戴维森最近不得不阻止她生物治疗for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) prior to a minor a surgery, and the difference is significant.
“The simplest of tasks are difficult to do because of fatigue and flares,” says Davidson, who shares her patient experience on her blog, Chronic Eileen.
With the help of her medication—which is Actemra (tocilizumab)—she’s able to “handle some of the smallest things a healthy person would normally take for granted.”
All biologics, which are large protein antibodies that target the inflammatory response that causes RA and are given either by...
- Infusion (IV)
- 注射
The key is finding the right balance. “Biologics are generally more effective in treating RA symptoms than non-biologic medicines, and even in some cases, safer,” says Justin Peng, M.D., a rheumatologist at Arthritis and Rheumatism Associates in Washington, D.C.
目标总是呢?尽可能地减少你的RA活动。当你知道生物制剂可能让你feel—both positively and potentially not so—you’ll be better able to navigate any pitfalls and make smart changes to get you where you need to be.
阅读更多Side Effects of Biologics (and What You Can Do About Them)
- 感染
- Irritation at the injection site
- 头痛
- Nausea
- 过敏反应
- Heart failure (but only in those with prior heart disease)
- Increased risk of certain types of cancer
Yes, some of these side effects are scary, including the possibility of cancer (“although studies are mixed and a causal relationship has not been proven,” Dr. Peng says). But biologics are worth your consideration even with these potential risks, he says.
“These medicines are all working to suppress the immune system in a way that then translates into reduced inflammation and better quality of life,” says Brian Horgan, P.A.-C., a board-certified physician assistant at Tri-State Pain Institute in Erie, PA, a comprehensive pain- and arthritis-management center.
因此,您的身体对常见病毒和细菌的防御较少。发表的数据表明,一些人群的感染风险比其他人群更高:在一个分析of 5,596 patients on biologics with inflammatory chronic arthritis (including RA) or psoriasis, 4.2% (or 289 people), had infections severe enough for hospitalization.
老年人或具有合并症的人的风险更高。最常见的感染是上下呼吸道 - 所以基本上,colds,窦感染,肺炎和支气管炎。
- Washing your hands regularly
- 避免任何人生病
- 避免可能含有有害细菌的生或未煮熟的食物
- Having vaccinations (but consult your doctor on this one first because with the lower immunity that biologics bring, certain live vaccinations may be safer to have before you start treatment)
According to the Arthritis Foundation, these injection-site reactions can be “fairly common,” often when starting treatment with biologics (they're less common for infusions, which are delivered through an IV).
Here are some tips for reducing injection-site issues (which are “easily treatable”) before injecting a biologic, according to Dr. Peng:
- Ice the area
- 使用局部代理,例如局部利多卡因(但请先与您的医生讨论)
- Bring the injectable up to room temperature
How Will You Likely Feel on a Biologic?
Here’s the deal: Biologics can be “miracle drugs,” but like any other medication, they’re not perfect, says Horgan. So while you may think all of your symptoms will stop, it could be that they quiet down but with an occasionalRA flare。
“I definitely know I have RA. It’s not like it’s just magically disappeared,” Kramer says. “For the most part, I have flares occasionally, but usually it’s when I overdo things, or I’m letting myself get bogged down with stress, but they’re very short, and they’re nothing like what I had in the past, before getting on this biologic.”
- Reduction in stiffness, swollen joints, and pain
- 改善运动范围和功能水平
- Increased activity tolerance and quality of life
- Reduced inflammatory-marker activity in blood work and stabilization of joint disease progression on X-ray
“Biologics are a big piece of a puzzle made of many pieces of a patient’s treatment program,” he says.
如果您的生物学并未减轻您的症状 - 或正在增加您的副作用 - 您的医生可能会将您切换到另一个。它的迹象不起作用包括不良事件,即不会消退,没有症状浮雕,或者您培养自己的抗体,它不再有效地停止炎症(您的医生可以测试)。
戴维森目前在与前两者遇到激烈的副作用后在第三种生物学上。但审判和错误是值得的。在开始生物学之前,她尝试了18种药物总量的RA,包括甲氨蝶呤,标准DMARD., or disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs. She didn’t respond well to that药物,体验强烈的副作用。
Now, she feels so much better on a biologic. She can write. She can keep up with her son. And she can be a patient advocate, serving as ambassador for the Arthritis Society and an Arthritis Research Canada Patient Advisory Board member.
Finding a biologic that has little to no side effects for her has meant everything to Davidson, because in addition to having reduced pain and reduced damage to her joints and organs, in the last two years she’s been on Actemra, she feels “more in control of my disease.”
When Will You Feel Better?
You’ll likely experience results, or a response, from a biologic within a few weeks, or up to about three months of your starting dose. “While the effectiveness of biologic agents varies, I usually tell them to be patient,” Horgan says.
一旦你在生物学,你可能会每三个月左右看到你的医生,让你的回复(和可能的副作用)监测。You’ll typically have blood work done at those visits, to test your levels like inflammatory markers and blood-count abnormalities, according to Dr. Peng, which can measure for the effects of long-term use of medication and infections, among other issues. These tests will help your healthcare team monitor your body’s ongoing reaction to the drug.
如果您在经常访问之外的任何副作用 - 即使您不确定您的症状与您的药物有关,请务必致电您的医疗保健团队。他说,在生物学时,最好是积极主动,而不是冒着你的病情恶化的风险。
所以她得到了第二种意见和超声波,这表明她的痛苦实际上是ra和oa的永久性关节损伤 - 她的新生物学不是问题。
“I felt relief knowing I was on the right treatment path, keeping the inflammation at bay,” she says. “The more I understood my disease and limitations, the more I could see how Actemra was working for me overall, and I couldn’t be more grateful for advances in modern medicine.”