken in more fuel than it can use. If that continues unchecked, it can lead to weight gain and, possibly, obesity.
Experts now believe that environment—the social, economic, cultural, and even physical factors that surround us every day—hold enormous sway over what we eat, how much we consume, and how quickly or inefficiently we burn it off.
- 对吃零食移位。这些热量往往是除了我们的饭菜,这意味着我们不能弥补那个下午3点通过在晚餐吃得少的芯片袋。
- 采蘑菇的份量。在20世纪50年代典型的快餐饮料是七盎司。今天的饮料往往42盎司。同时,汉堡包和鱼苗部分在尺寸上增加了两倍。
- 超加工食品普及。我们谈论的糖果,饼干,薯片,苏打 - 所有这些都以某种方式设法是calorically高但营养缺乏。
- 从家常菜渐行渐远。超过我们的卡路里一半来自家庭之外。这些菜肴往往是在脂肪和糖比自制熟食更高。
- Targeted marketing。If you shop online for a certain less-than-healthy snack, targeted ads for similar products will start popping up on your social media feed. In another form of targeted marketing, companies that make fast food, soda, and other processed foods are known to concentrate their marketing efforts in black and Hispanic communities.
- Access to cars and public transportation。驾驶到处意味着没有必要走,和走路可以消耗热量。少热量的燃烧,同时进食同样数量的提高体重增加的几率。
在a study published in the美国临床营养学杂志,受试者吃同样的饮食与相同数量的卡路里六周有一个例外:当它来到谷物,一个组中包含全谷类(糙米,全麦面包和燕麦),而其他吃精制谷物,如白面包。整个中粮集团那些人烧毁了近100更多的热量,每天,只是由于热效应。
随身携带过量的体重可以把对心脏的压力,迫使它更加努力地工作,以整个身体的血液送。个人谁是超重或肥胖者也往往具有条件独立筹集的风险heart disease,例如升高的胆固醇和高血压。
Type 2 Diabetes
在这种越来越普遍的情况下,一个人的血糖水平成为慢性升高。截至成人的90%,type 2 diabetes超重或肥胖,这可能是因为过量的重量能使细胞变得到称为胰岛素激素,它负责从血液运送糖到细胞中,在那里它可以被用于能量更有抵抗力。与胰岛素抵抗,糖留在血液中的时间量不合适,造成炎症。高血糖并发症包括心脏疾病,中风,肾病,截肢和失明。
Up to a staggering 40% of all癌症与肥胖有关。医生们发现肥胖与这些癌症之间的连接:
- 结肠和直肠
- 乳房(特别是在绝经后的妇女)
- 食管
- 胆囊
- 肾
- 肝
- 卵巢
- 胰腺
- 甲状腺
According to a recent study published in the国际肥胖杂志人们谁是肥胖现场5.6至7.6近年来比正常体重的人少。这些谁是严重肥胖的预期寿命8.1至10.3年代少了。
…And More
体重(公斤)/身高(米)的平方= BMI
- 25.0 BMI至29.9 =超重
- BMI of 30 or more = obese
To put that in perspective, a woman who is 5’4” and weighs 175 is considered obese (BMI of 30). The same goes for a 5’9” man who weighs 204 pounds (BMI of 30.3).
- 类1 = 30.0 34.9 BMI
- 类2 = 35.0至39.9 BMI
- 第3类,或重度肥胖= BMI≥40.0
Opponents feel it may be a misleading measurement, either incorrectly categorizing some people as obese, as it doesn’t take muscle mass or body frame into account (in athletic individuals or those with highly muscular builds, for instance) or, more dangerously, classifying some people as healthy simply because they have a "normal" BMI, when in fact they may be at risk for weight-related health conditions due towherethey carry their fat.
What Are the Best Treatments for Obesity?
So yes, the struggle is real. Ready for some encouraging news? Losing just 3% to 5% of your weight—and maintaining that loss—has the power to bring about important improvements in health. You can stabilize your blood sugar levels, lower your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, and more. Dropping more than that helps improve heart health and may be enough to reduce the dose of medication you take for various related chronic diseases.
With that in mind, check out the treatment strategies experts currently employ to help people fight obesity, and their odds of success.
Lifestyle Modification
This category typically includes weight loss efforts designed to help people consume fewer calories and increase physical activity. If you’re working with a healthcare provider, she or he may recommend adding behavior change tools to help you stay on track, such as setting specific, attainable goals; keeping a food and exercise journal; and digging deep to learn about the environmental cues that prompt you to eat in unhealthy ways.
Percent of people who will reach their weight-loss goal using lifestyle modifications: 2% to 5%
- vegetarian or vegan eating
- 间歇性禁食
- therapeutic carbohydrate reduction (a.k.a. the Keto diet)
The Food and Drug Administration has approved several medications for weight loss and chronic weight management. You need a BMI greater than 30 to qualify for a prescription, though those with a BMI greater than 27 as well as a weight-related health complication are eligible as well, even though they’re not technically obese.
- 阿利(奥利司他)- 这种药物通过阻断食物中脂肪的吸收。当食用时减少约30%的脂肪,从食物吸收,在大便消除。
- Ozempic (Semaglutide)- 到2021年已被用于治疗糖尿病,这种药物有望成为适用于肥胖,属于一类药物GLP-1受体激动剂,并研究表明,它可以帮助一些人失去了重量高达20%。
- Suprenza(芬特明)- 在大脑中食欲浸湿,这刺激神经递质的目标。
术语“内窥镜”是指医生使用一个小的,灵活的仪器通过你的嘴,进入你的肠道。一旦进入,许多方法中的一个可以用来帮助减少食物的摄入。这些措施包括intragastric balloon,而这正是它听起来是这样的:气球在胃中,在那里它占用的空间来降低食欲和鼓励病人消耗较小的部分膨胀。在内镜缝合,细针脚缝到胃里面,使上较少的食物的人产生饱腹感。
从正面看,内窥镜程序在同一天,门诊的基础上进行,而且比手术(意味着更少的风险),创伤更小。不利的一面,他们还没有投保,所以你可以期待支付$ 5,000到$ 8,000个的口袋里。
- 胃绕道- 外科医生,创建了一种新的,更小的胃,然后直接将其连接到小肠。第一步骤减少,可以(在一个时间约二至六个盎司)被舒适地消耗的食物的量,和所述第二步骤防止主体从吸收如,因为它会否则多少卡路里。
- Gastric Sleeve (a.k.a. Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy)- 像胃绕道手术,这限制多少人可以吃。不同于胃旁路,胃的约80%被除去。“套筒”,也有调节食欲的激素有很大的影响,所以人们一般只是觉得手术后那么饿了。
What’s Life Like for People with Obesity?
在dividuals affected by excess weight and obesity are on the receiving end of unwarranted disapproval and shaming by others in the workplace, in the dating world, at their doctor’s office, when dining out, at the gym, or just at the corner store, as other customers assess and judge their purchases. Studies have concluded that weight stigma is as pervasive as racial stigma.
Weight bias also impacts how and whether a person chooses to access health care. For example, studies have shown that women with obesity tend to skip preventive care appointments and routine gynecologic cancer screenings. Reasons include wanting to avoid interacting with providers who had previously expressed a negative attitude towards their weight or given unsolicited weight loss advice; fearing being asked to wear a too-small gown or sit on a too-small examining table; not wanting to be weighed; you get the point. The result is a supremely unhelpful catch-22, causing those who need medical help the most to avoid it.
Ironically, some of the more successful forms of treatment, such as surgery, are themselves stigmatized. No one would ever fault a woman with breast cancer for needing a mastectomy, yet that’s a common response to hearing of someone electing to undergo metabolic surgery. (“Wow, what a failure. She couldn’t lose it on her own.”)
Still, society is slowly moving forward with an understanding that obesity is a disease and not a lifestyle choice. Using respectful language (“人与肥胖“ 代替 ”肥胖的人”) is a major step in the right direction, and exciting work is being done with regards to public health policy and treatment innovation.
Power in numbers, right? With 40% of Americans currently living with obesity, this community has no shortage of people who are right there with you. This community finds a way to encourage each other —will对方 - 为健康的未来。作为这个世界的一部分,似乎现在望而生畏,但这些影响力和单位部门会帮助你来与刻度上的一些术语,并通过自己的行程,鼓励你开始你自己的。
- 香农·泰勒,@shannons_story
遵循这是因为:喜欢谁掀起减肥旅程大多数人而言,香农没有坚持在第一时间周围...甚至第五。但直到他遇到了他的医疗比赛 - 他的胃套外科医生 - 它最后点击。他是说的缩影,如果它不工作的第一次,尝试,再尝试。他现在的道路上完成了铁人三项,但永远不会忘记他来自何方,所以他分享了他从那里得到怎样,在这里,他进了灵感。
- Mike "Gormy” Gorman,@gormy_goes_keto
- 肥佬论坛。Gormy’s back again — and this time with a podcast that not only chronicles his 300lb weight loss, but also shines the spotlight on other men with phenomenal weight loss journeys. They come from all walks of life and hearing their tactics from each POV will suck you in for hours (or days...).
- 肥胖Panacea Podcast。Two Ph.D. candidates with a fascination for obesity and weight-loss host this podcast, which feature reviews on new products, promising programs, and trends for weight-loss. They bring in the experts to dive into options for obesity, but also the mental and social norms around this disease.
- This Podcast Burns Fat。如果播客的名字没有告诉不够......这个播客的目的是帮助你吃干净,找出最适合你,最终,燃烧脂肪的锻炼。通过主机洛瑞Shemek博士和健康教练奥马尔·康伯巴奇的支持,这是当你需要有关获取健康的知识,你听播客and在鼓励每天推。
- 肥胖协会。这个非盈利性组织认为有肥胖背后一门科学 - 这不只是你的环境和生活的选择,它的化学,它是你内心。同时帮助您理解的是,他们也做了工作,创造科学为基础的治疗,以改变你的生活。
- 肥胖行动联盟。需要为您的旅程肥胖供应商?他们得到了你。感到这将是最好的在这个过程中社区?他们有一个。想参加的脸对脸或虚拟会议,让你重新振作?下来吧。这家非盈利有你需要的实际上是成功的在你的减肥之旅的一切。
- LEAD珍稀肥胖。This incredible group supports those with genetic disorders of obesity, like POMC, LEPR, PWS, and others that you likely only know if you are affected by one of them. Being a part of this group (and there aremanysupport groups to choose from within LEAD) makes you feel like — maybe for the first time in your life — that you’re understood.
Get your calculator ready. Obesity is defined using a relatively simple mathematical equation:体重(公斤)/身高(米)的平方=身体质量指数。大多数医生认为一个成年人Body Mass Index, or BMI, of 30 or more to be obese. In words, obesity can be defined as a diagnosable medical condition that occurs when an individual’s body accumulates and stores excess amounts of body fat.
肥胖is the second leading cause of preventable death in the U.S. According to a recent study published in the国际肥胖杂志, people who are obese live 5.6 to 7.6 fewer years than their healthy-weight counterparts.
从BMI POV,有人谁是超重的有25.0至29.9 BMI,同时为30的BMI人以上被认为具有肥胖。这两个条件都铺平对类似的健康问题的方式的可能性。
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- 肠道菌群与肥胖:Lund University. (2018). “New link between gut bacteria and obesity.”sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/02/180223092441.htm
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- 原发性肥胖:杂志转化医学。(2019)。“为什么初级肥胖是一种病吗?”ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6530037/
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- 肥胖的流行和耻辱:BMC医学。(2018)。“如何以及为什么重量耻辱驱动肥胖‘流行病’和危害健康。”bmcmedicine.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12916-018-1116-5
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- 巨蟹座和身体脂肪:新英格兰医学杂志。(2016)。“身体肥胖与癌症 - 国际癌症研究机构工作组的观点。”nejm.org/doi/10.1056/NEJMsr1606602