12 Holiday Gifts Your JIA Kid Will Love
Arthritis doesn’t justaffect older people. Kids can get it, too. In fact, juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) encompasses six different diseases that look and feel a lot like the adult-version of arthritis, says Rebecca Trachtman, M.D., pediatric rheumatologist at Mount Sinai Kravis Children's Hospital in New York City. JIA symptoms can make regular kid stuff hard—things like going to school, joining gym class, playing sports, even doing homework. We’ve got some great JIA holiday gift ideas to add comfort and fun to the season, so your child can focus on what really matters: being a kid.

Warm Snuggle Buddy
JIA can affect children of any age, from toddlers to teens, with some being diagnosed as young as 1. “The major presenting complaint is joint pain,” explains Dr. Trachtman. “Kids can also experience trouble with range of motion and swelling.” Heating joints can bring many JIA kids relief, she adds. Try this cozy—and adorable—source of warmth: aSoft Hot Water Bottle Coverfrom CeltGif. It comes with a handmade sheep (or奶牛!)掩护,因此您的孩子可以有一个舒适的伙伴,可以在关节疼痛时依ugg。Etsy,$ 34.

Learning to tie your shoes is a big milestone for kids, many parents would agree, but lacing up is zero fun with aching finger joints. TheseU-Lace No-Tie Sneakers Lacesmake a difficult daily task for JIA kids way easier and less painful—plus, they come in every color—including rainbow!—under the sun, so they look super-fun, too. A great stocking stuffer idea! (Tell your kid this product was first fished on Shark Tank—and billionaire Mark Cuban bit, buying a 35% stake in the company!)U-Lace.com, $5.

Mini Me Mobility
每个孩子都想看到自己在世界上,并感觉自己属于自己。这套来自American Girl Doll的移动配件会向您展示您的最喜欢的洋娃娃可能需要一些帮助,没关系!如果您的孩子已经是AG粉丝,那么他们可能已经在稳定的轮换(Spapphire)上有一个迷你游戏?珍妮?乔斯,也许? - 因此,简单地添加配件:带有粉红色框架的轮椅,手臂拐杖,还有一个感觉较折叠的套件(带有拐杖,铸造,甚至是企鹅冰袋那可以匹配你的孩子的!)。American Girl Doll $16 to $45.

Slam Dunk
我们的JIA专家一致认为,正确的体育活动是保持关节运动和感觉良好的好方法(只要确保您的孩子永远不要试图克服痛苦,他们建议)。由于水自然是浮力的,因此它是您孩子四处走动而不会加重关节的理想场所。您的孩子将有一个球floating basketball hoop,这将为他们提供与朋友一起玩的超级有趣的方式,并使他们移动而不会增加关节痛苦。总成绩!亚马逊$ 40

早晨早上可能是贾孩子一天中最困难的时期之一,因为他们的关节在睡觉时会变硬。Trachtman博士说:“当他们醒来时,很多孩子会感到最严重的关节痛。”虽然关节疼痛可以在任何地方袭击,但手脚的疼痛特别容易受到影响。给您的孩子与这些Aroma Season Electric Heated Winter Glovesfor their walk to school this winter—also perfect for pelting snowballs after the bell rings. A little heat can go a long way.Amazon.com,$ 59.99.

Fingerless Freedom
等待 - 获取indoors, 也?完全正确。这些多色的无指手套from Ecowool will help keep your kid’s finger joints warm and most important, loose, making it that much easier to use their hands, whether they’re doing schoolwork, painting a picture, or cleaning up their room. This natural wool is soft, warm, and durable, so they’ll be able to hang with your kid all day long. And, this pair comes in a range of sweet hues, too, so your kid can sport whatever color-combo they deem the coolest this season.Ecowool.com, $29.26.

有时候,一个Jia Kid只想想要他们的朋友想要的东西。还有一些礼物,这样柯达微笑经典即时数码相机, can be given without worry because it’s super-lightweight, easy to carry, and won’t add to JIA fatigue. Tweens and teens love taking pics—and they also love retro ways to snap them. This digital cam gives instant gratification, printing large, vibrant photos using Bluetooth technology—way more high-tech than Polaroids of yore. Added bonus? Your kid will create tactile memories with their friends IRL—without once having to pick up a smart phone.亚马逊$ 119.99. (Film sold separately.)

Amazing Feet
Omkar Phadke M.D.说,脚的另一个问题可能是俄亥俄州克利夫兰市大学医院彩虹婴儿和儿童医院的小儿风湿病学家Omkar Phadke M.D.说,脚也可能会派上用场。温暖的袜子或拖鞋是那些经历脚痛的人的绝佳礼物。这些极脚非羊毛袜子(在这里在“ Ripple”中看到)有很多明亮的图案,当您的孩子在房子周围跑来时不会滑。奖励点:它们是由加拿大人制造的,专家以保持感冒。Polarfeet.com,$ 14.99.

Most kids think homework is a pain, but it’s literally painful for some JIA students. Between school and homework, kids are constantly taking notes—and all of that pencil time can be hard on the joints in the hand, says Dr. Trachtman, especially if they’re dealing with active arthritis or arthritic damage. Consider getting your JIA kid a tablet like theApple iPad要使他们的上学日子和工作更轻松一些 - 因为在键盘上打字比整天握铅笔要少得多。她补充说:“ iPad是我的装备列表的顶部。”Apple, from $329.

另一个可以使功课减轻痛苦的填充填充式想法是Ergonomic Foam Pen/Pencil Grip从厚脸皮的乌龟。它的设计目的是让孩子的关节在记笔记或只是在笔记本上涂上涂鸦的时候休息一下 - 就像在孔中滑动一支笔或铅笔并挂在上面!自适应泡沫握把有不同的形状和颜色,因此请拿起一包,以使写作的痛苦和有趣得多。Etsy, $5.29 for a pack of seven.

That’s a Wrap
在寒冷的冬季早晨,外面仍然很黑,您的孩子的警报将在30分钟内熄灭,悄悄地扔在Wicked Cozy Heated Throw Blanketonto their bed before they wake up. It’ll provide head-to-toe joint relief to better start their day. Plus, it’s so cozy, they’ll want to curl up in it from morning-to-night for some soothing warmth. Bonus: This blanket travels well for any holiday road trips, and it’s good for snuggling on movie nights, too.L.L. Bean,$ 119.

并非所有的毛绒玩具都是平等创建的,有一个原因,数以百万计的人紧紧地挂在他们的身上Squishmallowsright now. Extra-huggable, they’re perfect for bedtime and couch cuddles, or for traveling wherever your JIA kid goes—including the occasional hospital stay or clinic appointment. These squishy critters are aTiktok感觉, and—hang on to your wallet!—there are more than 1,000 to collect. Pick out just one cute critter, or order the popular神秘盒子让一个惊喜。亚马逊,单身squishmallow $ 24.99;$ 29.99的神秘盒子.
Emily Halnon is a freelance writer and trail runner out of Eugene, Oregon. She’s published work inThe Washington Post,守护者,Runner’s World,女子跑步杂志,沙龙, 和更多。她可以在