Best Foods to Help With Constipation

Battling constipation? Adding these foods to your diet can help keep your GI tract moving.

byLara DeSanto Health Writer

Constipation—it’s kind of最差的。除了作斗争之外,这个常见的消化问题可能会带来腹部疼痛和不舒服的腹胀。值得庆幸的是,您不必遭受痛苦 - 有一系列可以帮助您预防和治疗便秘的选择。其中之一?饮食变化。不,我们不仅在谈论像纸板一样味道的麸皮和充满纤维的谷物。我们要求专家告诉我们更多有关哪种食物最好帮助使事情移动的信息。


Before we get into the best foods to battle your便秘, it helps to understand what leads to constipation in the first place. There are many potential causes for constipation, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), such as certain medications, your monthly cycle, other health conditions like irritable bowel syndrome, and, yes, some eating habits or changes in your diet. For example, the NIH says, not getting enough fiber and not drinking enough water can contribute to your bowel struggles. So which foods can help combat these issues?


这种第一种食物可能不足为奇,因为长期以来一直是帮助启动肠子的流行选择:李子干,又名Prunes。“李子是一种常见的天然治疗方法,因为它们含有纤维和称为山梨糖醇的糖酒,从而增加了凳子中的水含量,”加利福尼亚大学胃肠病学家兼医学副临床教授David C. Kunkel说。迭戈。kunkel博士说,李子(每天约有100克或大约10个李子)说,如果您纯粹希望增加肠运动的数量,则可能是最好的选择,但要当心他们也可能会引起腹胀。


This sweet yet tart fruit has proven a worthy rival of the old standby, prunes, per a2021研究美国胃肠病学杂志。Researchers compared three different constipation treatments over four weeks: two kiwis per day, 100 grams of prunes per day, and 12 grams of psyllium per day (Metamucil brand). Kiwi was the favorite, resulting in more bowel movements and less side effects like bloating and belly pain. “What’s unique about kiwi is it contains fiber but also this special enzyme that breaks down protein, and it has some sugars in it as well, so it was the most well-tolerated treatment,” Dr. Kunkel explains.


载体is a form of fiber made from the husks of seeds from thepanthago ovata植物。虽然不完全是食物,而是一种饮食补充剂,但这是自然便秘疗法之一,具有重大研究以支持其使用。NIH说,花栗鼠通常以胶囊或粉末(例如metamucil)出售,是一种散装的泻药,吸收液体以散装便便,因此更容易通过。昆克尔博士说:“这种纤维的缺点是会导致腹胀和多余的气体。”


“有些人将木瓜作为天然便秘疗法,”德克萨斯州休斯敦贝勒医学院的胃肠病学家兼医学助理教授Richa Shukla说。木瓜已被用来帮助从便秘到胃灼热的一系列消化症状。一项研究发现,木瓜提取物的每天20毫升导致40天的腹胀中便秘的统计显着改善。可以在补充商店中找到木瓜提取物,但是研究尚未证明简单的食用水果是否提供了类似的好处。

High-Fiber Vegetables

“If you tend to be constipated, working in high-fiber foods, including vegetables, is really important,” says Dr. Shukla. That said, she adds, some of these foods can cause bloating on their own. You might be thinking: Aren’t all vegetables stocked full of this fiber stuff? Not so! “Generally, a vegetable that you have to spend a little time chewing is higher in fiber, which is good for constipation,” she says. Some high-fiber options include broccoli, squash, sweet potato, and peas, per the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Whole Grains, Nuts, and Seeds


It’s not technically a food, but drinking enough water may help with constipation, so we had to sneak it in here. What’s more, mineral water rich in magnesium and sulphate increased poop frequency and consistency in constipated people in一个六周的研究。Drinking enough water and other hydrating liquids is a must, says Dr. Shukla, because it helps fiber work better in your gut, which then makes your poop softer and easier to pass. While drinking more water may not be the Holy Grail for constipation, it’s definitely a key in preventing it in the first place.

The Bottom Line

在饮食方面进行便秘治疗时,最好的赌注是猕猴桃和李子,但是将其他高纤维来源纳入您的餐点也很重要,以防止便秘,例如蔬菜,全谷物等。在改变饮食习惯之前,请务必与您的医生交谈,或者尝试自然的便秘疗法,并记住 - 食物并不是整个情况。Shukla博士说:“可以从那里开始,但是要注意它是否有效。”“如果便秘没有回应一些一线疗法,包括增加饮食,运动和miralax中的纤维,请与您的医生交谈。”

Constipation Statistics:National Institutes of Health. (2021.) “Constipation.”

Kiwi vs. Prunes for Constipation Study:一种Merican胃肠病学杂志。(2021年。)“美国慢性便秘患者中绿色奇异果,木马或培训的探索性比较有效性试验。”

番木瓜for Constipation Study:神经内分泌学的信。(2013.) “Papaya preparation (Caricol®) in digestive disorders.”

木马信息:The National Institutes of Health. (2015.) “Psyllium.”

Nutrition for Constipation:一种cademy of Nutrition and Dietetics. (2021.) “Nutrition Tips for Relieving Constipation.”

Lara DeSanto
