Treatment for psoriasis varies greatly, depending on the affected body part, severity, and desires of the patient, says Rachel Nazarian, M.D., a dermatologist at Schweiger Dermatology Group in New York City. For example, creams and ointments are considered topical treatments, used to treat smaller surfaces of the skin. Systemic treatments, like oral medications, biologic therapies, and phototherapy, are used for larger areas and to treat internal inflammation. According to Kemunto Mokaya, M.D., a dermatologist in Houston, TX., most psoriasis treatments take weeks to kick in because the turnover cycle of the skin occurs between 28 and 40 days. Topical corticosteroids, which are strong topical steroids, may take as little as two weeks to see a response.
If your medications for psoriasis aren’t working, this may be a sign that the medications aren’t strong enough, says Joshua Zeichner, M.D., associate professor of dermatology and director of cosmetic and clinical research at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. But instead of ditching what you’re currently on, your doctor might recommend a layered approach. Within a specific medication, the higher the number, the higher the strength, according to Dr. Nazarian. “So a 0.5% hydrocortisone is weaker than a 1%, but you can’t compare the percentages across different medications,” she explains. But to treat more extensive disease, systemic medications can be added in addition to topical medications.
Topical treatments and systemic medications need time to take full effect. Therefore, stopping treatment in the middle of its tracks can result in no or slow changes to your skin’s health. Failing to adhere to a治疗计划Mokaya博士警告说,可能导致完全治疗失败。另外,当药物突然停止时,因为您认为皮肤已经治愈,就可以反弹反应。“当牛皮癣长时间用皮质类固醇治疗,然后突然停止而没有锥度时,这一点尤其如此。”
- An increased number of plaques that cover more body surface area
- 牛皮癣参与影响生活质量的新领域,例如头皮,指甲或生殖器
- Worsening of an itch
处理牛皮癣无疑是令人沮丧的。如果您对皮肤感觉良好,那么您将更倾向于照顾皮肤并使用药物。但是,如果您对皮肤的外表或感觉不满意,Nazarian博士建议向皮肤科医生表达您的感受和目标。说“我对皮肤不满意”或“我对牛皮癣感到不舒服,我想进一步改善。”您还可以与医生分享牛皮癣耀斑如何影响您的生活,工作,自尊心和情绪。“描述性越大,越好,” Mokaya博士说。
One of the best ways to show providers what you’ve been experiencing is by taking pictures whenever you get银屑病flares。Mokaya博士说:“最好用图片记录牛皮癣,以显示它会变得有多严重。”另外,记录您的症状及其严重程度可能会提高约会的效率,因为您的皮肤科医生不必想象您的描述;他们可以亲眼目睹它。纳扎里安(Nazarian)博士强调了知道您使用药物多长时间的重要性,认识到您对治疗的坚持,并能够描述您的改善程度。
Beyond Meds
Coupled with adhering to your doctor’s medical advice and treatment plan, you can also make lifestyle changes that can impact your condition. Managing stress levels, incorporating a healthy diet, and practicing good sleep hygiene, are great places to start. FYI: Poor sleep can flare psoriasis by triggering the inflammatory pathways in the skin, offsetting the benefits that medication may offer, and increasing the risk of break-through lesions, explains Dr. Nazarian. The biggest lifestyle lesson is to “be patient,” says Dr. Mokaya. “Psoriasis usually does not develop overnight and so there is no treatment that will clear it up overnight.”