
Despite being diagnosed at lower rates, Black people with AS fare far worse. Here’s why—and what to do about it.

byAmy Marturana Winderl Health Writer

如果你是被诊断出ankylosing spondylitis (AS), a type of inflammatory arthritis that mainly impacts the joints of the spine, you may experiencesymptomslike stiffness, pain, and for some, immobility. However, research suggests that Black people in the U.S. tend to have it worse. (Think: more severe disease and loss of function.) There are likely a few reasons for this, many of which point to baked-in healthcare biases that can leave Black patients underdiagnosed and undertreated. Here’s how experts explain these disparities—and what they say Black people with AS can do to take control of their health.

AS Research Reveals Different Outcomes by Race

“The research on this topic is very limited,” saysNilasha Ghosh医学博士,硕士,纽约市特殊外科医院的风湿病学家。确实存在的研究表明了一个惨淡的现实:一个发表在临床风湿病学, found that despite being diagnosed at lower rates than white and Hispanic patients, Black patients reported greater discomfort and impairment, had higher blood markers of inflammation, and showed more joint damage and deterioration on radiological scans (including X-rays and MRIs). Another study in the风湿病学杂志发现与白人患者相比,具有较高疾病活动和合并症的非裔美国人。



Black People Are Underrepresented in Research

Ghosh博士指出,没有足够的黑人在研究中包括在研究中得出关于遗传风险的明确结论,以及诸如社会经济地位之类的因素尚未得到充分探讨。在一个letter to the editorresponding to that风湿病学杂志study, experts point out that findings on racial differences in AS are likely skewed by how the research was done. For example, they note that only 8% of patients in the study were African American, and only patients who had at least two rheumatologist visits were included, excluding any patients who lack access to specialists.

Reliance on the HLA-B27 Gene

There’s a gene, HLA-B27, that is associated with spondylopathy, explains马格达莱纳学员, M.D., a rheumatologist at NYU Langone in New York City. According to研究, the majority of people with AS have this gene. “This gene is most often found in Caucasians, so it may not be checked for in Black Americans,” Dr. Cadet says. Thing is, while the gene can help assess risk, you don’thaveto have it to have AS. And研究suggests最多有60%的非洲裔美国人确实拥有它 - 当然,比90%的白人拥有它的百分比较低,但绝对没有。





Comorbidities Are Compounded With AS

Another reason AS may be more severe in Black people is because this population has a higher incidence of having simultaneous health conditions that can add to the overall levels of inflammation in the body, Dr. Cadet says—andinflammation is what drives AS symptoms。“Black Americans tend to have [a higher incidence of] comorbidities likehigh blood pressure,diabetes, orbetway168 , and that can also affect disease activity.” Unfortunately, having AS also puts a person at risk of these same comorbidities, adding to the disease burden for people who already are actively dealing with them.


Because of healthcare biases, Dr. Cadet notes that often Black people may not receive as much education and communication from their doctors, leading to a delay in diagnosis. “Black populations may not be as readily aware of AS symptoms—back pain and stiffness that gets better with exercise, early morning stiffness, or other symptoms, like trouble breathing because of rib inflammation, or eye pain,” Dr. Cadet says. This can make it difficult for patients to know that something like AS may be lurking, and that they need to ask for more tests—or even a second opinion.

What All People—and the Healthcare System—Can Do


Research on Racial Disparities (1.):临床风湿病学。(2017年。)“强直性脊柱炎的种族和疾病严重程度A三个族裔的横断面分析。”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc5693696/

Research on Racial Disparities (2.):风湿病学杂志。(2020年。)“美国强直性脊柱炎的临床特征和合并症的种族差异。”https://www.jrheum.org/content/47/6/835.long

Lack of Research:风湿病学杂志。(2020.) “True Difference or Detection Bias: Racial Differences in Clinical Features and Comorbidities in Ankylosing Spondylitis in the United States.”https://www.jrheum.org/content/47/7/1150.1

HLA-B27 Gene:StatPearls。(2022.)“ HLA B27综合征。”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK551523/

Racial Disparities in Biologic Prescriptions:美国风湿病学院。(2020年。)“类风湿关节炎治疗选择和护理位置中种族差异的表征。”https://acrabstracts.org/abstract/characterization-of-racial-disparities-in-rheumatoid-thratis-treatment-warteat-choice-choice-and-location-care/-care/

Meet Our Writer
Amy Marturana Winderl

Amy is a freelance journalist and certified personal trainer. She covers a wide range of health topics, including fitness, health conditions, mental health, sexual and reproductive health, nutrition, and more. Her work has