Despite being a common disease, psoriasis remains misunderstood. Here's the real deal.
有牛皮癣吗?然后you’re joining more than 3% of the U.S. population (7.5 million people) with this condition, characterized by its raised raw, itchy plaques and scales on your skin. It’s one of the most common skin disorders, but despite the prevalence of psoriatic disease, certain myths persist about its causes, characteristics, and treatment options. People who don’t understand psoriasis often believe that it’s nothing more than dry skin—or that it’s contagious. As they say, knowledge is power, and we asked the experts to help us put these frustrating and stigmatizing myths to bed. Here's the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth about psoriasis.
Myth: Psoriasis Is “Just” a Skin Condition
For some people, psoriasis is mainly a skin condition—for instance, a patient who has a few plaques on their elbows and nothing else. But in many other cases, people with psoriasis have additional symptoms, like plaques on their scalp and pitted nails. They may also have psoriatic arthritis or other correlated conditions like cardiovascular disease, says board-certified dermatologist Todd Minars, M.D. owner of Minars Dermatology in Hollywood, FL. “A lot of other concerns can accompany psoriasis and that makes it tricky to limit it with a label as finite as ‘only’ a skin condition,” adds Dr. Minars.

Fact: Psoriasis Is a Multifactorial Disease
牛皮癣被描述为一种免疫介导的疾病,目前尚不清楚确切原因是什么。但是,专家们认为,它的特征是由于人的免疫系统失衡而导致的全身性炎症。“许多患者具有潜在的遗传易感性,然后环境加剧,”加利福尼亚州Mission Viejo的Providence Mission Hospital的董事会认证的皮肤科医生Brian Toy解释说。Toy补充说,压力,天气,感染和药物会使牛皮癣的症状恶化。
Myth: Psoriasis Looks the Same on Everyone
The most common type of psoriasis is plaque psoriasis, which affects up to 80% of people with the disease, per the国家牛皮癣基金会(NPF). Plaque psoriasis, which commonly appears on the scalp, knees, elbows, and lower back, manifests as raised scaly patches of skin. Four other types of psoriasis include guttate psoriasis (small, round spots), inverse psoriasis (inflamed skin that is smooth and not scaly), pustular psoriasis (pus-filled, painful bumps), and erythrodermic psoriasis (a rare, potentially life-threatening form that causes the skin to shed in large sheets).

关于这种疾病的最有害故事之一也是绝对不正确的。牛皮癣并不像您的孩子在学校里出现的皮疹,可以传播给别人。“牛皮癣不是传染性的,但公众可能不会意识到这种疾病不能从一个人传给另一个人,” Toy博士说。他补充说,银屑病疾病的社会污名可能非常孤立。“牛皮癣的患者通常会很尴尬地在海滩或游泳池上脱衣服,穿短袖衬衫或短裤可能是有问题的。”对于那些对牛皮癣的误解而言,约会和亲密关系也是一个挑战。

People with psoriasis are more likely to be depressed and experience severe mental disorders. One病例控制的研究报道说,有84%的牛皮癣患者患有精神病,并且other research在两种疾病中,两种疾病,包括牛皮癣和抑郁症患者中的维生素D3和褪黑激素水平的水平较低,发现了许多重叠。此外,一些与牛皮癣相关的神话,例如认为它具有传染性或感染性的信念会导致孤立和低自尊的感觉,这些感觉会引起牛皮癣患者的抑郁症。

Myth: Psoriasis Can’t Be Treated
Scientists are still trying to find one and done way to squash this disease for good, but it’s important not to let that get you down if you or your loved one is battling with the condition. Dr. Fromowitz points out that there has been an incredible revolution in psoriasis treatments since the first FDA-approved biologic medication more than 15 years ago. “Since then, innovations have emerged rapidly, and our results have become truly incredible with some injectable medications clearing a person’s skin completely of all evidence of the condition,” he says.
Myth: Psoriasis Is No Big Deal
牛皮癣的类型:国家牛皮癣基金会。(2021.) “Locations and Types.”https://www.psoriasis.org/locations-and-types/
牛皮癣和心理健康:印度皮肤病学杂志。(2011.) “Psychiatric Morbidity in Psoriasis Patients: a Pilot Study.”https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21860173/
Overlaps Between Psoriasis and Mental Health:肉质。(2020年。)“牛皮癣与抑郁症之间的关联:传统的评论。”https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7489316/
克莱尔·吉莱斯皮(Claire Gillespie)writes about mental health, psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis and IBS for HealthCentral. She is a passionate about mental health awareness, and also writes about health and wellness for other sites, including