What Your Physical Therapist Wants You to Know About AS Pain

当你有强直性脊柱炎(AS),最值得注意的问题之一是疼痛 - 当您移动某些方式时,尖锐而刺伤的型,或者持续的沉闷性疼痛来自僵硬和炎症。有些人都有。尽管拉伸和运动可能无法完全消除您的疼痛,但它们是更大的策略的一部分,可以降低总体上的疼痛水平。在这里,物理治疗师分享了他们对拨打伤害,减少清晨肌肉僵硬并感到更舒适的见解。

Consider Gentle Yoga and Pilates
Both yoga and Pilates are heavily focused on improving mobility in the trunk and mid back, which makes them ideal for those with AS, says Jordan Allison, D.P.T., at Colorado in Motion in Fort Collins, CO. “These practices, along with specifically prescribed exercises from your physical therapist, are the perfect place to start for addressing your pain,” he says. If there’s no studio near you, no problem: There’s a breadth of online fitness apps that have classes you can do in your home. Just be sure to start slow and opt for shorter sessions at first, Allison says.

Focus on Your Breathing
艾莉森说,无论您是做瑜伽,普拉提还是轻柔的伸展运动,有效性最高的秘诀都是关注呼吸。您想做的类型是diaphragmatic呼吸 - 也称为“belly breathing” - 每次吸气都会拉下膜片。这有助于更轻松地填充肺部,从而在脊柱中产生微妙的运动。艾莉森说:“这有助于减轻与脊柱移动性相关的负面影响。”“即使您没有移动太多,呼吸也可以帮助您在背部产生更多动作,减轻疼痛。”

艾莉森说,一般运动是有帮助的,但是任何形式的反向加强运动对于减轻痛苦都特别有价值。那includes movessuch as spine extension, spine rotation, cat-cow poses, and dumbbell rows. “Exercises that encourage the recruitment of the muscles between your shoulder blades is especially good for those with AS, and improves overall functional mobility,” he says. If you’re not sure which ones to do, he suggests talking with your physical therapist and putting together just a few moves you can do at home a couple times weekly.

Find an Activity You Truly Enjoy
While regular movement is essential for lowering AS pain, you’re much more likely to make it a habit if you really enjoy the activity, according to Kate Ayoub, D.P.T., a physical therapist and health coach in Washington D.C. “Especially when you’re just getting started and want to create a consistent exercise routine, think about what you like doing the most,” she says. “Then you can build on that as you make it a habit.” For example, if you love walking outside, you can incorporate stretches before and after a daily walk.

Set Meaningful Goals
Just reducing your AS pain may seem like enough of a goal, but if your pain level drops, you may stop exercising as a result and end up back where you started, Ayoub says. That’s why having realistic but meaningful goals can give you a sense of progress. For instance, maybe you want to go on a bike ride with your kids in a few months, or do a 5K walk for charity, or simply sleep better without pain waking you up. She suggests talking with your physical therapists and setting milestones along the way that can get you there.

Stretch Before Bed and When You Wake
睡眠对于减少炎症非常重要,因此,重要的是,您必须采用为您提供所需的Shuteye的策略。总部位于亚利桑那州凤凰城的Precision Precision Recenerative Medicine的老板Tammy Penhollow说,一种有用的策略是将温和的伸展运动放入您的就寝时间。她说:“就像炎症状况一样,当身体发炎时,疼痛会放大。”“在睡觉前伸展,觉醒后降低炎症反应。”

Sometimes, people with AS pain try to avoid twisting because it can exacerbate their pain. While a sudden twist—especially one that extends beyond your range of motion—can cause a painful flare, doing gentle twists can be beneficial for improving mobility, says Allison. Rotation through the trunk can build strength and flexibility, as well as reduce the kind of stiffness that can increase pain. A practice like yoga tends to include twists, but you can also put them into your day anytime, he adds. And be sure to breathe deeply as you twist to help relax your muscles.


Although strategies like the ones on this list are helpful, keep in mind that everyone is unique in terms of their needs and the extent of their AS. Physical therapists and occupational therapists can develop a tailored exercise plan that’s most appropriate for your needs, says Allison. Take advantage of that resource, and don’t forget to also do the exercises they suggest for home care. Movement is nutrition for your back, and a physical therapist can be essential for helping you understand what and how much you should be doing.
核心工作:AnkylosingSpondylitis.net. (2021.) “Strengthening the Core Without Causing a Flare: Part One.”https://ankylosingspondylitis.net/living/core-cercises
Importance of Reducing Stress:Spondylitis Association of America. (n.d.) “Treatment of Spondylitis.”https://spondylitis.org/about-spondylitis/treatment-information/
压力缓解者:Mayo Clinic. (2021.) “Stress Relievers: Tips to Tame Stress.”https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/sress-management/in-depth/sress-relievers/art-20047257
Elizabeth Millard is a freelance journalist specializing in health, wellness, fitness, and nutrition. Her articles have appeared in SELF, Men’s Health, CNN, MyFitnessPal, and WebMD, and she has worked on patient education